Power Electronics Group: Work with us | Engineering Science Department - University of Oxford

Post-Doctoral Research Associates
Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA), and occasional Post-Graduate Research Assistant (PGRA) positions will be advertised here when they are available.
Currently there are no open positions.
DPhil (PhD) Students
The group usually takes 1-2 DPhil students a year.
In general, prospective applicants should have, or be expecting to receive, a first class MEng or equivalent degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (or similar) from a top university, and be able to demonstrate knowledge of power electronic systems and concepts. Informal enquires may be made to dan.rogers@eng.ox.ac.uk – although please note that I receive a lot of enquires and tend to only respond to those meeting the above criteria, and that contain a clear research proposal that aligns with the group’s areas of work.