20 Oct 2022
Formula 1 scholarship recipient excels in studies and extra-curricular activities during first year of MEng
Sean was one of the first students to receive the Formula 1 scholarship at Oxford, aimed at supporting talented undergraduates from under-represented backgrounds into engineering careers

The University of Oxford is collaborating with Formula 1 on a new scholarship to support talented undergraduates from under-represented backgrounds into engineering careers. Engineering student Sean (Magdalen College) received one of the scholarships for 2021/22, which covers the full cost of tuition, together with a living stipend and opportunities to engage with Formula 1.
Sean says, “This scholarship has a massive impact on my life. It means that I do not have to stress about my financial situation which allows me to concentrate on making the most of my university experience… I can dedicate more quality time to my studies and [it] allows me to get involved in various events and opportunities from sport to socialising, without worrying about the financial aspect.”
The first year of the MEng in Engineering Science culminates in ‘prelim’ exams, in which Sean received a distinction. He says, “These ‘preliminary examinations’ provide a foundation to go deeper into mathematical and physical engineering theory in later years. I covered four main topics, which include mathematics, electronics, structures and mechanics and energy as well as laboratory work which included programming and engineering design.”
Sean attended a state-funded Academy Trust selective school in Warwickshire, where he took part in a range of extra-curricular STEM activities including leading a science club and mentoring pupils at a local primary school. At Oxford Sean has continued to enhance his studies with social and outreach activities. Working with Engineering without Borders on a landmine detection project, he was involved in research on cyclone size to optimise filtering throughput and efficiency, as well as organising and conduct labs such as pump testing.
Signing up as a student ambassador for the Engineering Science Department and for Magdalen College involves him in talking to prospective students online, producing outreach materials and leading tours. As well as excelling at his studies, Sean also found time to work at the 63rd London International Youth Science Forum and is a member of the Oxford University Promentor Programme.
He says of his first year at Oxford, “I think my greatest achievement would be the variety and range of experiences I was able to have during my first year of university while also performing very well academically. I am very proud of my Distinction and the extra curriculars I got involved in. I learnt a lot about myself and my interests and what methods and strategies work best for me as well how to manage the university environment”.
Sean has built a strong foundation of knowledge to build on in subsequent years. He adds, “I have achieved my goals this year to build a strong foundation of knowledge to build on next year. In general, from the course, I want to build a strong aptitude in engineering and its tools, maths and physics, which will be a stepping stone into my future career.”