Publications from the Brassart Research Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
57. T. Zanetti Ferreira, Z. Pan, P.-A. Mouthuy, L. Brassart, 2025. Characterisation and modelling of continuous electrospun poly-(e-caprolactone) filaments for biological repair. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 161, 106810. [Link]
56. K. Alkhoury, C. Zhang, G. Liu, K. McEnnis, L. Brassart, S.P.V. Nadimpalli, S.A. Chester, 2024. Investigating the influence of stress on UV-induced degradation in cellulose acetate: A comprehensive experimental characterization. Int. J. Solids Struct. 305, 113086. [Link]
55. G. Kumar, L. Brassart, 2024. An anisotropic full-network model with damage surface for the Mullins effect in filled rubbers. Int. J. Solids Struct. 304, 113030. [Link]
54. L. Mangas Araujo, I. Kryven, L. Brassart, 2024. Micromechanical modelling of rubbery networks: The role of chain pre-stretch. Int. J. Nonlin. Mech. 166, 104834. [Link]
53. Z. Pan, H. Chen, L. Brassart, 2024. Constitutive modelling of glassy polymers considering shear plasticity and craze yielding. Int. J. Plasticity 178, 103996. [Link]
52. J. Aspinall, K. Sada, H. Guo, S. Kotakadi, S. Narayanan, Y. Chart, B. Jagger, E. Milan, L. Brassart, D. Armstrong, M. Pasta, 2024. The impact of magnesium content on lithium-magnesium alloy electrode performance with argyrodite solid electrolyte. Nature Comm. 15, 4511. [Link]
51. G. Hunter, L. Djumas, L. Brassart, A. Molotnikov, 2024. Modelling of 3D brick-and-mortar structures using cohesive zone finite elements. Advanced Eng. Mater. 26, 2301146. [Link]
50. H. Chen, Z. Pan, D. Yuan, G.S. Sulley, R.N. Oosterbeek, C.K. Williams, L. Brassart, 2023. Shear yielding and crazing of dry and wet PLA at body temperature. Polymer 289, 126477. [Link]
49. G. Kumar, L. Brassart, 2023. On tube models of rubber elasticity: fitting performance in relation to sensitivity to the invariant I2. Mech. Soft Mater. 5, 6. [Link]
48. G. Hunter, L. Djumas, A. Molotnikov, L. Brassart, 2023. Modelling the effect of layer strength distribution on the brick-and-mortar failure regimes and properties. Mech. Mater. 187, 104820. [Link]
47. Z. Pan and L. Brassart, 2023. A reaction-diffusion framework for hydrolytic degradation of amorphous polymers based on a discrete chain scission model. Acta Biomater. 167, 361-373. [Link]
46. Z. Pan and L. Brassart, 2022. Constitutive modelling of hydrolytic degradation in hydrogels. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 167, 105016. [Link] [PDF]
45. K. Mishra, L. Brassart and A. Singh, 2022. Rate dependent fracture behavior of highly cross-linked epoxy resin. Eng. Fail. Anal. 140, 106558. [Link]
44. G. Hunter, L. Djumas, L. Brassart and A. Molotnikov, 2022. Effect of angled layers on failure regimes in brick-and-mortar structures. Mater. Des. 218, 110680. [Link] [PDF]
43. G. Hunter, L. Djumas, L. Brassart and A. Molotnikov, 2022. Controlling failure regimes in Brick-and-Mortar structures. Extreme Mech. Lett. 51, 101596. [Link]
42. L.Y. Wang, Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, Y. Bréchet, L. Brassart, A. Arlazarov and C.R. Hutchinson, 2021. Transitions in the strain hardening behaviour of tempered martensite. Acta Mater. 221, 117397. [Link]
41. F. Van Loock, L. Brassart and T. Pardoen, 2021. Implementation and calibration of a mesoscale model for amorphous plasticity based on shear transformation dynamics. Int. J. Plasticity 145, 103079. [Link] [PDF]
40. J. Fan, L. Brassart, W. Shen and X. Ge., 2021. An explicit formulation of the macroscopic strength criterion for porous media with pressure and Lode angle dependent matrix under axisymmetric loading. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng., 13, 820-832. [Link]
39. D. Chang, J. Liu, Z. Xu, B. Fang, Z. Li, Y. Liu, L. Brassart, F. Guo, W. Gao and C. Gao., 2021. Fusion and fission of graphene oxide based fibers. Science 372, 614-617. [Link]
38. T. Pardoen, N. Klavzer, S. Gayot, F. Van Loock, J. Chevalier, X. Morelle, V. Destoop, F. Lani, P. Camanho, L. Brassart, B. Nysten and C. Bailly, 2021. Nanomechanics serving polymer-based composite research. C. R. Phys. 22, S3, 1-22. [Link]
37. A. Bagheri, J. Arghavani, R. Naghdabadi and L. Brassart, 2021. A theory for coupled lithium insertion and viscoplastic flow in amorphous anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Mech. Mater. 152, 103663. [Link]
36. G. Alamé and L. Brassart, 2020. Effect of topological defects on the elasticity of near-ideal polymer networks. J. Appl. Mech. 87, 121006. [Link] [PDF]
35. L.Y. Wang, Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, Y. Bréchet, L. Brassart, A. Arlazarov and C.R. Hutchinson, 2020. Strain hardening behaviour of as-quenched and tempered martensite. Acta Mater. 199, 613-632. [Link]
34. L.Y. Wang, Y.X. Wu, W.W. Sun, Y. Bréchet, L. Brassart, A. Arlazarov and C.R. Hutchinson, 2020. Thermal and athermal contributions to the flow stress of martensite. Materialia 11, 100719. [Link]
33. F. Delannay and L. Brassart, 2020. Variational analysis of the influence of grain shape anisotropy on shear viscosity in Nabarro-Herring-Coble creep. Mech. Mater. 143, 103312. [Link]
32. G. Alamé and L. Brassart, 2019. Relative contributions of chain density and topology to the elasticity of two-dimensional polymer networks. Soft Matter 15, 5703-5713. [Link] [PDF]
31. L. Brassart and F. Delannay, 2019. Bounds for shear viscosity in Nabarro-Herring-Coble creep. Mech. Mater. 137, 103106. [Link]
30. L. Brassart and L. Stainier, 2019. Effective transient behaviour of heterogeneous media in diffusion problems with a large contrast in the phase diffusivities. J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 124, 366-391. [Link]
29. K. Ismail, A. Perlade, P.J. Jacques, T. Pardoen and L. Brassart, 2019. Impact of second phase morphology and orientation on the plastic behaviour of dual-phase steels. Int. J. Plasticity 118, 130-146. [Link]
28. Y. Zhao, D. Dong, S. Gong, L. Brassart, Y. Wang, T. An and W. Cheng, 2018. A moss-inspired electroless gold-coating strategy to stretchable fibre conductor by dry spinning. Adv. Electron. Mater. 5, 1800462. [Link]
27. F. Delannay and L. Brassart, 2018. Strain rate dependence of the contribution of surface diffusion to bulk sintering viscosity. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 102, 736-747. [Link]
26. F. Delannay and L. Brassart, 2018. Transient and asymptotic kinetics of mass transfer by coupled surface and grain boundary diffusion in sintering under strain rate control. Proc. R. Soc. A 474, 20180104. [Link]
25. J. Chevalier, L. Brassart, F. Lani, C. Bailly, T. Pardoen and X. Morelle, 2018. Unveiling the heterogeneity-controlled viscoplastic behavior of glassy polymers. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 121, 432-446. [Link]
24. L. Brassart and L. Stainier, 2018. Effective transient behaviour of inclusions in diffusion problems. Z. Angew Math. Mech. 98, 981-998. [Link]
23. N. Soro, L. Brassart, Y. Chen, M. Veidt, H. Attar and M. Dargusch, 2018. Finite element analysis of porous commercially pure titanium for biomedical implant application. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 725, 43-50. [Link]
22. A. Simar, A. Mertens, S. Ryelandt, F. Delannay and L. Brassart, 2018. Mean-field model analysis of deformation and damage in friction stir processed Mg-C composites. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 723, 324-333. [Link]
21. L. Brassart, Q. Liu and Z. Suo, 2018. Mixing by shear, dilation, swap, and diffusion. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 112, 253-272. [Link]
20. L. Brassart, Q. Liu and Z. Suo, 2016. Shear, dilation, and swap: Mixing in the limit of fast diffusion. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 96, 48-64. [Link]
19. C. Zhai, D. Hanaor, G. Proust, L. Brassart and Y. Gan, 2016. Interfacial electro-mechanical behaviour at rough surfaces. Extreme Mech. Lett. 9, 422-429. [Link]
18. Q. Lai, L. Brassart, O. Bouaziz, M. Gouné, M. Verdier, G. Parry, A. Perlade, Y. Bréchet and T. Pardoen, 2016. Influence of martensite volume fraction and hardness on the plastic behavior of dual-phase steels: experiments and micromechanical modeling. Int. J. Plasticity 80, 187-203. [Link]
17. Q. Lai, O. Bouaziz, M. Gouné, L. Brassart, M. Verdier, G. Parry, A. Perlade, Y. Bréchet and T. Pardoen, 2015. Damage and fracture of dual-phase steels: influence of martensite volume fraction. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 646, 322-331. [Link]
16. S. Kammoun, I. Doghri, L. Brassart and L. Delannay, 2015. Micromechanical modeling of the progressive failure in short glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics - First Pseudo-Grain Damage model. Composites A 73, 166-175. [Link]
15. J. Li, Q. Liu, L. Brassart and Z. Suo, 2014. Mechanics of supercooled liquids. J. Appl. Mech. 81, 111007. [Link]
14. G. Sandu, L. Brassart, J.-F. Gohy, T. Pardoen, S. Melinte and A. Vlad, 2014. Surface coating mediated swelling and fracture of silicon nanowires during lithiation. ACS Nano 8, 9427-9436. [Link]
13. A.-P. Pierman, O. Bouaziz, T. Pardoen, P.J. Jacques and L. Brassart, 2014. The influence of microstructure and composition on the plastic behaviour of dual-phase steels. Acta Mater. 73, 298-311. [Link]
12. K.J. Zhao, Y.G. Li and L. Brassart, 2013. Pressure-sensitive plasticity of lithiated silicon in Li-ion batteries. Acta Mech. Sinica 29, 379-387. [Link]
11. B. Miled, I. Doghri, L. Brassart and L. Delannay, 2013. Micromechanical modeling of coupled viscoelastic-viscoplastic composites based on an incrementally affine formulation. Int. J. Solids Struct. 50, 1120-1129. [Link]
10. L. Brassart and Z. Suo, 2013. Reactive flow in solids. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 61, 61-77. [Link]
9. L. Brassart, K. Zhao and Z. Suo, 2013. Cyclic plasticity and shakedown in high-capacity electrodes of lithium-ion batteries. Int. J. Solids Struct. 50, 1120-1129. [Link]
8. L. Brassart and Z. Suo, 2012. Reactive flow in large-deformation electrodes of Lithium-ion batteries. Int. J. Appl. Mech. 4, 1250023. [Link]
7. L. Brassart, L. Stainier, I. Doghri and L. Delannay, 2012. Homogenization of elasto-(visco)plastic composites based on an incremental variational principle. Int. J. Plasticity 36, 86-112. [Link]
6. L. Brassart and L. Stainier, 2012. On convergence properties of variational constitutive updates for elasto-visco-plasticity. GAMM-Mitt. 35, 26-42. [Link]
5. L. Brassart, L. Stainier, I. Doghri and L. Delannay, 2011. A variational formulation for the incremental homogenization of elasto-plastic composites. J. Mech. Phys. Solids 59, 2455-2475. [Link]
4. I. Doghri, L. Brassart, L. Adam and J.-S. Gérard, 2011. A second-moment incremental formulation for the mean-field homogenization of elasto-plastic composites. Int. J. Plasticity 27, 352-371. [Link]
3. L. Brassart, I. Doghri and L. Delannay, 2010. Homogenization of elasto-plastic composites coupled with a nonlinear finite element analysis of the equivalent inclusion problem. Int. J. Solids Struct. 47, 716-729. [Link]
2. L. Brassart, I. Doghri and L. Delannay, 2009. Self-consistent modeling of DP steel incorporating short-range interactions. Int. J. Metal Forming 2, 447-450. [Link]
1. L. Brassart, H.M. Inglis, L. Delannay, I. Doghri and P.H. Geubelle, 2009. An extended Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme for finite strain modeling of debonding in particle-reinforced elastomers. Comput. Mater. Sc. 45, 611-616. [Link]