03 Dec 2023
Two Works at CoNEXT23
DINC and CATE will be presented at ACM CoNEXT 2023

We are happy to share that two of our works were accepted to ACM CoNEXT 2023 and will appear in Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET).
The works are:
DINC: Toward Distributed In-Network Computing
C. Zheng (University of Oxford), H. Tang (Yale University), M. Zang (Technical University of Denmark), X. Hong (University of Oxford), A. Feng (Yale University), L. Tassiulas (Yale University), N. Zilberman (University of Oxford)
Exploring the Benefits of Carbon-Aware Routing Long
S. El-Zahr (University of Oxford), P. Gunning (BT Research & Network Strategy), N. Zilberman (University of Oxford)
The artifacts for both projects were released and are available on github.
Congratulations to Sawsan, Changgang and all other co-authors!