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Natalia Ares


Natalia Ares

Associate Professor

Tutorial Fellow at New College

Royal Society University Research Fellow

COLLEGE: New College


Natalia Ares works on experiments to advance the development of quantum technologies, with a focus on artificial intelligence for quantum device control and quantum thermodynamics. She joined the Materials Department at the University of Oxford in 2013. She was awarded a series of fellowships, including a Marie Skłodowska-Curie and a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, and was awarded a European Research Council Starting Grant in 2020. During her PhD she focused on silicon-based devices for quantum computing at CEA Grenoble, France. She completed her undergraduate studies in Physics and a Masters equivalent in the theory of quantum chaos at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she was born and raised.


Research Interests

Natalia's research is in novel approaches to advance the engineering of quantum processors. To unleash the potential of quantum technologies, the intrinsic variability between individual devices has so far been a major hindrance.

For large arrays of devices, the tuning required to account for this variability quickly becomes an intractable task, presenting a bottleneck for the realisation of large quantum circuits. Natalia's group develops novel machine learning algorithms able to control complex quantum circuits in real time.

Natalia is also interested in the thermodynamics aspects of quantum information processing. The group fabricates devices at nanometre scales and holds them at millikelvin temperatures to explore the link between information and thermodynamics in the quantum world. Their exploration of information thermodynamics in the quantum arena will inform the construction of autonomous quantum machines such as quantum engines and quantum circuits with learning capabilities.

Current Projects

  • Machine learning for quantum device control.
  • Thermodynamics of quantum information processing.

Research Groups

Recent Publications

Automated long-range compensation of an rf quantum dot sensor

Hickie J, van Straaten B, Fedele F, Jirovec D, Ballabio A et al. (2024), Physical Review Applied, 22(6), 064026

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  title={Automated long-range compensation of an rf quantum dot sensor},
  author={Hickie J, van Straaten B, Fedele F, Jirovec D, Ballabio A et al.},
  journal={Physical Review Applied},
  publisher={American Physical Society (APS)},
  year = "2024"

Differentiable master equation solver for quantum device characterization

Craig DL, Ares N & Gauger EM (2024), Physical Review Research, 6(4)

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  title={Differentiable master equation solver for quantum device characterization},
  author={Craig DL, Ares N & Gauger EM},
  journal={Physical Review Research},
  year = "2024"

QArray: A GPU-accelerated constant capacitance model simulator for large quantum dot arrays

van Straaten B, Hickie J, Schorling L, Schuff J, Fedele F et al. (2024), SciPost Physics Codebases, 035

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  title={QArray: A GPU-accelerated constant capacitance model simulator for large quantum dot arrays},
  author={van Straaten B, Hickie J, Schorling L, Schuff J, Fedele F et al.},
  journal={SciPost Physics Codebases},
  publisher={Stichting SciPost},
  year = "2024"

Cross-architecture tuning of silicon and SiGe-based quantum devices using machine learning

Severin B, Lennon DT, Camenzind LC, Vigneau F, Fedele F et al. (2024), Scientific Reports, 14(1)

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  title={Cross-architecture tuning of silicon and SiGe-based quantum devices using machine learning},
  author={Severin B, Lennon DT, Camenzind LC, Vigneau F, Fedele F et al.},
  journal={Scientific Reports},
  publisher={Nature Research},
  year = "2024"

Looping in the human: collaborative and explainable Bayesian optimization

Adachi M, Planden B, Howey DA, Osborne MA, Orbell S et al. (2024), Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 505-513

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  title={Looping in the human: collaborative and explainable Bayesian optimization},
  author={Adachi M, Planden B, Howey DA, Osborne MA, Orbell S et al.},
  booktitle={27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2024)},
  year = "2024"

Stability of long-sustained oscillations induced by electron tunneling

Tabanera-Bravo J, Vigneau F, Monsel J, Aggarwal K, Bresque L et al. (2024), Physical Review Research, 6(1)

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  title={Stability of long-sustained oscillations induced by electron tunneling},
  author={Tabanera-Bravo J, Vigneau F, Monsel J, Aggarwal K, Bresque L et al.},
  journal={Physical Review Research},
  publisher={American Physical Society},
  year = "2024"

High-fidelity spin qubit operation and algorithmic initialization above 1 K

Huang JY, Su RY, Lim WH, Feng M, van Straaten B et al. (2024), Nature, 627(8005), 772-777

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  title={High-fidelity spin qubit operation and algorithmic initialization above 1 K},
  author={Huang JY, Su RY, Lim WH, Feng M, van Straaten B et al.},
  publisher={Springer Nature},
  year = "2024"

Bridging the reality gap in quantum devices with physics-aware machine learning

Craig DL, Moon H, Fedele F, Lennon DT, van Straaten B et al. (2024), Physical Review X, 14(1)

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  title={Bridging the reality gap in quantum devices with physics-aware machine learning},
  author={Craig DL, Moon H, Fedele F, Lennon DT, van Straaten B et al.},
  journal={Physical Review X},
  publisher={American Physical Society},
  year = "2024"

Information Flows in Nanomachines

Parrondo JMR, Tabanera-Bravo J, Fedele F & Ares N (2024), 1-31

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  title={Information Flows in Nanomachines},
  author={Parrondo JMR, Tabanera-Bravo J, Fedele F & Ares N},
  year = "2024"

Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning

Schuff J, Lennon D, Geyer S, Craig D, Fedele F et al. (2023), Quantum, 7

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  title={Identifying Pauli spin blockade using deep learning},
  author={Schuff J, Lennon D, Geyer S, Craig D, Fedele F et al.},
  publisher={Verein zur Forderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften},
  year = "2023"

Learning quantum systems

Gebhart V, Santagati R, Gentile AA, Gauger EM, Craig D et al. (2023), Nature Reviews Physics, 5(3), 141-156

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  title={Learning quantum systems},
  author={Gebhart V, Santagati R, Gentile AA, Gauger EM, Craig D et al.},
  journal={Nature Reviews Physics},
  publisher={Springer Nature},
  year = "2023"

Probing quantum devices with radio-frequency reflectometry

Vigneau F, Fedele F, Chatterjee A, Reilly D, Kuemmeth F et al. (2023), Applied Physics Reviews, 10(2)

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  title={Probing quantum devices with radio-frequency reflectometry},
  author={Vigneau F, Fedele F, Chatterjee A, Reilly D, Kuemmeth F et al.},
  journal={Applied Physics Reviews},
  number={021305 },
  publisher={American Institute of Physics},
  year = "2023"

Probing quantum devices with radio-frequency reflectometry

Vigneau F, Fedele F, Chatterjee A, Reilly D, Kuemmeth F et al. (2023), APPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS, 10(2)

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  title={Probing quantum devices with radio-frequency reflectometry},
  author={Vigneau F, Fedele F, Chatterjee A, Reilly D, Kuemmeth F et al.},
  number={ARTN 021305},
  year = "2023"

Ultrastrong coupling between electron tunneling and mechanical motion

Vigneau F, Monsel J, Tabanera J, Aggarwal K, Bresque L et al. (2022), Physical Review Research, 4(4)

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  title={Ultrastrong coupling between electron tunneling and mechanical motion},
  author={Vigneau F, Monsel J, Tabanera J, Aggarwal K, Bresque L et al.},
  journal={Physical Review Research},
  publisher={American Physical Society},
  year = "2022"

Dynamics of hole singlet-triplet qubits with large g-factor differences

Jirovec D, Mutter PM, Hofmann A, Crippa A, Rychetsky M et al. (2022), Physical Review Letters, 128(12)

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  title={Dynamics of hole singlet-triplet qubits with large g-factor differences},
  author={Jirovec D, Mutter PM, Hofmann A, Crippa A, Rychetsky M et al.},
  journal={Physical Review Letters},
  publisher={American Physical Society},
  year = "2022"
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