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How to get involved with The Department of Engineering Science's alumni

Get Involved

We trust you have many happy memories of your time at Oxford

Like many Oxford Engineering alumni, you may wish to keep in touch with your fellow alumni and to get up to date with Oxford’s current engineering activities, and maybe contribute to them yourself.

Get Involved

Princess Anne talking to Amelia Gould at WISE VIP Reception 2017

Be in the news

Send us short items of news likely to interest other Oxford Engineering Alumni, for inclusion on the News page of this website or in the annual Alumni newsletter.

Social media

Follow us on Twitter @oxengsci. Also, you can join our dedicated LinkedIn group which has over 600 members and growing.

Alumni in Lecture Room 1 listening to a talk

Alumni Events

The annual Meeting Minds: Alumni Weekend in Oxford always has a strong Engineering component, featuring several events. The highlight is the Jenkin Lecture – where speakers are alumni or current academics.

We also welcome Alumni to the annual Lubbock lecture, our prestigious showcase event in May featuring a high profile keynote speaker.

If you would like to attend any Research seminars, please see details on the individual Research group webpages.

Students at computer desk working on project together

Help current students

The Department continually strives to give Oxford engineering students the best possible experience while at Oxford. Could you help to enrich this even further?

Two people working at laptops

Collaboration with Industry

The Department is active in many areas of engineering research. Much of this is carried out in collaboration with industry. Does your company have R&D needs where research input from the Department would be helpful? The Department is also home to some outstanding resources of engineering expertise and equipment, which can be accessed by external users on appropriate terms. If you or your company have needs of this type, we may be able to help.

Professors Ron Roy and Constantin Coussios with alumna at an event

Oxford Alumni Group Network

Join your local alumni group and connect with an international network for socialising, outreach and career opportunities.

Two students in lab with labcoats and safety glasses

Inspire potential engineering students

The Department undertakes outreach activities each year to help encourage secondary school students to study engineering and widen participation. There are many ways Alumni can help inspire potential engineering students. Some examples include visiting schools and speaking at Oxford-hosted outreach events like UNIQ, Headstart and Dragonfly. Can you spare a little of your time to speak about how great engineering is, or do you have other outreach ideas?

Clinician working on Organox metra machine which enables storage and functional assessment of donor organs prior to transplantation

The Department of Engineering Science plays a vital role not just in the vitality of the University, but also in the wider world. We are always seeking support to help us fulfil these aims better.