Current research projects in the Solid Mechanics and Materials group at the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
Computational Mechanics
NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre; TBI subtheme (dementia theme).NIHR (2022-2027) PI: Antoine Jerusalem
Prediction of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), a tool for investigation, harm reduction, and violence prevention. Police Star Fund (2022-2023) PI: Antoine Jerusalem
Brain waves in a bio-hybrid chip. John Fell Fund (2022-2023) PI: Antoine Jerusalem
ASiMoV. Strategic Partnership in Computational Science for Advanced Simulation and Modelling of Engineering Systems. PI: Antoine Jerusalem
AWE. Cast uranium fracture studies. PI: Alan Cocks
CARIES. Multi-modal correlative microscopy for understanding the hierarchical structure-function relationships in human dental caries. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
CAVITY. The physics and mechanics of creep cavity nucleation and sintering in energy materials. PI: Alan Cocks
COOL. Transpiration Cooling System. PI: Alan Cocks
CIPS. Modelling the Intergranular gamma prime. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
DELICE. Design of Engineering Lightweight Innovative Casings for Engines. PI: Nik Petrinic
Dislocation based modelling of deformation and fracture in real engineering alloys. PI: Edmund Tarleton
Dynamic Stress Analysis for the Optimisation of Push Scooters. PI: Edmund Tarleton
ED16. Modelling microstructure evolution, creep deformation and damage development in 316H stainless steel. PI: Alan Cocks
EXMAT. Microstructurally-aware energetic materials modelling. PI: Daniel Eakins
FANDANGO. FAN Design And iNtegrity, GO. PI: Nik Petrinic
FANTASTICAL. FAN Testing And STatistical Integrity CALibration. PI: Nik Petrinic
HUMANOID. PI: Antoine Jerusalem
MHI SINTERING. Life Prediction of Thermal Barrier Coatings (Sintering). PI: Alan Cocks
MAGNESIUM. On the mechanisms of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys. PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
MIDAS. Mechanistic understanding of Irradiation Damage in fuel Assemblies. PI: Edmund Tarleton
NeuroPulse. Electrophysiological-mechanical coupled pulses in neural membranes: study of a new paradigm for clinical therapy of nerves. PI: Antoine Jerusalem
RRC. Residual Stress Measurement on Four Coated Ceramic Discs. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
VIANA. PI: Antoine Jerusalem
WELX. Residual stress evaluation will be performed by the FIB-DIC micro-ring-core drilling method (microHD) on the samples containing in-fill welds in the fir tree shank of HP turbine blade made from single crystal superalloy CMSX-4. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
Fratigue and Fracture Mechanics
AM FAILURE. Role of defects on dynamic fragmentation in AM materials, PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
COOL. Transpiration Cooling System. PI: Alan Cocks
DELICE. Design of Engineered Lightweight Innovative Casings for Engines. PI: Nik Petrinic
FANDANGO. FAN Design And iNtegrity, GO. PI: Nik Petrinic and Daniel Eakins
FANTASTICAL. FAN Testing And STatistical Integrity CALibration. PI: Nik Petrinic
REACT. Reactive materials programme. PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
RRC. Residual Stress Measurement on Four Coated Ceramic Discs. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
WELX. Residual stress evaluation will be performed by the FIB-DIC micro-ring-core drilling method (microHD) on the samples containing in-fill welds in the fir tree shank of HP turbine blademade from single crystal superalloy CMSX-4. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
Dynamics, High Rate and Impact Engineering
AM FAILURE. Role of defects on dynamic fragmentation in AM materials, PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
AM STRENGTH. Dynamic mechanical behaviour of Additively-manufactured alloys. PI: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
CAVITY. In-situ probing of shock induced cavity collapse. PI: Daniel Eakins
CERPOL. Engineering the ceramic Polymer interface for Advanced Ballistic Protection. PI: Clive Siviour
CORNERSTONE WP2. PI: Clive Siviour, Daniel Eakins and Antonio Pellegrino
DELICE. Design of Engineered Lightweight Innovative Casings for Engines. PI: Nik Petrinic
FANDANGO. FAN Design And iNtegrity, GO. PI: Nik Petrinic and Daniel Eakins
FANTASTICAL. FAN Testing And STatistical Integrity CALibration. PI: Nik Petrinic
DE-ICER. Design Excellence – Ice Crystal Engine Research. P: Daniel Eakins
Dynamic Stress Analysis for the Optimisation of Push Scooters. PI: Edmund Tarleton
EXMAT. Microstructurally-aware energetic materials modelling. PI: Daniel Eakins
IMPRESS. Impact Modelling of Polymers: High rate experiments for Solid State Simulations. PI: Clive Siviour
PCD. Studies of Elastic Precursor Decay in FCC and HCP metals under shock loading. PI: Daniel Eakins
REACT. Reactive materials programme. PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
RRC. Residual Stress Measurement on Four Coated Ceramic Discs. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
TIN. Shock response of single-crystal tin. PI: Daniel Eakins.
USAF2. PI: Clive Siviour
Materials Engineering
AM STRENGTH. Dynamic mechanical behaviour of Additively-manufactured alloys. PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
ATOFUN. Atomic Scale Defects: Structure and Function. PI: Felix Hofmann
AWE. Cast uranium fracture studies. PI: Alan Cocks
CARIES. Multi-modal correlative microscopy for understanding the hierarchical structure-function relationships in human dental caries. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
CAVITY. The physics and mechanics of creep cavity nucleation and sintering in energy materials. PI: Alan Cocks
CAVITY. In-situ probing of shock induced cavity collapse. PI: Daniel Eakins
CEMTEC. PI: Clive Siviour
CIPS. Modelling the Intergranular gamma prime. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
DELICE. Design of Engineered Lightweight Innovative Casings for Engines. PI: Nik Petrinic
ED16. Modelling microstructure evolution, creep deformation and damage development in 316H stainless steel. PI: Alan Cocks
EXMAT. Microstructurally-aware energetic materials modelling. PI: Daniel Eakins
FANDANGO. FAN Design And iNtegrity, GO. PI: Nik Petrinic and Daniel Eakins
FANTASTICAL. FAN Testing And STatistical Integrity CALibration. PI: Nik Petrinic
INVISIBLE. Probing the invisible: Characterising atomic-scale point defects with X-rays. PI: Felix Hofmann
LUMIVOCS (Project begins 2021) - Portable Luminescent Sensor for Volatile Organic Compounds. PI: Jin-Chong Tan
MAGNESIUM. On the mechanisms of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys. PI: Daniel Eakins
MMBOP. Multiphysics Modelling of BiOdegradable Polymers, PI: Laurence Brassart
MHI SINTERING. Life Prediction of Thermal Barrier Coatings (Sintering). PI: Alan Cocks
NEUP. Simultaneous Corrosion/Irradiation Testing in Lead and Lead-Bismuth Eutectic: The Radiation Decelerated Corrosion Hypothesis (RC-3). PI: Felix Hofmann
PCD. Studies of Elastic Precursor Decay in FCC and HCP metals under shock loading. PI: Daniel Eakins
Poly(ML). PI: Clive Siviour
PROMOFS (2018-2023). Nanoengineering and Processing of Metal-Organic Framework Composites for Photonic Sensors. PI: Jin-Chong Tan
REACT. Reactive materials programme. PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
RRC. Residual Stress Measurement on Four Coated Ceramic Discs. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
SUPERSURF. Preparation of Defect Free Material. PI: Felix Hofmann
TIN. Shock response of single-crystal tin. PI: Daniel Eakins.
WELX. Residual stress evaluation will be performed by the FIB-DIC micro-ring-core drilling method (microHD) on the samples containing in-fill welds in the fir tree shank of HP turbine blademade from single crystal superalloy CMSX-4. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
AWE. Cast uranium fracture studies. PI: Alan Cocks
CARIES. Multi-modal correlative microscopy for understanding the hierarchical structure-function relationships in human dental caries. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
CAVITY. The physics and mechanics of creep cavity nucleation and sintering in energy materials. PI: Alan Cocks
CIPS. Modelling the Intergranular gamma prime. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
ED16. Modelling microstructure evolution, creep deformation and damage development in 316H stainless steel. PI: Alan Cocks
MAGNESIUM. On the mechanisms of plastic deformation in magnesium alloys. PIs: Daniel Eakins and Nik Petrinic
MHI SINTERING. Life Prediction of Thermal Barrier Coatings (Sintering). PI: Alan Cocks
NeuroPulse. The role of geometric-edge specification in cell growth mechanics and morphogenesis (the BBSRC grant). PI: Antoine Jerusalem
PCD. Studies of Elastic Precursor Decay in FCC and HCP metals under shock loading. PI: Daniel Eakins
RRC. Residual Stress Measurement on Four Coated Ceramic Discs. PI: Alexander Korsunsky
TIN. Shock response of single-crystal tin. PI: Daniel Eakins.
WELX. Residual stress evaluation will be performed by the FIB-DIC micro-ring-core drilling method (microHD) on the samples containing in-fill welds in the fir tree shank of HP turbine blademade from single crystal superalloy CMSX-4. PI: Alexander Korsunsky