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Prof Noa Zilberman Professional Activities

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Professional Activities

  • Member of DSIT College of Experts, 7/2024-now.
  • Member of DCMS College of Experts, 1/2022-6/2024.
  • Member of NERC Digital Research Infrastructure Group, 7/2022-present.
  • Member of the EPSRC e-Infrastructure Strategic Advisory Team, 1/2021-12/2023.
  • Member of Open Networking Foundation P4 Project Technical Steering Team (TST), 1/2022-12/2023.
  • Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2022.
  • Referee for numerous journals, including (but not limited to) IEEE Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Sensor Networks, ACM wireless Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication.
  • TPC member - ASPLOS 2024 (ERC), SIGCOMM 2023, Middleware 2023, EuroSys 2023, SOSP 2021, SIGCOMM 2021, NSDI 2021, ANCS 2021, NetAI 2020, SOSR 2020, ATC 2020, ANCS 2019, ANRW 2019, WORD 2019, ATC 2019 (ERC), SoCC 2018, P4 Workshop 2018, XOHW 2018, SIGCOMM-AE 2018, SoCC 2017, Eurosys 2017, Reconfig 2016, HotMiddleboxes 2016, ATC 2016, ANCS 2016, ICCCN 2015.
  • Shadow PC co-chair, EuroSys 2021.
  • Co-chair - P4 Education workgroup, 2018-2022.
  • IEEE ITC Comsoc Awards Committee, 2018, 2020, 2022.
  • General co-chair, EuroP4 2020 (CoNEXT 2020 workshop).
  • Co-organizer - ACM SIGCOMM Artifact Evaluation 2020.
  • General co-chair, EuroP4 2019 (ANCS 2019 workshop).
  • Co-organizer, P4PI Hackathon, ACM SIGCOMM, 2021, 2022.
  • Co-organizer - P4 Hackathon at NSDI, 2019.
  • TPC co-chair - ANCS 2018.
  • Grant Proposals Reviewer - Israel Science Foundation, 2018
  • Co-organizer - Dagstuhl Seminar 18261, 2018.
  • Co-chair - P4EU 2018 (ICNP 2018 workshop).
  • Co-chair - N2Women Workshop 2017.
  • Posters chair - CWWMCA (Micro-47, Micro-48 workshop).
  • Organizer - NetFPGA Development Challenge 2017.
  • Co-organizer - NetFPGA Developers Summit 2017.
  • Workshop organizer - BTG 2014.
  • Board member, N2Women (IEEE ComSoc and ACM SIGMOBILE), 2013-2017.
  • Chair, Women@CL (University of Cambridge), 2015-16.


Additional Appointments and Affiliations

  • Turing Fellow, 2024-present.
  • IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer, 2023-2024.
  • Visiting Researcher, University of Cambridge, 2020-present.
  • Affiliated Lecturer, University of Cambridge, 2018-2020.
  • Wolfson College Junior Research Fellow (Title BI), 2017-2020.
  • Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, 2016-2019.
  • Isaac Newton Research Fellow, 2016-2019.
  • Senior member of IEEE.
  • Senior Member of ACM.
  • Member of USENIX.