Showing 50 publications by Oiwi Parker Jones
Dissociating Cerebellar Regions Involved in Formulating and Articulating Words and Sentences.
Parker Jones O, Geva S, Prejawa S, Hope TMH, Oberhuber M et al. (2024), Neurobiology of language (Cambridge, Mass.), 5(3), 795-817
title={Dissociating Cerebellar Regions Involved in Formulating and Articulating Words and Sentences.},
author={Parker Jones O, Geva S, Prejawa S, Hope TMH, Oberhuber M et al.},
journal={Neurobiology of language (Cambridge, Mass.)},
publisher={MIT Press},
year = "2024"
Dynamic Network Analysis of Electrophysiological Task Data
Gohil C, Kohl O, Huang R, van Es MWJ, Jones OP et al. (2024), Imaging Neuroscience
Oscillating latent dynamics in robot systems during walking and reaching
Parker Jones O, Mitchell A, Yamada J, Merkt W, Geisert M et al. (2024), Scientific Reports, 14(1)
The role of recoverability in the implementation of non-phonemic glottalization in Hawaiian
Davidson L & Parker Jones O (2024), Linguistics Vanguard: A Multimodal Journal for the Language Sciences, 10(1), 3-15
title={The role of recoverability in the implementation of non-phonemic glottalization in Hawaiian},
author={Davidson L & Parker Jones O},
journal={Linguistics Vanguard: A Multimodal Journal for the Language Sciences},
publisher={De Gruyter},
year = "2024"
Mai Ho'om??una i ka 'Ai: Language Models Improve Automatic Speech Recognition in Hawaiian
Chaparala K, Zarrella G, Fischer BT, Kimura L & Jones OP (2024)
title={Mai Ho'om??una i ka 'Ai: Language Models Improve Automatic Speech
Recognition in Hawaiian},
author={Chaparala K, Zarrella G, Fischer BT, Kimura L & Jones OP},
year = "2024"
DreamUp3D: object-centric generative models for single-view 3D scene understanding and real-to-sim transfer
Wu Y, S??ez de Oc??riz Borde H, Collins J, Jones OP & Posner I (2024), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(4), 3291-3298
title={DreamUp3D: object-centric generative models for single-view 3D scene understanding and real-to-sim transfer},
author={Wu Y, S??ez de Oc??riz Borde H, Collins J, Jones OP & Posner I},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
year = "2024"
Interpretable many-class decoding for MEG
Csaky R, Van Es M, Parker Jones O & Woolrich M (2023), NeuroImage, 282
Group-level brain decoding with deep learning
Csaky R, Van Es M, Parker Jones O & Woolrich M (2023), Human Brain Mapping, 44(17), 6105-6119
VAE-Loco: versatile quadruped locomotion by learning a disentangled gait representation
Mitchell AL, Merkt WX, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2023), IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(5), 3805-3820
title={VAE-Loco: versatile quadruped locomotion by learning a disentangled gait representation},
author={Mitchell AL, Merkt WX, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
year = "2023"
Word-level prosodic and metrical influences on Hawaiian glottal stop realization
Davidson L & Parker Jones O (2023), Phonetica, 80(3???4), 225-258
Touching a NeRF: leveraging neural radiance fields for tactile sensory data generation
Zhong S, Albini A, Parker Jones O, Maiolino P & Posner H (2023), 205, 1618-1628
title={Touching a NeRF: leveraging neural radiance fields for tactile sensory data generation},
author={Zhong S, Albini A, Parker Jones O, Maiolino P & Posner H},
booktitle={7th Annual Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2023)},
year = "2023"
From Primates to Robots: Emerging Oscillatory Latent-Space Dynamics for Sensorimotor Control
Mitchell A, Parker Jones O, Yamada J, Merkt W, Havoutis I et al. (2023)
title={From Primates to Robots: Emerging Oscillatory Latent-Space Dynamics for Sensorimotor Control},
author={Mitchell A, Parker Jones O, Yamada J, Merkt W, Havoutis I et al.},
booktitle={2023 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience},
year = "2023"
Reaching Through Latent Space: From Joint Statistics to Path Planning in Manipulation
Hung C-M, Zhong S, Goodwin W, Jones OP, Engelcke M et al. (2022)
Composing RNNs and FSTs for Small Data: Recovering Missing Characters in Old Hawaiian Text
Jones OP & Shillingford B (2022)
title={Composing RNNs and FSTs for Small Data: Recovering Missing Characters in
Old Hawaiian Text},
author={Jones OP & Shillingford B},
year = "2022"
ObPose: Leveraging Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference and Generation in 3D
Wu Y, Jones OP & Posner I (2022)
title={ObPose: Leveraging Pose for Object-Centric Scene Inference and
Generation in 3D},
author={Wu Y, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2022"
VAE-Loco: Versatile Quadruped Locomotion by Learning a Disentangled Gait Representation
Mitchell AL, Merkt W, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2022)
The effect of right temporal lobe gliomas on left and right hemisphere neural processing during speech perception and production tasks
Yamamoto AK, Sanju??n A, Pope R, Parker Jones O, Hope TMH et al. (2022), Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16
title={The effect of right temporal lobe gliomas on left and right hemisphere neural processing during speech perception and production tasks},
author={Yamamoto AK, Sanju??n A, Pope R, Parker Jones O, Hope TMH et al.},
journal={Frontiers in Human Neuroscience},
publisher={Frontiers Media},
year = "2022"
GENESIS-V2: inferring unordered object representations without iterative refinement
Engelcke M, Parker Jones O & Posner I (2022), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021), 10, 8085-8094
title={GENESIS-V2: inferring unordered object representations without iterative refinement},
author={Engelcke M, Parker Jones O & Posner I},
booktitle={ 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)},
year = "2022"
Reaching through latent space: From joint statistics to path planning in manipulation
Hung C-M, Zhong S, Goodwin W, Parker Jones O, Engelcke M et al. (2022), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 5334-5341
title={Reaching through latent space: From joint statistics to path planning in manipulation},
author={Hung C-M, Zhong S, Goodwin W, Parker Jones O, Engelcke M et al.},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
year = "2022"
Next Steps: Learning a Disentangled Gait Representation for Versatile Quadruped Locomotion
Mitchell AL, Merkt W, Geisert M, Gangapurwala S, Engelcke M et al. (2021)
APEX: Unsupervised, object-centric scene segmentation and tracking for robot manipulation
Wu Y, Jones OP, Engelcke M & Posner I (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 3375-3382
title={APEX: Unsupervised, object-centric scene segmentation and tracking for robot manipulation},
author={Wu Y, Jones OP, Engelcke M & Posner I},
booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
year = "2021"
There and back again: learning to simulate radar data for real-world applications
Weston R, Jones OP & Posner H (2021), Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 12809-12816
APEX: Unsupervised, Object-Centric Scene Segmentation and Tracking for Robot Manipulation
Wu Y, Jones OP, Engelcke M & Posner I (2021)
title={APEX: Unsupervised, Object-Centric Scene Segmentation and Tracking for
Robot Manipulation},
author={Wu Y, Jones OP, Engelcke M & Posner I},
year = "2021"
GENESIS-V2: Inferring Unordered Object Representations without Iterative Refinement
Engelcke M, Jones OP & Posner I (2021)
title={GENESIS-V2: Inferring Unordered Object Representations without Iterative
author={Engelcke M, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2021"
Tracking longitudinal language network reorganisation using functional MRI connectivity fingerprints
Voets N, Parker Jones O, Isaac C, Mars RB & Plaha P (2021), NeuroImage: Clinical, 30
title={Tracking longitudinal language network reorganisation using functional MRI connectivity fingerprints},
author={Voets N, Parker Jones O, Isaac C, Mars RB & Plaha P},
journal={NeuroImage: Clinical},
year = "2021"
First steps: latent-space control with semantic constraints for quadruped locomotion
Mitchell A, Engelcke M, Parker Jones O, Surovik D, Havoutis I et al. (2021), Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 5343-5350
There and Back Again: Learning to Simulate Radar Data for Real-World Applications
Weston R, Jones OP & Posner I (2020)
title={There and Back Again: Learning to Simulate Radar Data for Real-World
author={Weston R, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2020"
Reconstruction Bottlenecks in Object-Centric Generative Models
Engelcke M, Jones OP & Posner I (2020)
title={Reconstruction Bottlenecks in Object-Centric Generative Models},
author={Engelcke M, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2020"
First Steps: Latent-Space Control with Semantic Constraints for Quadruped Locomotion
Mitchell AL, Engelcke M, Jones OP, Surovik D, Gangapurwala S et al. (2020)
Reconstruction bottlenecks in object-centric generative models
Engelcke M, Posner H & Parker Jones O (2020)
title={Reconstruction bottlenecks in object-centric generative models},
author={Engelcke M, Posner H & Parker Jones O},
booktitle={Workshop on Object-Oriented Learning at ICML 2020},
year = "2020"
Learning affordances in object-centric generative models
Wu Y, Kasewa S, Groth O, Salter S, Sun L et al. (2020)
title={Learning affordances in object-centric generative models},
author={Wu Y, Kasewa S, Groth O, Salter S, Sun L et al.},
booktitle={Workshop on Object-Oriented Learning at ICML 2020},
year = "2020"
Presurgical localization of the primary sensorimotor cortex in gliomas
Voets N, Plaha P, Parker Jones O, Pretorius P & Bartsch A (2020), Clinical Neuroradiology, 31, 245-256
Transient spectral events in resting state MEG predict individual task responses
Becker R, Vidaurre D, Quinn AJ, Abeysuriya RG, Parker Jones O et al. (2020), NeuroImage, 215
GENESIS: generative scene inference and sampling of object-centric latent representations
Engelcke M, Kosiorek A, Parker Jones O & Posner H (2020), Proceedings of the ICLR 2020
title={GENESIS: generative scene inference and sampling of object-centric latent representations},
author={Engelcke M, Kosiorek A, Parker Jones O & Posner H},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations 2020 (ICLR)},
year = "2020"
Regression-based machine-learning approaches to predict task activation using resting-state fMRI.
Cohen AD, Chen Z, Parker Jones O, Niu C & Wang Y (2020), Human brain mapping, 41(3), 815-826
A special role for the right posterior superior temporal sulcus during speech production.
Yamamoto AK, Parker Jones O, Hope TMH, Prejawa S, Oberhuber M et al. (2019), NeuroImage, 203, 116184
GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling with Object-Centric Latent Representations
Engelcke M, Kosiorek AR, Jones OP & Posner I (2019)
title={GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling with Object-Centric
Latent Representations},
author={Engelcke M, Kosiorek AR, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2019"
End-to-end Recurrent Multi-Object Tracking and Trajectory Prediction with Relational Reasoning
Fuchs FB, Kosiorek AR, Sun L, Jones OP & Posner I (2019)
title={End-to-end Recurrent Multi-Object Tracking and Trajectory Prediction
with Relational Reasoning},
author={Fuchs FB, Kosiorek AR, Sun L, Jones OP & Posner I},
year = "2019"
Characterising neural plasticity at the single patient level using connectivity fingerprints
Voets N, Parker Jones O, Mars R, Adcock J, Stacey R et al. (2019), NeuroImage: Clinical, 24(101952)
Posner H, Fuchs F, Kosiorek A, Sun L & Parker Jones O (2019), arXiv:1907.12887v3
author={Posner H, Fuchs F, Kosiorek A, Sun L & Parker Jones O},
year = "2019"
GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling of Object-Centric Latent Representations
POSNER H, PARKER JONES OP, Engelcke M & Kosiorek A (2019), arXiv:1907.13052v2
title={GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling of Object-Centric Latent Representations},
author={POSNER H, PARKER JONES OP, Engelcke M & Kosiorek A},
year = "2019"
Neuroimaging's 19th century debts.
Parker Jones O (2019), Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior, 115, 348-349
How right hemisphere damage after stroke can impair speech comprehension.
Gajardo-Vidal A, Lorca-Puls DL, Hope TMH, Parker Jones O, Seghier ML et al. (2018), Brain : a journal of neurology, 141(12), 3389-3404
title={How right hemisphere damage after stroke can impair speech comprehension.},
author={Gajardo-Vidal A, Lorca-Puls DL, Hope TMH, Parker Jones O, Seghier ML et al.},
journal={Brain : a journal of neurology},
year = "2018"
An empirical, 21st century evaluation of phrenology
Parker Jones O, Alfaro-Almagro F & Jbabdi S (2018), Cortex, 106, 26-35
Jones ??P (2018), Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 48(1), 103-115
Resting connectivity predicts task activation in pre-surgical populations
Parker Jones O, Voets NL, Adcock JE, Stacey RJ & Jbabdi S (2016), NeuroImage: Clinical, 13, 378-385
Four functionally distinct regions in the left supramarginal gyrus support word processing
Oberhuber M, Hope TMH, Seghier ML, Parker Jones O, Prejawa S et al. (2016), Cerebral Cortex, 26(11), 4212-4226
title={Four functionally distinct regions in the left supramarginal gyrus support word processing},
author={Oberhuber M, Hope TMH, Seghier ML, Parker Jones O, Prejawa S et al.},
journal={Cerebral Cortex},
publisher={Oxford University Press},
year = "2016"
Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance
Jbabdi S, Behrens T, Smith SM, Parker Jones O, Mars RB et al. (2016), Science
title={Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance},
author={Jbabdi S, Behrens T, Smith SM, Parker Jones O, Mars RB et al.},
publisher={American Association for the Advancement of Science},
year = "2016"