The Multifunctional Materials & Composites (MMC) Laboratory Labs

Research grade equipment for materials processing and advanced characterisation owned by the MMC Lab.
FS5 Spectrofluorometer (Edinburgh Instruments)
- Excitation, emission, absorption measurements of liquid, solid, powders and thin films
- Quantum yield measurements (integrating sphere)
- TCSPC lifetime measurements (ns - ps), 365 nm EPLED
- High temperature sample holder (max. 300°C)
- Thermostatic sample holder with magnetic stirrer
- Electroluminescence sample holder for integrating sphere
Near-field scanning optical microscope s-SNOM, AFM with nano-FTIR (Neaspec)
- Supercontinuum DFG femtosecond laser (650 - 2200 cm-1)
- Near-field nano-FTIR spectroscopy module
- Hyperspectral mapping at ~20 nm spatial resolution
- Tip Force Microscopy (TFM) for local stiffness, adhesion, viscosity and energy dissipation at the nanoscale
Miniflex X-ray diffractometer (XRD)
- X-ray generator 600 Watt
- Cu X-ray tube Normal Focus 1kW Vertical goniometer
- Direct Beam Absorber
- 1 kW VDH Chiller
iMicro Nanoindenter (Nanomechanics Inc.)
- InForce 50 actuator (max. 50 mN)
- High resolution optics
- Continuous stiffness measurements (CSM)
- Scratch and wear testing
- ProbeDMA polymer methods
- Hydrated sample puck
- NanoBlitz 3D
- User method development for InView control software
IviumStat.h Impedance Spectrometer
- Electrochemical impedance analyser (10 µHz to 8 MHz bandwidth)
- Potentiostat ±10 V (0.02 mV resolution)
- Galvanostat (±1 mV to ±10 V)
- Electrometer ±5 A (10 pA resolution)
- 24 bits measurements
Hioki LCR Meter (IM3536)
- 4-terminal probe
- Pincer probes
- Variable frequency, 4 Hz to 8 MHz
- Variable voltage, 10 mV to 5 V
- Variable current, 10 𝜇A to 100 mA
3D Printer (Formlabs) Form 2
- Photolithography additive manufacturing system
- Build volumes 145 x 145 x 175 mm
- Laser spot size 140 microns
- Layer thickness 20 - 100 microns depending on polymers used
Electrospinning Apparatus
- Home-built electrospinning setup housed in an airtight acrylic glove box
- Spellman 0-30kV, 0-300 𝜇A auto-reversing power supply
- Genvolt 0-30 kV DC power supply
- Versatile nozzle, height adjustments, substrate collectors
- Automated syringe pump
- Automatic drum collector
- Portable design
Sigma 3-18K Refrigerated Centrifuge
- High capacity centrifuge with speed range up to 18,000 RPM
- Programmable temperature (-20 to 40 °C), speed and time control
- Angle rotor 6 x 50 mL including hermetic aluminium lid
- Adaptors for 6 x 15 mL centrifuge tubes
Automatic Doctor Blade Film & Membrane Coater (MTI AFA-II)
- Equipped with a large tempered glass plate on which different substrates can be supported during coating operation
- Adjustable doctor blade for controlled film thickness: 10 µm to 5 mm
- Maximum coating dimensions (LxW): 50 x 250 cm
- Variable coating speed: 1 to 95 mm/sec
Heraeus VT6060M Vacuum Oven
- Chamber capacity 53 L
- Max. temperature 200 °C
- Max. sample size (L x W x H): 350 x 300 x 250 mm
- Inert gas purging option available
Automatic Dip Coater (MTI PTL-OV5P)
- Programmable 5-position liquid solutions to prepare multilayer optical and epitaxial thin films
- Dipping/pulling rates, dwell/dry time, and cycle numbers can be programmed via touch screen controller
- Temperature: 50 - 200 °C
- Dipping and pulling rates: 1-200 mm/min
- Dwell and drying times: 0 - 999 seconds
- Dipping cycles and position turning: 99
Heratherm OMH100 Advanced Protocol Oven
- Chamber capacity 97 L
- Temperature range 50 to 330 °C
- Programmable controller for temperature ramps and dwells
- Adjustable fan speed for application related airflow
- Access ports for insertion of additional sensors and data logging
- Ideal for solvothermal and hydrothermal synthesis
UPRtek Spectrophotometer (MK350N Plus)
- Handheld portable spectrometer and colorimeter
- Visible light spectrum 360-760 nm
- CIE1931 and CIE1976 colour charts acquisition
- Luminosity and correlated colour temperature (CCT) measurements
- Steady-state and transient measurements
HERAguard Clean Bench (Heraeus HPH12)
- Provides sterile environment and clean air conditions to protect against sample contamination
- Interior work area: 1200 x 650 mm
- Adjustable laminar air flow velocity: 0.2 to 0.5 m/s
Ducted Fume Cupboard (TCS)
- Containment against hazardous effects of volatile gases, vapours, nanoparticles etc
- Work area 1200 mm wide
- Max. airflow velocity ~0.5 m/s
Metallographic Grinder and Polisher (MTI Unipol-820)
- Heavy-duty grinding and polishing machine
- Two 8" magnetic plates with independent speed control
- Variable speed up to 600 RPM
Olympus SZX10 Stereo Microscope
- 2x achromatic objective (WD ~34 mm) with 10x eyepiece
- High 10:1 zoom ratio of 0.63x - 6.3x; max. magnification 126x
- Equipped with a polariser
- Trinocular tube for CCD camera attachment
Reflected and Transmitted Light Microscope
- Achromatic objectives 5x, 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x
- 5 Megapixel CCD camera and image analysis software
- Dark and bright field imaging
Buehler Isomet Diamond Saw
- Gravity feed low-speed saw with built-in micrometer for precision sectioning of small specimens and brittle materials
- Cutting capacity: 45 mm, 300 RPM
- 5" (127 mm) blade capacity
- Chucks and fixtures for various sample geometries
Mettler-Toledo XS105 DualRange Balance
- Max. capacity: 41 g /120 g
- Readability: 0.01 mg /0.1 mg
- Density measurement accessories
Ohaus Pioneer Analytical Balance
- Max. capacity: 210 g
- Readability: 0.1 mg
Parr reactors
- Stainless steel vessels with 23 mL PTFE liners
- Solvothermal and hydrothermal reactions at above ambient boiling points
- Pressure release safety valves
Dry Pressing Die Set
- Hardened steel 3~4 tonnes max. load
- For 6 mm (1/4") I.D. pellets
Specac Atlas 15 Ton Hydraulic Press
- Manual press (set at 10 ton)
- Evacuable pellet dies 13 mm diameter