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Researcher Committee - Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Thom building photo taken in Uni park

Researcher Committee

The Department's Researcher Committee, which meets termly, provides representation across all areas of our post-doctoral research body, and is a useful forum for raising issues specific to those at this career stage. In addition, the committee organises events for career development and networking, helping to bring researchers together to support each other and foster interdisciplinary research. The Committee was set up in 2016, with the first meeting taking place in 2017.

The Researcher Committee enables a two-way channel of communication between PDRAs and Departmental management, exploring and actioning support for career opportunities, networking, training, mentoring, public engagement events, talks, and general support.

The Committee is open to postdoctoral researchers across the whole department, and is chaired by the Associate Head of Research (currently Professor Wes Armour), along with one researcher (currently Dr Huiqi Lu). The Committee reports to the Departmental Committee and Senior Management Team.

Contact the Committee