Soft Matter Photonics: Contact | Engineering Science Department - University of Oxford
Contact Address
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Parks Road,
General Enquiries
General enquiries should be addressed to Stephen Morris.
T: (+44 or 0) 1865 273000
Postdoctoral Opportunities
We don't have any Postdoctoral Research Associate positions available at present, but if you are interested in joining our group as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow then please take some time to consult the following links:
Graduate Studentships
If you are interested in joining our group through the Departmental and University Studentships/Scholarships then please contact Professors Steve Elston and Stephen Morris. If possible, please also include a CV/resume and the subject heading: DPhil studentship.
For funding possibilities for graduate studentships please take some time to have a look at the following links:
For DPhil (PhD degree) at Oxford Rhodes Scholarship for various nationalities (see details)
Fullbright Oxford-Clarendon Scholarship for US citizens
Oxford Clarendon Fund for anyone
John Monash Scholarship for Australian citizens
India-EU mobility project for Indian students
Potential DPhil (PhD) projects include:
- Drop-on-demand deposition of soft matter for thin-film devices
- Liquid crystal phase and intensity modulators
- Liquid crystal phase shifters for optical beam-steering
- Optoelectronic technologies for laser speckle reduction and speckle characterisation
- Soft photonic systems for THz imaging and related technologies
- Stretchable photonic gels for micro-actuators and responsive membranes
- Thin-film lasers
- Light-emitting elements in photonic liquid crystal structures