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The Department of Engineering Science Lubbock Lectures, University of Oxford

Lubbock Lectures

The Department's most prestigious showcase event which takes place each year - the Maurice Lubbock Memorial Lecture.

For information on the next Lubbock lecture, please see our main Events listing page.

Previous lectures

2010: Sustainable Energy - without the hot air (Professor David JC MacKay)

2009: Science, Engineering and Technological Challenges for the 21st Century (Professor John Beddington)

2008: On Being an Engineer (Lord Browne of Madingley)

2007: The Entrepreneurial Bug (Sir Martin Wood)

2006: The Semiconductor Industry: Making Business and Technology Innovation work (Warren East)

2005: Less Incrementalism and More Breakthroughs: Thoughts on avoiding the collision between sustainability and our response to climate change (Dr Robin Batterham)

2004: Engineering in the Information Age (Sir David Brown)

2003: Building a world-class company from Oxford Engineering Science: the PowderJect Story (Paul Drayson)

2002: In Pursuit of Creative Interaction: Synergistic Design from the Sydney Opera House to the London Millennium Bridge (Anthony J Fitzpatrick FREng)

2001: "New" Engineering - a portal for the future (John Robinson FREng)

2000: E-science and the Information Utility (Dr John Taylor) 

1999: Advanced Power Systems (Philip Ruffles) a

1998: Future Management of the Water Environment (Professor James Dooge)

1997: Digital Broadcasting Overtakes Rocket Science (Dr John Forrest)

1996: A History of the Automobile Engine 1970-2014 (Dr Derek Crabb)

1995: Electricity - the Common Currency (Dr James Smith)