11 Mar 2024
Biological and Biomedical Science Finalists

Fenglin Liu at STEM for BRITAIN 2024. Image credit: John Deehan and the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee
“STEM for BRITAIN is a major scientific poster competition and exhibition which has been held in Parliament since 1997, and is organised by the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee. Chaired by Stephen Metcalfe MP, its aim is to give members of both Houses of Parliament an insight into the outstanding research work being undertaken in UK universities by early-career researchers.” - STEM for BRITAIN 2024
This year, Fenglin Liu of the IBME's CHI Lab was selected to attend The Parliamentary & Scientific Committee’s STEM for BRITAIN exhibition in Westminster on 4th March 2024. He said, "I was extremely thrilled to have been chosen to present my poster, Hospital GPT: Large Medical AI Models to Combat Future Pandemics. It was an honour to be able to share our lab's outstanding work with dozens of politicians and a panel of expert judges. In particular, I was delighted to speak to MP Matt Rodda, who also serves as the Shadow Minister for Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property, about our AI for Healthcare works, especially our medical large language model. We talked about how this is an exciting moment for AI for Healthcare research, and we are eager to see how we can use AI to broadly help grow the economy and improve vital public services, such as aiding the NHS to respond quickly in emergencies, e.g., a pandemic. I am honoured to participate in this event and competition, which gave me a platform to showcase our work to the public. The feedback from the audience has made me look forward to our lab's excellent work being gradually applied to improve peoples lives."