Civil Engineering Vacancies
Vacancies in Civil Engineering at Oxford
All vacancies in Civil Engineering at Oxford University will be notified here. These posts may be advertised in the Institution of Civil Engineers Recruit, and/or New Scientist. Jobs are also advertised at Please contact the person named for further information on any particular post. See also see the general list of jobs in the Department of Engineering Science.
We receive a large number of requests for "Summer Internships", especially from students in India. Please do not write requesting an internship as we are unable to offer any such positions.
Academic Posts
Professorship of Civil Engineering
The Department of Engineering Science and Brasenose College seek to appoint to the Professorship of Civil Engineering with effect from 1 October 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The closing date for applications is 12:00 noon UK time on Monday 24 February 2025. Applications should be submitted via our executive search partner, TalentEdu, at For more information or an informal conversation, please contact Mark Holleran on or +44 (0)203 290 2907.
Please see the Engineering Science website for the full job description
Research Assistantship
Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Integrated Engineering Models for Tidal Energy Systems
We are seeking a full-time Postdoctoral Research Assistant to join the Environmental Fluid Mechanics research group at the Department of Engineering Science (central Oxford). The post is funded by the EPSRC and is fixed-term for 3 years with the possibility of extension. The role is to lead the development of integrated whole system design models of tidal stream turbines for renewable power generation.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof. Willden (email:
Closing date: 13 January 2025 12:00pm
Further information and how to apply is available on the Engineering Science jobs page
Research Studentship
No posts currently being advertised.
For more information about graduate study at Oxford please see our graduate study page.