Multifunctional Materials & Composites (MMC) Laboratory 2019 - 2021 events
2021 - 2019 Events
16 November 2022
Research by Mario featured on the Back Cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, volume 9, issue 43.
The work concerns the "Long-lived highly emissive MOFs as potential candidates for multiphotonic applications"
22 October 2021
Research featured on the Front Cover of ACS Applied Nano Materials, volume 4, issue 10
14 September 2021
Annika Moeslain gave a talk at EuroMOF2021
entitled "Unravelling defects in MOFs with near-field infrared spectroscopy"
13 September 2021
JCT gave a talk at EuroMOF2021
entitled "Harnessing Photophysics of Guest@MOF to Engineer Fluorochromic Sensors & Electroluminescent Devices"
10 September 2021
Yang Zhang gave a talk at the Young Investigator Symposium of EuroMOF2021
entitled "Dye-Encapsulated ZIF-71 for Fluorochromic Sensing of Pressure, Temperature, and Volatile Solvents"
1 July 2021
Research featured on the Front Cover of Nature Materials, volume 20, issue 7, July 2021.
23 June 2021
Dylan Sherman gave a flash presentation at the 'MOFs for energy and the environment' Faraday Discussion
entitled "Luminescent Metal-Organic Nanosheets"
6 May 2021
Michele Tricarico gave the SMMEG Junior Research Seminar
entitled "Nanomechanical behaviour of monolithic framework solids "
29 April 2021
Nanomaterials engineered for high-speed impact
Engineers from Oxford, Birmingham and Ghent demonstrated a fundamentally new energy absorption mechanism under high-speed mechanical impact. Read the full paper: ‘"High-rate nanofluidic energy absorption in porous zeolitic frameworks" in Nature Materials.
8 April 2021
Annika Moeslein gave the SMMEG Junior Research Seminar
entitled "Beating the diffraction limit of light: Near-field spectroscopy for nanomaterials"
23 March 2021
Research featured on the Front Cover of ACS Applied Electronic Materials
A.S. Babal, B.E. Souza, A.F. Möslein, M. Gutiérrez, M.D. Frogley, and J.C. Tan*, “Broadband dielectric behavior of MIL-100 metal-organic framework as a function of structural amorphization”, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 1191-1198 (2021).
Links: [DOI] [pdf] [SI] / [arXiv].
Journal Cover: [Front Cover]
1 January 2021
Congratulations to Mario Gutiérrez for appointed an Associate Professor at Toledo
Congratulations to Dr. Mario Gutiérrez for the new appointment as an Associate Professor in the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in Toledo, Spain. MMC Lab appreciates your contributions to our research in the past 2 years (PROMOFS, 2018-2020) and wish you all the very best in setting up your new research group at Toledo.
November 2020
Our research featured on journal cover of Nanoscale Advances
Our research on AFM nanoindentation of 2D nanosheets was chosen as the journal cover of Nanoscale Advances.
Read about the full article in the open access paper below:
Z. Zeng, I.S. Flyagina, and J.C. Tan*, "Nanomechanical Properties and Failure Mechanisms of Two‑Dimensional Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets", Nanoscale Advances, 2, 5181-5191 (2020).
Open Access: [DOI] [pdf] [SI]
3 August 2020
JCT won The 2020 ISIS Impact Award: Science
The winner of the ISIS Science Impact Award is Professor Jin-Chong Tan, for his group’s work on lattice dynamics in Metal-Organic Frameworks, and how this effects the way they absorb and release gases and drug molecules.
Press releases:
27 July 2020
Arun's research featured on the cover of Advanced Materials Interfaces
Arun Babal's research has been featured on the cover of Advanced Materials Interfaces
A.S. Babal, A.K. Chaudhari, H.H.-M. Yeung, and J.C. Tan*, "Guest-Tunable Dielectric Sensing Using a Single Crystal of HKUST‑1", Advanced Materials Interfaces, 7, 2000408 (2020).
Open Access Links: [DOI] [pdf] [SI]
24 July 2020
Barbara won poster competition on Twitter organised by RSC Porous Materials Interest Group
Congratulations to Barbara Souza for winning the poster competition held on Twitter by RSC Porous Materials Interest Group, between 23-24 July 2020. Link to the original twitter post.
- Her winning poster is shown below, click to view the high-resolution poster.
9 JULY 2020
PROMOFS featured on EU Research Magazine
29 June 2020
ISIS Science Highlight "A greener route to drug encapsulated MOFs"
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Science Highlight - "A greener route to drug encapsulated MOFs"
Full paper:
B.E. Souza, A.F. Möslein, K. Titov, J.D. Taylor, S. Rudic, and J.C. Tan*, "Green Reconstruction of MIL‑100 (Fe) in Water for High Crystallinity and Enhanced Guest Encapsulation", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8, 8247-8255 (2020).
26 June 2020
Diamond Light Source - Science Highlight
8 June 2020
Barbara's paper featured on the front cover of ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
We are very pleased to see the paper by Barbara Souza being featured on the Front Cover of the journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
Download Cover: LINK
Press Release: ISIS Science Highlights
27 April 2020
JCT awarded the prestigious ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2020
- Our research group has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant to develop a portable luminescent sensor. The project is called LUMIVOCS.
- Oxford Engineering Science Dept press release (11 May 2020)
21 April 2020
Abhijeet's research featured on the Inside Front Cover of Advanced Optical Materials
Our research on the application of 3D printing to engineer 'dual-guest' luminescent MOF nanocrystals embedded in a commercial photopolymer has been published as the Inside Front Cover of the 17th April issue of Advanced Optical Materials.
Details about design of the cover - [URL]
Read about the research:-
A.K. Chaudhari and J.C. Tan*, "Dual-Guest Functionalised ZIF-8 Framework for 3D Printing White Light-Emitting Composites", Advanced Optical Materials, 8, 1901912 (2020) [DOI]
9 March 2020
Annika attended STEM for Britain 2020 in the House of Commons
Annika Moeslein attended the STEM for Britain 2020 poster competition held in the House of Commons, on 9th March 2020. She presented her research on "Detecting Nanoplastics in the Ocean"
6 February 2020
Mario gave a seminar on luminescent MOF for lighting and sensors
Dr Mario Gutierrez gave a seminar entitled "Designing luminescent MOF materials and composites for solid-state lighting and sensing applications" in the Department of Engineering Science at Oxford.
6 January 2020
Yang presented poster at Quantum Dot Day 2020
Yang Zhang presented his poster at the Quantum Dot Day 2020 held on the 6th Jan 2020, in Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford.
Update (July 2020) - The research has now being published:
Y. Zhang, M. Gutiérrez, A.K. Chaudhari, and J.C. Tan*, "Dye-encapsulated zeolitic imidazolate framework (ZIF-71) for fluorochromic sensing of pressure, temperature, and volatile solvents", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020). [DOI]
1 January 2020
Yueting has been appointed Lecturer at University of Birmingham
Congratulations to Yueting Sun for his new position as Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Link to his group website.
13 November 2019
JCT presented latest research at the Institute of Physics (IOP)
JCT gave a talk at the Workshop on Recent Advances in Damping Modelling and Experiments held in the Institute of Physics (IOP) in London. The title of talk was "Nanoporous Frameworks for Nanofluidic Mechanical Damping"
27 October 2019
Presentations at EuroMOF 2019, Paris
Yueting Sun and Barbara Souza presented an Oral and a Poster, respectively, at EuroMOF2019 held in Paris.
14 October 2019
Congratulations to Kirill Titov for passing his DPhil viva on the 14th October 2019.
His thesis is entitled "Towards practical metal-organic framework materials: Operando and in situ studies by leveraging synchrotron and neutron sources"
23 September 2019
Barbara Souza gave an Oral presentation
at the 10th edition of International Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources – WIRMS 2019, held in Brazil from 23-27 September 2019. Her talk was on "Real time in situ monitoring of drug release from metal organic framework nanocomposites via synchrotron microspectroscopy"
8 July 2019
Nanocomposites research featured on Materials Today
Our research featured on Materials Today: "Nanocrystals that improve the transport and storage of fresh produce". Work done in collaboration with Prof Joaquin Silvestre-Albero from the University of Alicante.
23 May 2019
Our research on drug@MOF composites has been featured on the ISIS Science News
You can read about the full story here.
10 May 2019
Barbara Souza wins the 2019 Image Competition
Congratulations to Barbara Souza for winning the David Cockayne Centre for Electron Microscopy - 2019 Image Competition.
24 April 2019
Oxford Photonics Day 2019
JCT gave an invited talk entitled "Engineering the optoelectronic properties of metal-organic framework (MOF) composites".
10 April 2019
1st MOFSIM2019 Workshop
JCT and Annika Moeslein attended the 1st MOFSIM2019 Workshop, held in Ghent from 10-12 April 2019. JCT gave an invited talk entitled "Mechanics of MOF Crystals: Anisotropic Elasticity & Co-operative Dynamics". Annika presented a poster on her research employing nanoindentation and near-field nanospectroscopy. Link: Picture gallery of the workshop
13 March 2019
STEM for BRITAIN competition
Barbara Souza attended the Parliament on 13 March as part of the STEM for BRITAIN competition to present her research to politicians and a panel of expert judges. Further information can be found here.
26-27 February 2019
High-Pressure Workshop at Diamond Light Source
Yueting attended the High-Pressure Workshop at Diamond Light Source and gave a talk on the "Pressurized Nanofluidics of Metal-Organic-Frameworks: Time-dependent Mechanics and Energy Dissipation"
19 February 2019
1st Symposium on Acoustics of Nanoporous Materials (SAnPM)
JCT gave a keynote lecture at the 1st Symposium on Acoustics of Nanoporous Materials (SAnPM), which was held on the 19th February 2019 at Salford University, United Kingdom.The meeting was organised by the UK Acoustics Network (UKAN). A summary of the symposium can be found here.
8 January 2019
Barbara won the best poster prize at MOF2018 (Auckland)
Congratulations to Barbara Souza who has won the best poster prize at the MOF2018 conference held in Auckland, New Zealand, from 9 to 13 December 2018. Further details can be found in the press releases below.