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Showing 8 publications by Alex Stephens

Hierarchical planning for resource-constrained long-term monitoring missions in time-varying environments

Stephens R, Lacerda B & Hawes N (2024), ECAI 2024, 1214-1221

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  title={Hierarchical planning for resource-constrained long-term monitoring missions in time-varying environments},
  author={Stephens R, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024)},
  year = "2024"

Planning under uncertainty for safe robot exploration using Gaussian process prediction

Stephens A, Budd M, Staniaszek M, Casseau B, Duckworth P et al. (2024), Autonomous Robots, 48(7)

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  title={Planning under uncertainty for safe robot exploration using Gaussian process prediction},
  author={Stephens A, Budd M, Staniaszek M, Casseau B, Duckworth P et al.},
  journal={Autonomous Robots},
  year = "2024"

Decision-making under uncertainty for multi-robot systems

Lacerda B, Gautier A, Rutherford A, Stephens A, Street C et al. (2022), AI Communications, 35(4), 433-441

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  title={Decision-making under uncertainty for multi-robot systems},
  author={Lacerda B, Gautier A, Rutherford A, Stephens A, Street C et al.},
  journal={AI Communications},
  publisher={IOS Press},
  year = "2022"

Negotiated path planning for non-cooperative multi-robot systems

Gautier A, Stephens A, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M (2022), Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022), 1, 472-480

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  title={Negotiated path planning for non-cooperative multi-robot systems},
  author={Gautier A, Stephens A, Lacerda B, Hawes N & Wooldridge M},
  booktitle={21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022)},
  year = "2022"

NeBula: Quest for Robotic Autonomy in Challenging Environments; TEAM CoSTAR at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge

Agha A, Otsu K, Morrell B, Fan DD, Thakker R et al. (2021)

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  title={NeBula: Quest for Robotic Autonomy in Challenging Environments; TEAM
  CoSTAR at the DARPA Subterranean Challenge},
  author={Agha A, Otsu K, Morrell B, Fan DD, Thakker R et al.},
  year = "2021"

LAMP: Large-Scale Autonomous Mapping and Positioning for Exploration of Perceptually-Degraded Subterranean Environments

Ebadi K, Chang Y, Palieri M, Stephens A, Hatteland A et al. (2020)

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  title={LAMP: Large-Scale Autonomous Mapping and Positioning for Exploration of
  Perceptually-Degraded Subterranean Environments},
  author={Ebadi K, Chang Y, Palieri M, Stephens A, Hatteland A et al.},
  year = "2020"

In Search of Cool Flow Accretion onto Galaxies: Where Does the Disk Gas End?

Bland-Hawthorn J, Maloney PR, Stephens A, Zovaro A & Popping A (2017), The Astrophysical Journal, 849(1), 51

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  title={In Search of Cool Flow Accretion onto Galaxies: Where Does the Disk Gas End?},
  author={Bland-Hawthorn J, Maloney PR, Stephens A, Zovaro A & Popping A},
  journal={The Astrophysical Journal},
  publisher={American Astronomical Society},
  year = "2017"

Planning for long-term monitoring missions in time-varying environments

Stephens R, Lacerda B & Hawes N (0)

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  title={Planning for long-term monitoring missions in time-varying environments},
  author={Stephens R, Lacerda B & Hawes N},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)}