Publications from the Special Structures Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Book and Book Sections
B7: You, Z. and Chen, Y.. Motion Structures: Deployable Structural Assemblies of Mechanisms. Spon Press (Taylor & Francis group), 2011 (ISBN: 978-0-415-55489-3)
B6: Ma, J. and You‡, Z. The origami crash box, Origami^5, (Edited by Wang-Iverson, P., Lang, R. J. and Yim, M.) , A. K. Peters, 2011 (ISBN: 978-1568817149)
B5: You‡, Z. and Zhou, X., Treating intracranial Aneurysms – A Review of Existing and Emerging Methods, to appear in Comprehensive Biotechnology 2nd edition (Edited by M. Butler, C. Webb, A. Moreira, B. Grodzinski, Z. F. Cui & S. Agathos), Elsevier, 2011 (ISBN: 978-0-444-53352-4)
B4: You‡, Z. and Kuribayashi, K., Expandable Tubes with Negative Poisson’s Ratio and Their Application in Medicine. Origami^4, (Edited by Lang, R.), A. K. Peters, 2007 (ISBN 978-1-56881-346-2)
B3: Balkcom, D. J., Demaine, E. D., Demaine, M. L., Ochsendorf, J. A. and You, Z.. Folding Paper Shopping Bags. Origami^4, (Edited by Lang, R.), A. K. Peters, 2007 (ISBN 978-1-56881-346-2)
B2: You‡, Z.. A new approach to design of retractable roofs. Deployable Structures: Theory and Applications, (Edited by Pellegrino, S. and Guest, S. D.) Kluwer, 477-483, 1998.
B1: Pellegrino, S. and You, Z.. Foldable Ring Structures. Space Structures 4, (Edited by Parke, G. A. R. and Howard, C. M.), Thomas Telford, 1, 783-792, 1993
Journal Papers
J49: Zhou X and You Z, Theoretical analysis of superelastic SMA helical structures subjected to axial and torsional loads, Smart Structures and Systems, 16(3), 2015.
J48: Zhou X, Wang H and You Z, Mechanical properties of Miura-based folded cores under quasi-static loads, Thin-Walled Structures, 82, 2014, pp. 296–310. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tws.2014.05.001)
J47: Lederman G, You Z and Glišić B, A novel deployable tied arch bridge, Engineering Structures, 70(1), 2014, pp.1–10. (DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.03.015)
J46: Ma J and You‡ Z, Origami Crash Boxes with Various Profiles, Under review by Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2014
J45: Gattas J and You‡ Z, Quasi-Static Impact of Indented Foldcores. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 73, 2014, pp. 15–29 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2014.06.001)
J44: Gattas J and You‡ Z, The Behaviour of Curved-Crease Foldcores under Quasi-Static Impact Loads. Under review by International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014
J43: Ma J, You‡ Z, Byrne, J and Rizkallah R R, Design and Mechanical Properties of a Novel Cerebral Flow Diverter Stent. Accepted and to appear in Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s10439-013-0967-3.
J42: Ma J and You‡ Z, Energy Absorption of Thin-Walled Beams with a Pre-Folded Origami Pattern, Thin-Walled Structures, 73, 2013, pp. 198-206.
J41: Gattas J, Wu W and You‡ Z, Miura-Base Rigid Origami: Parametrisations of First-Level Derivative and Piecewise Geometries, Journal of Mechanical Design, 135(11), 2013. doi:10.1115/1.4025380
J40: Fraux V, Lawton M, Reveles J R and You Z, Novel large deployable antenna backing structure concepts for foldable reflectors, CEAS Space Journal, August 2013. doi: 10.1007/s12567-013-0046-5
J39: Ma J and You‡ Z, Energy Absorption of Thin-Walled Square Tubes with a Pre-Folded Origami Pattern Part I: Geometry and Numerical Simulation, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81(1), 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4024405
J38: Bakhshi R, Darbyshire A, Evans J E, You Z, Lu J, Seifalian A M, Polymeric coating of surface modified nitinol stent with POSS-nanocomposite polymer. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 86(1), 93 – 105, 2011 (doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2011.03.024)
J37: Desai M, Bakhshi R, You Z, Seifalian A and Hamilton G, Thermo-mechanical resistance of a nanocomposite polymer exposed to simulated in vivo fatigue in the development of an endovascular stent-graft, British Journal of Surgery, 98 (May), 52-53, 2011
J36: Desai M, Bakhshi R, Darbyshire A, Ahmed M, Eaton-Evans J, Zhou X, You Z, Seifalian A and Hamilton G, Durability of a sutureless endovascular stent-graft based on nitinol stents bonded to a nanocomposite polymer, British Journal of Surgery, 98 (April), 32-33, 2011
J35: Wu W and You‡ Z, A solution for folding rigid tall shopping bags, Proceedings of Royal Society A, 467, 2561-2574, 2011 (doi: 10.1098/rspa.2011.0120)
J34: Zhou, X, You‡, Z and Byrne, J, Bio-inspired Leaf Stent for Direct Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms, Smart Structures and Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2011.
J33: Seifalian, A M, Desai, M, Eaton-Evans, J; Hillery, C, Raheleh, B, You, Z., Lu, J and Hamilton, G, AAA stent-grafts: Past Problems and Future Prospects, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 38(4), 1259-1275, 2010 (doi: 10.1007/s10439-010-9953-1).
J32: Desai M, Ahmed M, Darbyshire A, You Z, Hamilton G and Seifalian A, An aortic model for the physiological assessment of endovascular stent-grafts. Ann Vasc Surg, 25(4), 530 – 537, 2010
J31: Wu, W. and You‡ Z, Modelling rigid origami with Quaternions and Dual Quaternions, Proceedings of Royal Society A, 466, 2155-2174 (doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0625), 2010
J30: Chen, Y and You‡ Z, Two-fold Symmetrical 6R Foldable Frames and Their Bifurcations, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(25-26), 4504-4514, 2009 (doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2009.09.012)
J29: Mao, D., Luo, Y. and You‡, Z.. Planar closed loop double chain linkages. Mechanisms and Machine Theory, Vol. 44, No. 4, 850-859, 2009 (doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2008.04.005)
J28: Chen, Y and You‡, Z.. On Mobile Assemblies of Bennett Linkages. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Vol. 464. May, 1275-1283, 2008 (doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0188)
J27: Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. An extended Myard linkage and its derived 6R linkage. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol.130, Issue 5. May, 2008 (doi:10.1115/1.2885506)
J26: You‡, Z.. Motion Structures extend their reach. Materials Today, Vol. 10, No. 12, 52-57, 2007.
J25: Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Square deployable frames for space applications: Part II: realisation. Proceedings of the IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 221, 37-45, 2007 (doi:10.1243/09544100JAERO100)
J24: Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Spatial 6R linkages based on the combination of two Goldberg 5R linkages, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 42, 1484-1498, 2007 (doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2006.12.008)
J23: Zhang, X., Cheng, G., You, Z. and Zhang, H.. Energy absorption of axially compressed thin-walled square tubes with patterns. Thin-walled Structures, Vol. 45, 727-808, 2007
J22: Mao, D., Luo, Y. and You, Z.. A generalization of Kempe’s linkages. Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A, Vol. 8, 1084-1090, 2007
J21: Luo, Y., Mao, D. and You‡, Z.. On a type of radially retractable plate structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44 (10), 3452-3467, 2007
J20: Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Square deployable frames for space applications: Part I: theory. Proceedings of the IMechE Vol. 220 Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 347-354, 2006 (doi:10.1243/09544100JAERO68)
J19: Yoda, T. and You, Z.. Identification of bifurcation points occurring on the mechanism paths of deployable structures. Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, 159-170, 2006 (Winning the 2006 ASE Best Paper Award)
J18: Kuribayashi, K., Tsuchiya, K., You, Z., Tomus, D., Umemoto, M., Ito, T. and Sasaki, M.. Self-deployable origami stent grafts as a biomedical application of Ni-rich TiNi shape memory alloy foil. Materials Science and Engineering A, 419, 131-137, 2006
J17: Chen, Y., You, Z. and Tarnai, T.. Threefold-symmetric Bricard linkages for deployable structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 42, 2287-2301, 2005 (doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2004.09.014)
J16: Chen, Y and You‡, Z., Mobile assemblies based on the Bennett linkage, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 461, 1229-1245, 2005 (doi:10.1098/rspa.2004.1383)
J15: Lengyel, A. and You‡, Z.. Analogy between bifurcations in stability of structures and kinematics of mechanisms. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 31 (4), 491-507, 2003
J14: Lengyel, A. and You‡, Z.. Bifurcations of SDOF mechanisms using catastrophe theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures 41, 559-568, 2003
J13: You‡, Z.. Deployable structure of curved profile for space antennas. ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, 139-143, 2000
J12: Seffen, K. A., You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Folding and deployment of curved tape springs. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 42, 2055-2073, 2000
J11: Kassabian, P. E., You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Retractable roof structures. Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, Vol. 134, No. 1, 45-56, 1999
J10: Lai, C. Y., You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. On the shape of deployable membrane reflectors. ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3, 73-80, 1998
J9: You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Cable-stiffened pantographic deployable structures. Part 2: Mesh Reflector. AIAA Journal, 35, 1348-1355, 1997
J8: You‡, Z.. Displacement Control for Prestressed Structures. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 144, 51-59, 1997
J7: You‡, Z.. Sensitivity Analysis Based on Force Method. Engineering Optimization. 29, 429-441, 1997
J6: You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Foldable bar structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 34, 1825-1847, 1997
J5: You‡, Z.. A Pantographic Deployable Conic Structure. International Journal of Space Structures, 11, No 4, 363-370, 1996
J4: You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Cable-stiffened pantographic deployable structures. Part1: Triangular Mast. AIAA Journal, 34, 813-820, 1996
J3: Kwan, A. S. K., You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Active and passive cable elements in deployable masts. International Journal of Space Structures, 8, 29-40, 1993
J2: You, Z. and Sui, Y. K.. A Multi-level Optimisation Method for Space Trusses with Combined Sectional Area and Coordinate Variables. Computational Structural Mechanics and Applications, 7, No. 4, 1990 (In Chinese)
J1: You, Z. and Sui, Y. K.. The Algorithms for General Geometry Programming Based on Sequence Quadratic Programming. Computational Structural Mechanics and Applications, 5, No. 4, 1988 (In Chinese)
Patents and Design Rights
P6: Ma, J., You, Z., Wang, B. and Cheng, G. D., A type of crash boxes, Chinese patent, CN101638076, (2011)
P5: Zhou, X., You, Z. Curved stent graft assembly. United Kingdom Priority application 1018869.6 (2011)
P4: Zhou, X., You, Z. and Byrne, J.. Stent and method of inserting a stent into a delivery catheter, United Kingdom Priority application 1118671.8 (2011)
P3: Chen, Y. and You, Z.. Deployable structure. US Patent 6941704 (2005), WO2004057134 (2004)
P2: Kuribayashi, K. and You, Z.. Deployable stent. US Patent 7060092 (2006). European Patent EP1372532. WO02/078572, (2002)
P1: You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Foldable bar structures, British Patent Application 9 601 450.1,1996, International Patent Application PCT/GB97/00224 (1997)
Refereed Conference Papers
Ma J. and You‡ Z, Energy Absorption of Thin-Walled Beams with a Pre-Folded Origami Pattern. The 8th International Symposium on Impact Engineering, Osaka, Japan, September 2013
Ma J, You‡ Z., and Byrne J. (2013), A novel flow diverter for direct treatment of cerebral aneurysms, ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, USA, June 2013
Ma, J. and You‡ Z. (2013), A novel origami crash box with varying profiles, ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 2013
Ma, J. and You‡, Z., A novel thin-walled tubes with origami patterns as energy absorption device, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, IMECE2010-37708, Vancouver, Canada, November 2010
You‡, Z., Wu, W. and Ma, J.. Energy absorption of thin-walled tubes with origami patterns, IASS 2010, Shanghai, China, November 2010
Zhou, X. and You‡, Z.. A numerical study of helix-shaped Nitinol stent, Proceedings of International Conference of Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, Tsukuba City, Japan, December 2007
Eaton-Evans, J., You‡, Z., Darbyshire, A., Bakhshi, R. and Seifalian A. M., Design of Nitinol scaffold for origami stent graft. Proceedings of International Conference of Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, Tsukuba City, Japan, December 2007
You, Z.. Mechanisms for morphing. US-Europe Workshop and Adaptive Aerospace Structures and Materials: Current Capabilities, Future Requirements and Developments, Saint-Maximin, France, November 2007.
Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Curved- profile deployable structures based on Bennett linkages, Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Adaptive Structures Conference, AIAA Paper 2007-2115, 2007
You‡, Z. and Cole, N.. Self-locking bi-stable deployable booms. AIAA Paper 1685, 2006
You‡, Z., Kuribayashi, K. and Rao, Y.. Engineering Design of Stent Grafts, European Society of Biomechanics Congress, s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, July 2004
You‡, Z. and Kuribayashi, K.. A novel origami stent. Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Key Biscayne, FL, USA, June 2003
Kuribayashi, K. and You‡, Z.. Development of a novel type of oesophageal stent based on deployable tubular structures. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics. Calgary, Canada, August 2002
Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Connectivity of Bennett linkages, AIAA Paper 2002-1500, 2002
Lengyel, A. and You‡, Z.. Analogy between Bifurcations in Stability of Structures and Kinematics of Mechanisms, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Non-linear Mechanics, Shanghai, Eds. Chien, W. et. al.. 1038-1041, 2002
Lengyel, A. and You‡, Z.. Bifurcations of Mechanisms with One Degree-of-Freedom with the Aid of Catastrophe Theory, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Non-linear Mechanics, Shanghai, Eds. Chien, W. et. al.. 1042-1045, 2002
Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Deployable structural element based on Bennett Linkages, Proceedings of 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 11–16, New York, U.S.A. 2001
Chen, Y. and You‡, Z.. Network of Bennett linkages as deployable structures, AIAA paper 2001-4661, 2001
You, Z.. Deployable rings and domes, Shells and Spatial Structures: from recent past to the next millennium, International Association of Spatial and Shell Structures (Eds Astudillo, R.), D.31-41. 1999
Lai, C. Y., You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. High precision shaping of deployable membrane reflectors. In Proc. SPACE98, April 26-30, 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico ASCE, 1998
You, Z.. Pantographic Deployable Rings and Domes. Technical Report, CUED/D-STRUCT/TR164, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, 1996
You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. New solutions for foldable roof structures. In Proc. Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures II, 17-19 June, Seville (Edited by F. Escrig and C. A. Brebbia), 35-44. Computational Mechanics Publications, 1996
You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Structural concept of a deployable mesh reflector. In Proc. ESA Workshop on Antenna Technologies, 21-23 November 1995, ESTEC, Noordwijk 6.2.1-6.2.14. ESA ESA-WPP-100, 1995
You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Deployable mesh reflector. In Spatial, Lattice and Tension Structures, Proceedings of IASS-ASCE Symposium held in Atlanta, April 1994 (Edited by J. F. Abel, J. W. Leonard and C. U. Penalba), 103-112. ASCE, 1994
You, Z. and Pellegrino, S.. Dynamic deployment of the CRTS reflector. In Proc. 35th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, CP942, 18-20 April 1994, Hilton Head, SC, 1497-1505. AIAA 94-1504, 1994
Xu, J. Q., Long, L. and You, Z.. Stress Analysis and Improvement of Amalgam-Restored Class II Cavity. MEDINFO 89, (Edited by B. Barber etc.) Part 1, 725-727, North-Holland, 1989