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Join Computing Infrastructure

Postdoc Positions

We expect to start recruiting to several postdoc positions soon.

Contact Prof Zilberman for more information on the postdoc positions available in our group. 

DPhil (PhD) Studentships

Interested candidates are encouraged to browse the group's webpage before applying. Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be addressed to Prof Noa Zilberman. Candidates interested in starting October/2025 should start working on their application in Summer/2024.

The applications deadline is start of December/2024, and all applications must be made through the university's applications system, see here.

Focus research areas for 2025 are sustainable and resilient computing infrastructure,  and future hardware architectures. 
Machine learning is NOT a focus research area.

Self funded studentships are not encouraged. Candidates can check the following page for funding opportunities.

4YP Projects

We are offering every year a few projects for 4th year Oxford MEng students. Projects can be either open or closed, and cover a wide range of topics, from low-level hardware design to high-level systems and applications. See here for some examples of past students projects.

EUROP Projects

We are happy to host every year EUROP projects for 2nd and 3rd year Oxford EngSci students. Projects can be across all themes. Contact Prof Noa Zilberman for more details.