Showing 50 publications by Ingmar Posner
Offline Adaptation of Quadruped Locomotion using Diffusion Models
O'Mahoney R, Mitchell AL, Yu W, Posner I & Havoutis I (2024)
title={Offline Adaptation of Quadruped Locomotion using Diffusion Models},
author={O'Mahoney R, Mitchell AL, Yu W, Posner I & Havoutis I},
year = "2024"
A Review of Differentiable Simulators
Newbury R, Collins J, He K, Pan J, Posner I et al. (2024), IEEE Access, PP(99), 1-1
Oscillating latent dynamics in robot systems during walking and reaching
Parker Jones O, Mitchell A, Yamada J, Merkt W, Geisert M et al. (2024), Scientific Reports, 14(1)
Gaitor: Learning a Unified Representation Across Gaits for Real-World Quadruped Locomotion
Mitchell AL, Merkt W, Papatheodorou A, Havoutis I & Posner I (2024)
TWIST: Teacher-Student World Model Distillation for Efficient Sim-to-Real Transfer
Yamada J, Rigter M, Collins J & Posner I (2024), 00, 9190-9196
title={TWIST: Teacher-Student World Model Distillation for Efficient Sim-to-Real Transfer},
author={Yamada J, Rigter M, Collins J & Posner I},
booktitle={2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
year = "2024"
Neural latent geometry search: product manifold inference via Gromov-Hausdorff-informed Bayesian optimization
S??ez de Oc??riz Borde H, Arroyo ??, Morales L??pez I, Posner I & Dong X (2024), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023)
title={Neural latent geometry search: product manifold inference via Gromov-Hausdorff-informed Bayesian optimization
author={S??ez de Oc??riz Borde H, Arroyo ??, Morales L??pez I, Posner I & Dong X},
booktitle={37th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)},
year = "2024"
DreamUp3D: Object-Centric Generative Models for Single-View 3D Scene Understanding and Real-to-Sim Transfer
Wu Y, Saez de Ocariz Borde H, Collins J, Jones OP & Posner I (2024), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Efficient Skill Acquisition for Insertion Tasks in Obstructed Environments
Yamada J, Collins J & Posner I (2024), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 242, 615-627
title={Efficient Skill Acquisition for Insertion Tasks in Obstructed Environments},
author={Yamada J, Collins J & Posner I},
year = "2024"
Rigter M, Jiang M & Posner I (2024), 12th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2024
author={Rigter M, Jiang M & Posner I},
year = "2024"
TactGen: Tactile Sensory Data Generation via Zero-Shot Sim-to-Real Transfer
Zhong S, Albini A, Maiolino P & Posner I (2024), IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 1-14
title={TactGen: Tactile Sensory Data Generation via Zero-Shot Sim-to-Real Transfer},
author={Zhong S, Albini A, Maiolino P & Posner I},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)},
year = "2024"
AutoGraph: predicting lane graphs from traffic observations
Zurn J, Posner I & Burgard W (2023), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(1), 73-80
RAMP: a benchmark for evaluating robotic assembly manipulation and planning
Collins J, Robson M, Yamada J, Sridharan M, Janik K et al. (2023), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(1), 9-16
title={RAMP: a benchmark for evaluating robotic assembly manipulation and planning},
author={Collins J, Robson M, Yamada J, Sridharan M, Janik K et al.},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
year = "2023"
VAE-Loco: versatile quadruped locomotion by learning a disentangled gait representation
Mitchell AL, Merkt WX, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2023), IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(5), 3805-3820
title={VAE-Loco: versatile quadruped locomotion by learning a disentangled gait representation},
author={Mitchell AL, Merkt WX, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
year = "2023"
Leveraging scene embeddings for gradient-based motion planning in latent space
Yamada J, Hung CM, Collins J, Havoutis I & Posner I (2023), 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5674-5680
title={Leveraging scene embeddings for gradient-based motion planning in latent space},
author={Yamada J, Hung CM, Collins J, Havoutis I & Posner I},
booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
year = "2023"
RAMP: A Benchmark for Evaluating Robotic Assembly Manipulation and Planning
Collins J, Robson M, Yamada J, Sridharan M, Janik K et al. (2023)
title={RAMP: A Benchmark for Evaluating Robotic Assembly Manipulation and
author={Collins J, Robson M, Yamada J, Sridharan M, Janik K et al.},
year = "2023"
You Only Look at One: Category-Level Object Representations for Pose Estimation From a Single Example
Goodwin W, Havoutis I & Posner I (2023)
Touching a NeRF: leveraging neural radiance fields for tactile sensory data generation
Zhong S, Albini A, Parker Jones O, Maiolino P & Posner H (2023), 205, 1618-1628
title={Touching a NeRF: leveraging neural radiance fields for tactile sensory data generation},
author={Zhong S, Albini A, Parker Jones O, Maiolino P & Posner H},
booktitle={7th Annual Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2023)},
year = "2023"
Projections of model spaces for latent graph inference
Posner H, Arroyo A & S??ez De Oc??riz Borde H (2023), Proceedings of the ICLR 2023 Workshop on Physics for Machine Learning
title={Projections of model spaces for latent graph inference},
author={Posner H, Arroyo A & S??ez De Oc??riz Borde H},
booktitle={ICLR 2023 Workshop on Physics for Machine Learning},
year = "2023"
You only look at one: category-level object representations for pose estimation from a single example
Goodwin W, Havoutis I & Posner I (2023), Proceedings of The 6th Conference on Robot Learning, 1435-1445
title={You only look at one: category-level object representations for pose estimation from a single example},
author={Goodwin W, Havoutis I & Posner I},
booktitle={6th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2022)},
year = "2023"
Leveraging Scene Embeddings for Gradient-Based Motion Planning in Latent Space
Yamada J, Hung C-M, Collins J, Havoutis I & Posner I (2023)
DITTO: Offline Imitation Learning with World Models
DeMoss B, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Posner I (2023)
title={DITTO: Offline Imitation Learning with World Models},
author={DeMoss B, Duckworth P, Hawes N & Posner I},
year = "2023"
Touching a NeRF: Leveraging Neural Radiance Fields for Tactile Sensory Data Generation
Zhong S, Albini A, Jones OP, Maiolino P & Posner I (2023), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 205, 1618-1628
title={Touching a NeRF: Leveraging Neural Radiance Fields for Tactile Sensory Data Generation},
author={Zhong S, Albini A, Jones OP, Maiolino P & Posner I},
year = "2023"
You Only Look at One: Category-Level Object Representations for Pose Estimation From a Single Example
Goodwin W, Havoutis I & Posner I (2023), Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 205, 1435-1445
title={You Only Look at One: Category-Level Object Representations for Pose Estimation From a Single Example},
author={Goodwin W, Havoutis I & Posner I},
year = "2023"
Leveraging Scene Embeddings for Gradient-Based Motion Planning in Latent Space
Yamada J, Hung CM, Collins J, Havoutis I & Posner I (2023), Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2023-May, 5674-5680
AutoGraph: Predicting Lane Graphs From Traffic Observations
Zurn J, Posner I & Burgard W (2023), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
RAMP: A Benchmark for Evaluating Robotic Assembly Manipulation and Planning
Collins J, Robson M, Yamada J, Sridharan M, Janik K et al. (2023), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
From Primates to Robots: Emerging Oscillatory Latent-Space Dynamics for Sensorimotor Control
Mitchell A, Parker Jones O, Yamada J, Merkt W, Havoutis I et al. (2023)
title={From Primates to Robots: Emerging Oscillatory Latent-Space Dynamics for Sensorimotor Control},
author={Mitchell A, Parker Jones O, Yamada J, Merkt W, Havoutis I et al.},
booktitle={2023 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience},
year = "2023"
Salter S, Hartikainen K, Goodwin W & Posner I (2023), 11th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023
author={Salter S, Hartikainen K, Goodwin W & Posner I},
year = "2023"
VAE-Loco: Versatile Quadruped Locomotion by Learning a Disentangled Gait Representation
Mitchell AL, Merkt WX, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2023), IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS
Zero-shot category-level object pose estimation
Goodwin W, Vaze S, Havoutis I & Posner I (2022)(13699), 516-532
Reaching Through Latent Space: From Joint Statistics to Path Planning in Manipulation
Hung C-M, Zhong S, Goodwin W, Jones OP, Engelcke M et al. (2022)
Next steps: learning a disentangled gait representation for versatile quadruped locomotion
Mitchell A, Merkt W, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2022), 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10564-10570
title={Next steps: learning a disentangled gait representation for versatile quadruped locomotion},
author={Mitchell A, Merkt W, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al.},
booktitle={International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022)},
year = "2022"
Semantically grounded object matching for robust robotic scene rearrangement
Goodwin W, Vaze S, Havoutis I & Posner H (2022), Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), 11138-11144
Fast-MbyM: leveraging translational invariance of the fourier transform for efficient and accurate radar odometry
Weston R, Gadd M, De Martini D, Newman P & Posner H (2022), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), 2186-2192
title={Fast-MbyM: leveraging translational invariance of the fourier transform for efficient and accurate radar odometry},
author={Weston R, Gadd M, De Martini D, Newman P & Posner H},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022)},
year = "2022"
ObPose: Leveraging Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference and Generation in 3D
Wu Y, Jones OP & Posner I (2022)
title={ObPose: Leveraging Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference and
Generation in 3D},
author={Wu Y, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2022"
GENESIS-V2: inferring unordered object representations without iterative refinement
Engelcke M, Parker Jones O & Posner I (2022), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021), 10, 8085-8094
title={GENESIS-V2: inferring unordered object representations without iterative refinement},
author={Engelcke M, Parker Jones O & Posner I},
booktitle={ 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)},
year = "2022"
Universal approximation of functions on sets
Wagstaff E, Fuchs F, Engelcke M, Osborne M & Posner I (2022), Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(151), 1-56
title={Universal approximation of functions on sets},
author={Wagstaff E, Fuchs F, Engelcke M, Osborne M & Posner I},
journal={Journal of Machine Learning Research},
publisher={Journal of Machine Learning Research},
year = "2022"
E(n) Equivariant Normalizing Flows
Satorras V, Hoogeboom E, Fuchs F, Posner I & Welling M (2022), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021), 34, 4181-4192
title={E(n) Equivariant Normalizing Flows},
author={Satorras V, Hoogeboom E, Fuchs F, Posner I & Welling M},
booktitle={35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)},
year = "2022"
VAE-Loco: Versatile Quadruped Locomotion by Learning a Disentangled Gait Representation
Mitchell AL, Merkt W, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2022)
Fast-MbyM: Leveraging Translational Invariance of the Fourier Transform for Efficient and Accurate Radar Odometry
Weston R, Gadd M, De Martini D, Newman P & Posner I (2022)
Reaching through latent space: From joint statistics to path planning in manipulation
Hung C-M, Zhong S, Goodwin W, Parker Jones O, Engelcke M et al. (2022), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
title={Reaching through latent space: From joint statistics to path planning in manipulation},
author={Hung C-M, Zhong S, Goodwin W, Parker Jones O, Engelcke M et al.},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
year = "2022"
APEX: Unsupervised, object-centric scene segmentation and tracking for robot manipulation
Wu Y, Jones OP, Engelcke M & Posner I (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 3375-3382
title={APEX: Unsupervised, object-centric scene segmentation and tracking for robot manipulation},
author={Wu Y, Jones OP, Engelcke M & Posner I},
booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = "2021"
Next Steps: Learning a Disentangled Gait Representation for Versatile Quadruped Locomotion
Mitchell AL, Merkt W, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2021)
Semantically Grounded Object Matching for Robust Robotic Scene Rearrangement
Goodwin W, Vaze S, Havoutis I & Posner I (2021)
There and back again: learning to simulate radar data for real-world applications
Weston R, Jones OP & Posner H (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 12809-12816
Goal-conditioned end-to-end visuomotor control for versatile skill primitives
Groth O, Hung C, Vedaldi A & Posner I (2021), 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1319-1325
Introspective visuomotor control: exploiting uncertainty in deep visuomotor control for failure recovery
Hung C-M, Sun L, Wu Y, Havoutis I & Posner I (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6293-6299
title={Introspective visuomotor control: exploiting uncertainty in deep visuomotor control for failure recovery},
author={Hung C-M, Sun L, Wu Y, Havoutis I & Posner I},
booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
year = "2021"
Iterative SE(3)-transformers
Fuchs FB, Wagstaff E, Dauparas J & Posner I (2021), 12829, 585-595
Universal Approximation of Functions on Sets
Wagstaff E, Fuchs FB, Engelcke M, Osborne MA & Posner I (2021)
title={Universal Approximation of Functions on Sets},
author={Wagstaff E, Fuchs FB, Engelcke M, Osborne MA & Posner I},
year = "2021"