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Federico Fedele

Senior Research Associate


Federico Fedele completed his undergraduate and Master studies in Physics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. He later joined the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen, Denmark, to focus on a PhD on semiconductor quantum devices for quantum computing. In 2020 he joined the Materials Department at the university of Oxford, and in 2022 he was awarded the W. W. Spooner Junior Research Fellowship in Engineering. His current work focuses on developing quantum technologies, with particular focus on quantum thermodynamics to study the energetics of quantum information.


Research Interests

Federico’s research focuses on quantum technologies and nanoscale quantum devices that allows fine control over individual charges and spins to encode and manipulate quantum information. In addition, he is interested in hybrid devices that allows the coupling of individual quantum systems with nanomechanical resonators to measure their thermodynamic quantities and study the thermodynamic aspects of quantum information processing.