About Oxford Engineering Alumni (OEA) at the University of Oxford

Oxford Engineering Alumni (OEA)
All students who have graduated from Oxford with degrees in Engineering are members of the OEA group, as are present and former members of the teaching and research staff of the Department of Engineering Science. Present Oxford students of Engineering are associate members.
Having a dedicated group for our alumni allows members to stay in touch with each other and with the Department of Engineering Science, with activities including an annual newsletter and the annual Jenkin Lecture, where the speaker is often a member of the OEA. Members are also involved in a growing range of collaborative activities with the Department. We are always keen to hear news of members, and to receive suggestions and offers of help with developing the Department’s engagement with members - see the Get Involved page, or get in touch.
To ensure all of the OEA activities are interesting, engaging and relevant for its members, the department is setting up an external advisory panel made up of members of the OEA community. This panel will work with the department to develop and improve alumni activities and will give insight into the kind of opportunities alumni would like to see. Whilst this panel is being formalised, the department welcomes suggestions from all OEA members to help guide the process. You may see some surveys and further information in OEA communications over the next year where you can have your say about the future of alumni activities. Alternatively, you can also get in touch with us directly!