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Information about the Network for sustainable Digital Research Infrastructure Vision and Expertise (NetDRIVE) project at the University of Oxford

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About Us

The Network for sustainable Digital Research Infrastructure Vision and Expertise (NetDRIVE) will bring together creative thinking from across UKRI to enable change through technological progress, to build a common vision of a sustainable future, and to incite a transition to sustainable working practices in the Digital research infrastructure (DRI) communities. The project will provide leadership in the UK and globally, exploiting the strength-in depth of a centuries long tradition of academic institutions driving change for societal benefit. 

The UKRI DRI is growing to become a key element of an increasingly transdisciplinary and global research activity, increasing demand for compute capacity even as we move towards a sustainable society. At the same time, digital technology is driving transformative change in all areas of our lives. Research outputs from UKRI and their international peers will help to convert the opportunities afforded by technological advance into a secure and sustainable future (e.g. groundbreaking research in materials and energy supply, providing productive avenues of behaviour change). 

The diversity of the DRI is both a challenge and a source of optimism. Our computers have long played a critical role in advancing exploration of the physical world around us, enabling investigation of physical systems and systematic analysis of ever-increasing volumes of data flowing from modern sensors. More recently, these computers are transforming our channels of communication, creating new virtual worlds to explore, and challenging our views of ourselves. 


Five key components will be involved: 

  • The Co-coordinators will lead the strategic discussion with key stakeholders and ensure that the programme of work is delivering on expectations and key objectives.
  • Champions to maintain the technical and operational conversation with key stakeholders and lead outreach activities.
  • The Network of Experts will bring together a body of leading experts and community representatives. Using their own knowledge and information from multiple evidence streams they will work with the core team to deliver authoritative advice to UKRI and the community. Community Projects awarded funds through competitive opportunities will bring fresh ideas and creative energy to drive forward innovation and overcome barriers. Funds will be awarded on the basis of excellence, relevance and ability to deliver.
  • Support Staff in the project office will provide project management, communications, and facilitation support ensuring a cohesive and efficient coordination between all project activities and clarity of presentations to stakeholders and DRI users.
  • The four champions (potentially with job sharing) will cover (i) machine rooms and computer architecture, (ii) green software engineering, (iii) inciting change (e.g. through open science workflows), and (iv) a systems level view of organisational transformation. The champions should, between them, represent a range of Research Council backgrounds. The four Champions will be recruited after community consultation to define job roles which can meet community expectations.
  • The network will include a core group nominated by key stakeholders. In order to increase scope and diversity of the network additional members will be recruited through an open call to include experts from appropriate areas of technology, research, and organisational change. Its membership will be balanced and inclusive to ensure that advice given to UKRI is representative. Membership will be reviewed annually with potential for new nominations and refresh through open calls. 

The network will bring together leaders in service delivery, creative thinking, team building, and advocacy to share best practice and innovative ideas to accelerate delivery of the change we need. 

The community projects will be funded through sandpit events which will provide an opportunity for community discussions to shape the projects before funding decisions are made. 

Our vision will see the network not only providing expert technical advice but also providing a forum through which a shared narrative for a positive transition to net zero can be developed, embracing digital research infrastructure as a strong and beneficial engine of progress. 

Our Approach


  • Build community participation in all aspects of the project​
  • Wide diversity of inputs leads to a rich and exciting programme of work​
  • Community ownership of the workplan​
  • Articulate a shared ambition to lead the massive cultural shift needed for Net Zero​
  • People believe in the project and identify with the ambition

Stage 2

  • Establish project office, appoint champions and launch network
  • Implement communication framework
  • Publish annual reports
  • Wide diversity of inputs leads to a rich and exciting programme of work
  • Community ownership of the workplan
  • Articulate a shared ambition to lead the massive cultural shift needed for Net Zero
  • People believe in the project and identify with the ambition