Showing 49 publications by Manolis Chatzis
A robust estimation of the response of floating wind turbines through piecewise linearization
Meng J, Mostert W & Chatzis M (2024), Proceedings of XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2647
The dynamic behaviour of flexible oscillators rocking and sliding on concentrated springs
Zhang Z, Chatzis MN & Acikgoz S (2024), Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
Estimating the foundation parameters of offshore wind turbines through Bayesian model updating
Simpson H, Tatsis K, Abdallah I, Chatzi E & Chatzis M (2024), Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2647(11)
title={Estimating the foundation parameters of offshore wind turbines through Bayesian model updating},
author={Simpson H, Tatsis K, Abdallah I, Chatzi E & Chatzis M},
booktitle={12th International Conference on Structural Dynamics (EURODYN 2023)},
year = "2024"
Design Considerations and Optimum Parameters of a Friction Damper in SDOF Systems for Seismic Response Reduction
Patankar D, Shrikhande M & Chatzis M (2024), Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 28(5), 1299-1311
title={Design Considerations and Optimum Parameters of a Friction Damper in SDOF Systems for Seismic Response Reduction},
author={Patankar D, Shrikhande M & Chatzis M},
journal={Journal of Earthquake Engineering},
publisher={Taylor & Francis},
year = "2024"
A Simulink model for the dynamic analysis of floating wind turbines
Meng J, McAdam RA & Chatzis MN (2023), Dynamics of Civil Structures, Vol. 2 - Proceedings of the 41st IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics 2023, 2
Monopile foundation stiffness estimation of an instrumented offshore wind turbine through model updating
McAdam RA, Chatzis MN, Kuleli M, Anderson EF & Byrne BW (2023), Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2023
title={Monopile foundation stiffness estimation of an instrumented offshore wind turbine through model updating},
author={McAdam RA, Chatzis MN, Kuleli M, Anderson EF & Byrne BW},
journal={Structural Control and Health Monitoring},
publisher={Hindawi Limited},
year = "2023"
Modeling the planar rocking of a rigid body with irregular geometry
Burton MD & Chatzis E (2023), Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 149(9)
Lie symmetries of nonlinear systems with unknown inputs
Shi X & Chatzis M (2022), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 188
On the Combination of Random Matrix Theory With Measurements on a Single Structure
Igea F, Chatzis MN & Cicirello A (2022), ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 8(4)
title={On the Combination of Random Matrix Theory With Measurements on a Single Structure},
author={Igea F, Chatzis MN & Cicirello A},
journal={ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering},
publisher={ASME International},
year = "2022"
Data for "Folding and deploying identical thick panels with spring-loaded hinges"
Yang J, Zhang Y, Chatzis MN & You Z (2022), Data in Brief, 43
Folding and deploying identical thick panels with spring-loaded hinges
Yang J, Zhang Y, Chatzis MN & You Z (2022), EXTREME MECHANICS LETTERS, 52, 101637-101637
title={Folding and deploying identical thick panels with spring-loaded hinges},
author={Yang J, Zhang Y, Chatzis MN & You Z},
number={ARTN 101637},
publisher={Elsevier BV},
year = "2022"
A new impact model for the flexible rocking oscillator
Zhu H, Chatzis MN & Acikgoz S (2022), Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 51(8), 1819-1839
The rocking dynamics of rigid right prisms with regular polygonal bases
Burton MD & Chatzis EM (2021), Proceedings of the Seventeenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Japan 2021
title={The rocking dynamics of rigid right prisms with regular polygonal bases},
author={Burton MD & Chatzis EM},
booktitle={17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering},
year = "2021"
An efficient algorithm to test the observability of rational nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs
Shi X & Chatzis E (2021), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 165
On the investigation of utility functions on optimal sensor locations
Igea F, Chatzis M & Cicirello A (2021), Proceedings of the 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2021), 2021-June
title={On the investigation of utility functions on optimal sensor locations},
author={Igea F, Chatzis M & Cicirello A},
booktitle={4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2021)},
year = "2021"
Computational framework of lie symmetries of nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs
Shi X & Chatzis E (2021), Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure Porto, Portugal, 30 June - 2 July 2021, 683-687
title={Computational framework of lie symmetries of nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs},
author={Shi X & Chatzis E},
booktitle={10th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-10)},
year = "2021"
A robust algorithm to test the observability of large linear systems with unknown parameters
Shi X, Williams M & Chatzis E (2021), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 157(August 2021)
title={A robust algorithm to test the observability of large linear systems with unknown parameters},
author={Shi X, Williams M & Chatzis E},
journal={Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing},
year = "2021"
Collision-free deployments of compact stacks with spring-loaded hinges
Yang J, Chatzis E & You Z (2021), AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum
The influence of impact modelling assumptions on the dynamic behaviour of flexible rocking oscillators
Zhu H, Chatzis M & Acikgoz S (2021), COMPDYN Proceedings
title={The influence of impact modelling assumptions on the dynamic behaviour of flexible rocking oscillators},
author={Zhu H, Chatzis M & Acikgoz S},
booktitle={8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering},
year = "2021"
Identifying close modes of idling offshore wind turbines on compliant foundations
Anderson EF, McAdam RA & Chatzis MN (2021), International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure: Transferring Research into Practice, SHMII, 2021-June, 601-606
title={Identifying close modes of idling offshore wind turbines on compliant foundations},
author={Anderson EF, McAdam RA & Chatzis MN},
year = "2021"
Lie symmetries, observability and model transformation of nonlinear systems with unknown inputs
Shi X & Chatzis E (2020), 9071
Editorial: robust monitoring, diagnostic methods and tools for engineered systems
Chatzis M, Chatzi E & Papadimitriou C (2020), Frontiers in Built Environment, 6
Observability of modally reduced order models with unknown parameters
Maes K, Chatzis E, Vandebril R & Lombaert G (2020), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 146
Observability of nonlinear systems with unmeasured inputs
Maes K, CHATZIS E & Lombaert G (2019), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
On the vibration performance assessment of a plate with damaged constrained layer damping patches
Di Dato B, Cicirello A & Chatzis M (2018), International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis (MPSVA 2018)
Robust computation of the observability of large linear systems with unknown parameters
Shi X, Chatzis E & Williams (2018), Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), 28-31 October 2018, Ghent, Belgium, 195-202
Energy Loss in Systems of Stacked Rocking Bodies
Chatzis MN, Garc??a Espinosa M, Needham C & Williams M (2018), Journal of Engineering Mechanics(7)
Observability and identification of damage-healing hysteretic model
Shi X, Chatzis E, Triantafyllou SP & Williams MS (2018), Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2215-2225
title={Observability and identification of damage-healing hysteretic model},
author={Shi X, Chatzis E, Triantafyllou SP & Williams MS},
booktitle={7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (7WCSCM 2018)},
year = "2018"
A discontinuous unscented kalman filter for non-smooth dynamic problems
Chatzis MN & Chatzi EN (2017), Frontiers in Built Environment, 3
Online Bayesian identification of non-smooth systems
Chatzis E & Chatzi EC (2017), X International Conference on Structural Dynamics (Eurodyn 2017)
A discontinuous ???D??? variant for identification of non-smooth systems
Chatzis E & Chatzi EC (2017), 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017)
title={A discontinuous ???D??? variant for identification of non-smooth systems},
author={Chatzis E & Chatzi EC},
year = "2017"
Examining the energy loss in the Inverted Pendulum Model for rocking bodies
Chatzis MN, Garcia Espinosa M & Smyth AW (2017), Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(5)
title={Examining the energy loss in the Inverted Pendulum Model for rocking bodies},
author={Chatzis MN, Garcia Espinosa M & Smyth AW},
journal={Journal of Engineering Mechanics},
publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers},
year = "2017"
A preliminary investigation of methods for generating fragility curves for rocking bodies
Garcia Espinosa MG & Chatzis M (2017), 16WCEE World Conference Earthquake Engineering, 1-13
title={A preliminary investigation of methods for generating fragility curves for rocking bodies},
author={Garcia Espinosa MG & Chatzis M},
year = "2017"
A discontinuous extended Kalman filter for non-smooth dynamic problems
Chatzis M & Triantafyllou S (2017), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 92, 13-29
A Discontinuous Extended Kalman Filter for non-smooth dynamic problems
Chatzis MN, Chatzi EN & Triantafyllou SP (2017), Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 92, 13-29
A Discontinuous class of filtering methods for the identification of non-smooth dynamical systems
Chatzis M, Chatzi EN & Triantafyllou SP (2016), IALCCE 2016: the Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering
title={A Discontinuous class of filtering methods for the identification of non-smooth dynamical systems},
author={Chatzis M, Chatzi EN & Triantafyllou SP},
year = "2016"
Monocular Computer Vision Method for the Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Rocking Motion
Greenbaum RJY, Smyth AW & Chatzis MN (2016), Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142(1), 04015062-04015062
title={Monocular Computer Vision Method for the Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Rocking Motion},
author={Greenbaum RJY, Smyth AW & Chatzis MN},
journal={Journal of Engineering Mechanics},
publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)},
year = "2016"
Vibration Mitigation and Monitoring: A Case Study of Construction in a Museum
Smyth AW, Brewick P, Greenbaum R, Chatzis M, Serotta A et al. (2016), Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 55(1), 32-55
title={Vibration Mitigation and Monitoring: A Case Study of Construction in a Museum},
author={Smyth AW, Brewick P, Greenbaum R, Chatzis M, Serotta A et al.},
journal={Journal of the American Institute for Conservation},
publisher={Taylor & Francis},
year = "2016"
An experimental validation of time domain system identification methods with fusion of heterogeneous data
Chatzis MN, Chatzi EN & Smyth AW (2015), Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(4), 523-547
title={An experimental validation of time domain system identification methods with fusion of heterogeneous data},
author={Chatzis MN, Chatzi EN & Smyth AW},
journal={Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics},
year = "2015"
On the observability and identifiability of nonlinear structural and mechanical systems
Chatzis MN, Chatzi EN & Smyth AW (2015), Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 22(3), 574-593
Observability and Identifiability Methods for Structural Dynamic Systems
Chatzis MN, Chatzi EN & Smyth AW (2014), 1533-1542
Preliminary investigation of the randomness in the outcome of a die throw
Chatzis MN & Smyth AW (2013), Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and Infrastructures - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability, ICOSSAR 2013, 973-977
title={Preliminary investigation of the randomness in the outcome of a die throw},
author={Chatzis MN & Smyth AW},
year = "2013"
Modeling of Very Large Interacting Multiple-Beam Systems with Application to Suspension Bridge Cables
Chatzis MN & Deodatis G (2013), Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(9), 1541-1554
title={Modeling of Very Large Interacting Multiple-Beam Systems with Application to Suspension Bridge Cables},
author={Chatzis MN & Deodatis G},
journal={Journal of Structural Engineering},
publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)},
year = "2013"
Three-Dimensional Dynamics of a Rigid Body with Wheels on a Moving Base
Chatzis MN & Smyth AW (2013), Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 139(4), 496-511
Erratum to ???Modeling of the 3D rocking problem??? [International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47 (2012) 85???98]
Chatzis MN & Smyth AW (2013), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 50, 164-165
title={Erratum to ???Modeling of the 3D rocking problem??? [International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47 (2012) 85???98]},
author={Chatzis MN & Smyth AW},
journal={International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics},
year = "2013"
Modeling of the 3D rocking problem
Chatzis MN & Smyth AW (2012), International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 47(4), 85-98
Robust Modeling of the Rocking Problem
Chatzis MN & Smyth AW (2012), Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 138(3), 247-262
An efficient structural seismic reliability estimation through the recursive calculation of symbolic gradients
Sun X, WILLIAMS M & Chatzis M (0)
title={An efficient structural seismic reliability estimation through the recursive calculation of symbolic gradients},
author={Sun X, WILLIAMS M & Chatzis M},
booktitle={17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering}