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Recent publications from the Solid Mechanics and Materials Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

A pile of 4 books in red, grey, blue and light green, with their spines facing the camera

Group Publications

Recent Publications

Development of MHz X-ray phase contrast imaging at the European XFEL.

Koliyadu JCP, Mo??ko D, Asimakopoulou EM, Bellucci V, Birn??teinov?? ?? et al. (2025), Journal of synchrotron radiation

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  title={Development of MHz X-ray phase contrast imaging at the European XFEL.},
  author={Koliyadu JCP, Mo??ko D, Asimakopoulou EM, Bellucci V, Birn??teinov?? ?? et al.},
  journal={Journal of synchrotron radiation},
  year = "2025"

Mechanical energy harvesting: From piezoelectric effect to ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching

Kang W, Ji G & Huber JE (2025), Nano Energy, 133, 110489-110489

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  title={Mechanical energy harvesting: From piezoelectric effect to ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching},
  author={Kang W, Ji G & Huber JE},
  journal={Nano Energy},
  publisher={Elsevier BV},
  year = "2025"

BMPHI_ Editorial 2

Goriely A & Jerusalem A (2024), Brain Multiphysics, 7

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  title={BMPHI_ Editorial 2},
  author={Goriely A & Jerusalem A},
  journal={Brain Multiphysics},
  year = "2024"

Micromechanical modelling of rubbery networks: The role of chain pre-stretch

Araujo LM, Kryven I & Brassart L (2024), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 166, 104834

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  title={Micromechanical modelling of rubbery networks: The role of chain pre-stretch},
  author={Araujo LM, Kryven I & Brassart L},
  journal={International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics},
  year = "2024"

An anisotropic full-network model with damage surface for the Mullins effect in filled rubbers

Kumar G & Brassart L (2024), International Journal of Solids and Structures, 304, 113030

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  title={An anisotropic full-network model with damage surface for the Mullins effect in filled rubbers},
  author={Kumar G & Brassart L},
  journal={International Journal of Solids and Structures},
  year = "2024"

Characterisation and modelling of continuous electrospun poly(??- caprolactone) filaments for biological tissue repair.

Ferreira TZ, Pan Z, Mouthuy P-A & Brassart L (2024), Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 161, 106810

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  title={Characterisation and modelling of continuous electrospun poly(??- caprolactone) filaments for biological tissue repair.},
  author={Ferreira TZ, Pan Z, Mouthuy P-A & Brassart L},
  journal={Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials},
  year = "2024"

SoftFEM-driven multiphysics aerofoil optimisation

Nguyen V, Naharro P-S, Pena J-M & Jerusalem A (2024), AIAA Journal

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  title={SoftFEM-driven multiphysics aerofoil optimisation},
  author={Nguyen V, Naharro P-S, Pena J-M & Jerusalem A},
  journal={AIAA Journal},
  publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
  year = "2024"

Thermomechanical coupling during large strain deformation of polycarbonate: experimental study

Song P, Chapman D, Graham A, Trivedi A & Siviour C (2024), Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 196

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  title={Thermomechanical coupling during large strain deformation of polycarbonate: experimental study},
  author={Song P, Chapman D, Graham A, Trivedi A & Siviour C},
  journal={Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids},
  year = "2024"

Property prediction of bio???derived block copolymer thermoplastic elastomers using graph kernel methods

Williams C, Petersen SR, Marzag??o DK, Gregory G, Huang Y et al. (2024), Angewandte Chemie

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  title={Property prediction of bio???derived block copolymer thermoplastic elastomers using graph kernel methods},
  author={Williams C, Petersen SR, Marzag??o DK, Gregory G, Huang Y et al.},
  journal={Angewandte Chemie},
  year = "2024"

Assessment of bending waves in Torsion Hopkinson Bar experiments using Photon Doppler Velocimetry

Farbaniec L, Xu Y, Zhou J, Macdougall D, Patsias S et al. (2024), International Journal of Impact Engineering, 105139

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  title={Assessment of bending waves in Torsion Hopkinson Bar experiments using Photon Doppler Velocimetry},
  author={Farbaniec L, Xu Y, Zhou J, Macdougall D, Patsias S et al.},
  journal={International Journal of Impact Engineering},
  year = "2024"

Investigating the influence of stress on UV-induced degradation in cellulose acetate: a comprehensive experimental characterization

Alkhoury K, Zhang C, Liu G, McEnnis K, Brassart L et al. (2024), International Journal of Solids and Structures, 305, 113086-113086

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  title={Investigating the influence of stress on UV-induced degradation in cellulose acetate: a comprehensive experimental characterization},
  author={Alkhoury K, Zhang C, Liu G, McEnnis K, Brassart L et al.},
  journal={International Journal of Solids and Structures},
  year = "2024"

Fine-Scale Aerosol-Jet Printing of Luminescent Metal???Organic Framework Nanosheets

Sherman DA, Landberg E, Peringath AR, Kar-Narayan S & Tan J-C (2024), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

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  title={Fine-Scale Aerosol-Jet Printing of Luminescent Metal???Organic Framework Nanosheets},
  author={Sherman DA, Landberg E, Peringath AR, Kar-Narayan S & Tan J-C},
  journal={ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces},
  publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)},
  year = "2024"

Assessment of bending waves in Torsion Hopkinson Bar experiments using Photon Doppler Velocimetry

Farbaniec L, Xu Y, Zhou J, Macdougall D, Patsias S et al. (2024), International Journal of Impact Engineering, 105139

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  title={Assessment of bending waves in Torsion Hopkinson Bar experiments using Photon Doppler Velocimetry},
  author={Farbaniec L, Xu Y, Zhou J, Macdougall D, Patsias S et al.},
  journal={International Journal of Impact Engineering},
  year = "2024"

Redesigning the electric gun: Launching thick flyers to hypervelocity with high efficiency

Fitzgerald M, Petrinic N, Pecover J & Eakins D (2024), High Energy Density Physics, 52, 101119

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  title={Redesigning the electric gun: Launching thick flyers to hypervelocity with high efficiency},
  author={Fitzgerald M, Petrinic N, Pecover J & Eakins D},
  journal={High Energy Density Physics},
  year = "2024"

Practical Methods for the Implementation of Material Strength into an Eulerian Hydrocode

Fitzgerald M, Eakins D, Petrinic N, Niasse N-PL, Leggett E et al. (2024)

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  title={Practical Methods for the Implementation of Material Strength into an Eulerian Hydrocode},
  author={Fitzgerald M, Eakins D, Petrinic N, Niasse N-PL, Leggett E et al.},
  year = "2024"