Urine Collection in Infants
Qualitative Study
We would like to hear your experience, perspective, and opinion about urine collection in non-toilet trained (pre-continent) children.
We are particularly interested in:
- Parents/carers who have performed or aided the collection of urine in a pre-continent child in the last 2 years.
- Healthcare Professionals, whose job is related to urine collection. This could be a medic who orders urine collection to discard a problem, a nurse who aids the urine collection, the bioanalyst who receive the sample and process it or admin staff that costs the process or other professionals involved in the process.
Part 1
Initially we will be conducting interviews. Interviews will be conducted online and will take between 30-50 min. If you are interested, please read the participant information sheet and register your interest.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Monica Armengol (monica.armengol@eng.ox.ac.uk) or Prof. Jeroen Bergmann (Jeroen.bergamann@eng.ox.ac.uk).
Part 2
We will be conducting a workshop later in the year. More information to come once part 1 is completed. If you are interested please click the 'register your interest' link below and we will keep you updated.
Research Team
This study is part of an effort to improve the process of urine collection in infants. We would like to hear from you to develop relevant solutions to both health professionals and users.
This is part of a bigger project “Developing Urine Collection Devices for Infants (DUCDI)”, which is a collaboration between researchers from University of Oxford (Engineering Science Department) and Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Science) and two NIHR MICs (Community Health and Children and Young People).
About the Study
Study Title: Exploring perspectives, priorities and solutions of urine collection: A qualitative user centric study to understand practices and gain feedback from healthcare professionals and parents/carers
Ethics approval reference: R77332/RE001