Recent Publications from the Thermal Propulsion Systems Research Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Recent Publications
A Fundamental Study on the Potential LSPI Promoting Mechanisms of Ca and Mg based Oil Detergents
McAllister MJ, Davy M, Doherty LJ, LePage LM & Wheeler C (2024)
title={A Fundamental Study on the Potential LSPI Promoting Mechanisms of Ca and Mg based Oil Detergents},
author={McAllister MJ, Davy M, Doherty LJ, LePage LM & Wheeler C},
booktitle={ICE Forward 2024},
year = "2024"
Experimental investigation of the matching boundary and optimization strategy of a variable geometry turbocharged direct-injected hydrogen engine
Lai FY, Sun BG, Zhang ZF, Zhang SW, Wang KD et al. (2024), Fuel, 373
title={Experimental investigation of the matching boundary and optimization strategy of a variable geometry turbocharged direct-injected hydrogen engine},
author={Lai FY, Sun BG, Zhang ZF, Zhang SW, Wang KD et al.},
year = "2024"
Large eddy simulation of a supersonic lifted hydrogen flame: Impacts of Lewis, turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers
Zhu R, Huang Z, Xu C, Fang X, Zhang H et al. (2024), Physics of Fluids, 36(7)
title={Large eddy simulation of a supersonic lifted hydrogen flame: Impacts of Lewis, turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers},
author={Zhu R, Huang Z, Xu C, Fang X, Zhang H et al.},
journal={Physics of Fluids},
publisher={AIP Publishing},
year = "2024"
Impacts of daily household activities on indoor particulate and NO2 concentrations; a case study from Oxford UK
Singh A, Bartington SE, Abreu P, Anderson R, Cowell N et al. (2024), Heliyon, e34210
title={Impacts of daily household activities on indoor particulate and NO2 concentrations; a case study from Oxford UK},
author={Singh A, Bartington SE, Abreu P, Anderson R, Cowell N et al.},
year = "2024"
Development of a semi-empirical physical model for transient NOx emissions prediction from a high-speed diesel engine
Bajwa A, Zou G, Zhong F, Fang X, Leach F et al. (2024), International Journal of Engine Research
title={Development of a semi-empirical physical model for transient NOx emissions prediction from a high-speed diesel engine},
author={Bajwa A, Zou G, Zhong F, Fang X, Leach F et al.},
journal={International Journal of Engine Research},
publisher={SAGE Publications},
year = "2024"
Development of a semi-empirical physical model for transient NOx emissions prediction from a high-speed diesel engine
Bajwa A, Zou G, Zhong F, Fang X, Leach F et al. (2024), International Journal of Engine Research
title={Development of a semi-empirical physical model for transient NOx emissions prediction from a high-speed diesel engine},
author={Bajwa A, Zou G, Zhong F, Fang X, Leach F et al.},
journal={International Journal of Engine Research},
publisher={SAGE Publications},
year = "2024"
EngineBench: Flow Reconstruction in the Transparent Combustion Chamber III Optical Engine
Baker SJ, Hobley MA, Scherl I, Fang X, Leach FCP et al. (2024)
title={EngineBench: Flow Reconstruction in the Transparent Combustion Chamber III Optical Engine},
author={Baker SJ, Hobley MA, Scherl I, Fang X, Leach FCP et al.},
year = "2024"
Integration and validation of some modules for modelling of high-speed chemically reactive flows in two-phase gas-droplet mixtures
Zhu R, Huang Z, Xu C, Wu B & Davy M (2024), Computers & Fluids, 277
title={Integration and validation of some modules for modelling of high-speed chemically reactive flows in two-phase gas-droplet mixtures},
author={Zhu R, Huang Z, Xu C, Wu B & Davy M},
journal={Computers & Fluids},
year = "2024"
Effect of ethanol and iso-octane blends on isolated low-temperature heat release in a spark ignition engine
White SP, Bajwa AU & Leach FCP (2024), SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 17(3)
title={Effect of ethanol and iso-octane blends on isolated low-temperature heat release in a spark ignition engine},
author={White SP, Bajwa AU & Leach FCP},
journal={SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants},
publisher={SAE International},
year = "2024"
Effect of ambient pressure on ammonia sprays using a single hole injector
Shen L & Leach FCP (2024), SAE Technical Papers
Extracting vector magnitudes of dominant structures in a cyclic engine flow with dimensionality reduction
Baker S, Fang X, Barbato A, Breda S, Magnani M et al. (2024), Physics of Fluids, 36
title={Extracting vector magnitudes of dominant structures in a cyclic engine flow with dimensionality reduction},
author={Baker S, Fang X, Barbato A, Breda S, Magnani M et al.},
journal={Physics of Fluids},
number={025131 },
publisher={AIP Publishing},
year = "2024"
Extracting vector magnitudes of dominant structures in a cyclic engine flow with dimensionality reduction
Baker S, Fang X, Barbato A, Breda S, Magnani M et al. (2024), Physics of Fluids, 36
title={Extracting vector magnitudes of dominant structures in a cyclic engine flow with dimensionality reduction},
author={Baker S, Fang X, Barbato A, Breda S, Magnani M et al.},
journal={Physics of Fluids},
number={025131 },
publisher={AIP Publishing},
year = "2024"
Impacts of ambient air quality on acute asthma hospital admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Oxford City, UK: a time-series study.
Singh A, Morley GL, Coignet C, Leach F, Pope FD et al. (2024), BMJ open, 14(1), e070704-e070704
title={Impacts of ambient air quality on acute asthma hospital admissions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Oxford City, UK: a time-series study.},
author={Singh A, Morley GL, Coignet C, Leach F, Pope FD et al.},
journal={BMJ open},
year = "2024"
Raw data for Impacts of daily household activities on indoor particulate and NO2 concentrations; a case study from Oxford UK
Leach F (2024)
Comparing real driving emissions from Euro 6d-TEMP vehicles running on E0 and E10 gasoline blends
Shankar V, Usan I, Willman C & Leach F (2023)
Comparing Real Driving Emissions from Euro 6d-TEMP Vehicles running on E0 and E10 Gasoline Blends
Shankar V, Usen I, Molden N, Willman C & Leach F (2023)
title={Comparing Real Driving Emissions from Euro 6d-TEMP Vehicles running on E0 and E10 Gasoline Blends},
author={Shankar V, Usen I, Molden N, Willman C & Leach F},
booktitle={SAE Energy & Propulsion Conference},
year = "2023"
Ammonia emissions from combustion in gasoline engines
Bajwa A, Shankar V & Leach F (2023), SAE Technical Papers
Ammonia Emissions from Combustion in Gasoline Engines
Bajwa A, Shankar V & Leach F (2023), SAE Technical Papers, 1
Effects of oxygenate and aromatic content on engine-out aldehyde emissions from pure, binary, and ternary mixtures of ethanol, toluene, and iso-octane
Shankar V & Leach F (2023), SAE Technical Papers
title={Effects of oxygenate and aromatic content on engine-out aldehyde emissions from pure, binary, and ternary mixtures of ethanol, toluene, and iso-octane},
author={Shankar V & Leach F},
booktitle={2023 JSAE/SAE Powertrains, Energy and Lubricants International Meeting},
year = "2023"
Low temperature heat release and ϕ-sensitivity characteristics of iso-octane/air mixtures
Bajwa AU, White SP & Leach FCP (2023), Combustion Science and Technology