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Control Group Seminars

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All Seminars will start at 1300hrs in LR7, IEB unless otherwise stated.  Lunch provided outside LR7 at 12.30.  Tea/Coffee and discussion at 1400hrs
Current Control Seminars
22 April 2024: Professor Christian Coester, St Anne's College, Oxford Unweighted Layered Graph Traversal [ABSTRACT]
29 April 2024: Professor Nick McKeown, Stanford University Adaptive Bit Rates and Video Streaming [ABSTRACT]
13 May 2024: Dr Petar Veličković, University of Cambridge Capturing Computation with Algorithmic Alignment [ABSTRACT]
20 May 2024: Marcio Lacerda, London Met Cyber-physical systems under Dos attacks, a control systems perspective [ABSTRACT]
28 May 2024:  Assist. Prof Yi Wang, University of Hong Kong Learning to optimize for urban energy systems [ABSTRACT]
3 June 2024:  Professor Michael Fisher, University of Manchester Trustworthy Autonomous Systems? [ABSTRACT]