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A portrait of postdoctoral Research Fellow, Fei He


Fei He DPhil

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

TEL: 07349306204


Dr. Fei He is a postdoctoral research assistant in the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, working on tidal renewable energy resource assessment. He completed his PhD at University of Western Australia (2023), following an MSc in Coastal Engineering (2018) and a BSc in Food Science and Engineering (2015). His research focuses on fluid-structure interaction and environmental fluid mechanics, spanning ground-breaking fundamental studies, showcased by three publications in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, to industry-focused applications in nature-based coastal protection, scour protection and marine renewable energy.

Research Interests

  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid-Structure Interaction
  • Nature-based Coastal Protection
  • Scour
  • Marine Renewable Energy

Research Projects

COTIDE project, aiming to Co-design to deliver Scalable Tidal Stream Energy

  • Li, A., Melville, B. W., Yang, Y., Zhou, S., He, F., Shamseldin, A. Y., & Zhang, G. (2024). The semi-empirical model for critical bed shear stress in the local scour hole downstream of a submerged structure based on turbulent velocity distribution. Applied Ocean Research, 153, 104238.
  • He, F., An, H., Ghisalberti, M., Draper, S., Ren, C., Branson, P., & Cheng, L. (2024). Obstacle arrangement can control flows through porous obstructions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 992, A3. 
  • He, F., Draper, S., Ghisalberti, M., An, H., & Branson, P. (2024). Predicting mean flow through an array of cylinders. Geophysical Research Letters, (51-14), e2024GL110164.
  • Chen, J., Yao, Z., He, F., Jiang, C., Jiang, C., Wu, Z., ... & Bian, C. (2024). Experimental study on the settling motion of coral grains in still water. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 990, A15.
  • He, F., An, H., Draper, S., Ghisalberti, M., Branson, P., & Cheng, L. (2024, June). Arrangement Effects on Flow Through an Array of Cylinders. In International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (Vol. 87820, p. V05AT06A031). American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 
  • He, F., Ghisalberti, M., An, H., Draper, S., Branson, P., Ren, C., & Cheng, L. (2024). Wake structure of an array of cylinders in shallow flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 986, A30.
  • He, F., Draper, S., Ghisalberti, M., An, H. W., Branson, P., Cheng, L., & Ren, C. J. (2022). Wake structure behind porous obstructions in steady current. In 23st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference.
  • Gong, S., Chen, J., Jiang, C., Xu, S., He, F., & Wu, Z. (2021). Prediction of solitary wave attenuation by emergent vegetation using genetic programming and artificial neural networks. Ocean Engineering, 234, 109250.
  • He, F., Chen, J., & Jiang, C. (2019). Surface wave attenuation by vegetation with the stem, root and canopy. Coastal Engineering, 152, 103509.


Australian Research Training Program Scholarship