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Dan Wright


Dan Wright


Dan Wright is a Researcher on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project

Most Recent Publications

Distribution of the Högbom CLEAN Algorithm Using Tiled Images with Feedback

Distribution of the Högbom CLEAN Algorithm Using Tiled Images with Feedback

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Multi-scale CLEAN memory utilisation challenges at square kilometre array scale

Multi-scale CLEAN memory utilisation challenges at square kilometre array scale

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Low-dose M.tb infection but not BCG or MTBVAC vaccination enhances heterologous antibody titres in non-human primates

Low-dose M.tb infection but not BCG or MTBVAC vaccination enhances heterologous antibody titres in non-human primates

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CLEAN algorithm implementation comparisons between popular software packages

CLEAN algorithm implementation comparisons between popular software packages

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IoT focused VHF and UHF propagation study and comparisons

IoT focused VHF and UHF propagation study and comparisons

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