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by the Non-linear Dynamics group at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

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Non-Linear Dynamics


Journal articles

  • Z-Y Zhang, M. N. Chatzis, S. Acikgoz. 'The dynamic behaviour of flexible oscillators rocking and sliding on concentrated springs', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2024,
  • D. Patankar, M. Shrikhande and M. N. Chatzis, 'Design Considerations and Optimum Parameters of a Friction Damper in SDOF Systems for Seismic Response Reduction', Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2023,
  • R.A. McAdam, M.N. Chatzis, M. Kuleli, E.F. Anderson and B.W. Byrne 'Monopile foundation stiffness estimation of an instrumented offshore wind turbine through model updating', Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2023
  • M. D. Burton, M. N. Chatzis, ' Modeling the Planar Rocking of a Rigid Body with Irregular Geometry', Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 149, issue 9, 2023,
  • X. Shi, M. N. Chatzis, 'Lie symmetries of nonlinear systems with unknown inputs', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2023,
  • F. Igea, M. N. Chatzis, A. Cicirello, 'On the Combination of Random Matrix Theory With Measurements on a Single Structure', ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Part B, 2022,
  • H. Zhu, M. N. Chatzis, S. Acikgoz, 'A new impact model for the flexible rocking oscillator', Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2022,
  • J. Yang, Y. Zhang, M. N. Chatzis, Z. You, 'Folding and deploying identical thick panels with spring-loaded hinges', Extreme Mechanics Letters, 56, 2022,
  • X. Shi, M. N. Chatzis 'An efficient algorithm to test the observability of rational nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 165,2022,
  • X. Shi, M. S. Williams, M. N. Chatzis, 'A robust algorithm to test the observability of large linear systems with unknown parameters',  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 157, August 2021,
  • K. Maes, M. N. Chatzis, R. Vanderbril, G. Lombaert, 'Observability of modally reduced order models with unknown parameters', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 146, January 2021,
  • K. Maes, M. N. Chatzis, G. Lombaert, ‘Observability of nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs’, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Volume 130, 1 September 2019, Pages 378-394,
  • M.N. Chatzis, M. Garcia Espinosa, C. Needham, M.S. Williams “Examining the energy loss in systems of stacked rocking bodies”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2018, 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001443
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi, ‘A Discontinuous Unscented Kalman Filter for Non-Smooth Dynamic Problems’, Frontiers in Built Environment, 2017, 10.3389/fbuil.2017.00056
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi, S.P. Triantafyllou ‘A Discontinuous Extended Kalman Filter for Non-Smooth Dynamic Problems’, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,, (Oxford Ora open access:
  • M.N. Chatzis, M. Garcia Espinosa, A.W. Smyth, ‘Examining the energy loss in the Inverted Pendulum Model for rocking bodies’, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2016,, (Oxford Ora open access:
  • A.W. Smyth, P. Brewick, R.Y. Greenbaum, M.N. Chatzis, A. Serotta and I. Stunkel, ‘Vibration Mitigation And Monitoring: A Case Study Of Construction In A Museum’, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 55:1,32-55,2016
  • R.Y. Greenbaum, A.W. Smyth, M. N. Chatzis, ‘Monocular Computer Vision Method for the Experimental Study of Three Dimensional Rocking Motion’, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000972
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi, and A.W. Smyth (2014), ‘An experimental validation of time domain system identification methods with fusion of heterogeneous data’, Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn., doi:10.1002/eqe.2528
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi and A.W. Smyth ‘On the observability and identifiability of nonlinear structural and mechanical systems’, Journal of Structural Control and Health Monitoring,DOI: 10.1002/stc.1690
  • M.N. Chatzis and G. Deodatis ‘Modeling of very large interacting multiple-beam systems with an application to suspension bridge cables’, Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(9), 1541–1554, 2013
  • M.N. Chatzis and A.W. Smyth ‘Three-Dimensional Dynamics of a Rigid Body with Wheels on a Moving Base’, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 139, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 496-511, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000456.
  • M.N. Chatzis and A.W. Smyth ‘Modeling of the 3D Rocking Problem’, Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Volume 47, Issue 4, May 2012, Pages 85-98
  • M.N. Chatzis and A.W. Smyth ‘Robust Modeling of the Rocking Problem’, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Volume 138, Issue 3, 2012

Conference proceedings

  • Z. Zhang, M. N. Chatzis, S. Acikgoz, 'A Comparative Investigation of Two Flexible Rocking Oscillator Models', The Third European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology 2022, Bucharest, Romania
  • J. Meng, R. A. McAdam and M. N. Chatzis 'A Simulink Model for the Dynamic Analysis of Floating Wind Turbines', IMAC XLI conference 2023, Austin Texas.
  • M. D. Burton, M. N. Chatzis, 'Investigating the rocking dynamics of rigid right prisms with regular polygonal bases', Proceedings of the 17th WCEE, 2021, Sendai, Japan 
  • X. Sun, M. S. Williams, M. N. Chatzis, 'An efficient structural seismic reliability estimation through the recursive calculation of symbolic gradients', Proceedings of the 17th WCEE, 2021, Sendai, Japan 
  • F. Igea, M. N. Chatzis, A. Cicirello, 'Structural Model updating using Variational Inference', Proceedings of IWSHM 2021, Stanford
  • X. Shi, M. N. Chatzis, 'Computational framework of lie symmetries of
    nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs', SHMII-10, 30 June -2 July 2021, Porto, Portugal
  • E.F. Anderson, R.A. McAdam, M.N. Chatzis, 'Identifying close modes of idling offshore wind turbines on compliant foundations', SHMII-10, 30 June -2 July 2021, Porto, Portugal
  • F. Igea, M. N. Chatzis, A. Cicirello, 'On the investigation of utility functions on optimal sensor locations', UNCECOMP 2021, June 2021, Athens, Greece
  • J Yang, M. N. Chatzis, Z. You, 'Collision-Free Deployments of Compact Stacks with Spring-Loaded Hinges', AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum,
  • X. Shi, M. N. Chatzis, 'LIE SYMMETRIES OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS WITH UNMEASURED INPUTS', Eurodyn 2020, November 2020, Athens Greece
  • X. Shi, M.N. Chatzis, S.P. Triantafyllou and M. S. Williams, ‘Observability and Identification of Damage-Healing Hysteretic Model’, Proceedings of 7WCSCM, 2018, Qingdao, China.
  • X. Shi, M.N. Chatzis and M.S. Williams, ‘Robust computation of the observability of large linear systems with unknown parameters’, Proceedings of IALCCE 2018
  • E. Kakouris, M.N. Chatzis and S.P. Triantafyllou, ‘A Material Point Method for Studying Rocking Systems’, Proceedings of 16th ECEE, June 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi, ‘Online Bayesian Identification of Non-Smooth Systems’, Proceedings of Eurodyn 2017, September 2017, La Sapienza, Rome
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi, ‘A Discontinuous ”D” Variant for Identification of non-smooth systems’, Proceedings of ICOSSAR 2017, TU Wien, Vienna Austria
  • M. N. Chatzis, E. N. Chatzi, S. P. Triantafyllou, 'A Discontinuous class of filtering methods for the identification of non-smooth dynamical systems', Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2016), 16-19 October 2016, Delft, The Netherlands
  • M. Garcia Espinosa, M.N. Chatzis ‘A preliminary investigation of methods for generating fragility curves for rocking bodies’, Proceedings of the 16th
  • M.N. Chatzis, E.N. Chatzi and A.W. Smyth ‘Observability and Identifiability methods for Structural Dynamic Systems’, Proceedings Second International Conference On Vulnerability And Risk Analysis And Management (ICVRAM) And The Sixth International Symposium On Undertainty Modeling And Analysis (ISUMA), July 13-16, 2014, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • M.N. Chatzis and A.W. Smyth ‘Preliminary investigation of the randomness in the outcome of a die throw’, Proceedings ICOSSAR 2013 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, June 16-20, 2013, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
  • M.N. Chatzis, S.P. Triantafyllou, VK. Koumousis, ‘Using analytical sensitivity analysis in box girder design’, Proceedings 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 12-14 July, Limassol, Cyprus, 2010.