24 Nov 2023
Local teens inspired by Science Wonder Discovery Evening
A Discovery Evening aimed at inspiring teenagers and encouraging them to consider careers in science took place at Begbroke Science Park as part of the IF Oxford Festival in October

Professor of Engineering Science Ian Thompson, Oxford University. Image by John Cairns
A Discovery Evening aimed at inspiring teenagers and encouraging them to consider careers in science took place at Begbroke Science Park as part of the IF Oxford Festival in October.
Over 80 young people and adults attended the event, meeting researchers and scientists from spin-outs based across Oxford University, including some from Begbroke. The subjects discussed ranged from animal tracking research being undertaken in Kenya to plastic recycling, and visitors joined Pandemic Detective workshops and participated in activities with WildCRU - the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, and a kinetic energy workshop run by STORE and Unit Lab.
Begbroke-based scientist Professor Ian Thompson talked about how research and industry are working together to develop new technologies to address key global problems such as the provision of sustainable energy and waste treatment, clean water and resource recycling.
He says, “It is vital to talk about the research and innovation that we undertake in environmental biotechnology here at Begbroke Science Park and Oxford University so that the local community and next generation can understand the key global challenges we face around climate change, resources, clean water and energy and the possibilities to explore sustainable solutions that microorganisms and nanomaterials can present.”
The success of the event highlights the importance of building links between the science community and the residents living near Begbroke by showcasing the exciting innovations, technologies and research taking place at the Science Park and across the University.

Begbroke-based scientist Professor Ian Thompson