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Laboratory for Computational Medicine and Technology Resources

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This page contains research code, data and other resources for the implementation of the methods proposed in our publications. Please feel free to contact the authors for more details.

Resources for students

The following page contains resources for new or prospective students.

LaTeX template for a DPhil thesis or other reports

This Git repository contains LaTeX templates for a 4th year project (4YP) report or a DPhil/PhD thesis for a student of the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. The typical 4YP report contains around 50 pages, whereas a DPhil thesis can contain 250 pages.

Automated method for detecting and reading seven-segment digits from images of blood glucose metres and blood pressure monitors

We have developed a set of open-source algorithms for detecting and reading seven-segment digits from images of blood glucose meters and blood pressure monitors. Together with the open source code we provide a dataset of images of blood glucose meters and blood pressure monitors and an automated method for generating a dataset of synthetic 7-segment digits for image classification problems.


Measuring vital signs using smartphone devices


We seek to make the measurement of the cardiorespiratory vital signs, such as heart rate and breathing rate, widely available and truly non-invasive. We developed a mobile application to bring our technology for vital sign monitoring to your smartphone.








MIMIC-III and eICU-CRD vital-sign profile toolbox


We are interested in the physiological and diagnostic significance of circadian vital-sign profiles, and have developed a toolbox for extracting and plotting these profiles from two large, publicly available clinical databases.