Showing 42 publications by Daniel Armanios
Understanding How End-User Preferences for Traditional Water Delivery Mechanisms Influence Future Projects Investments Rural Alaska, U.S.
Ritsch N, LaPatin M, Mehendale P, Armanios D, Faust K et al. (2025), 329-341
Standardization versus situatedness: a gray literature metasynthesis of how guidance for Alaska???s water infrastructure management varies by government level
Ritsch N, LaPatin M, Spearing L, Armanios DE, Albertson L et al. (2024), Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150(11)
title={Standardization versus situatedness: a gray literature metasynthesis of how guidance for Alaska???s water infrastructure management varies by government level},
author={Ritsch N, LaPatin M, Spearing L, Armanios DE, Albertson L et al.},
journal={Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management},
publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers},
year = "2024"
Uneven distribution in energy conservation services through performance contracts in China
Zheng S, Zhai H, Hsu S-C & Armanios DE (2024), Energy Policy, 187, 114024-114024
Addressing Workforce Attrition, Retention, Absenteeism, and Recruitment in the Rural Alaska Water Sector
LaPatin M, Ritsch N, Armanios D, Albertson L, Katz L et al. (2024), 199-209
title={Addressing Workforce Attrition, Retention, Absenteeism, and Recruitment in the Rural Alaska Water Sector},
author={LaPatin M, Ritsch N, Armanios D, Albertson L, Katz L et al.},
booktitle={Construction Research Congress 2024},
year = "2024"
A stakeholder-systems analysis of water provision in rural Alaska
LaPatin M, Ritsch N, Armanios DE, Albertson L, Katz LE et al. (2024), ACS ES&T Water, 4(2), 575-590
Applying Legitimacy Theory to Understand Decisions Regarding Costs of Water Infrastructure in Rural Alaska
LaPatin M, Ritsch N, Armanios DE, Albertson L & Faust KM (2024), 499, 451-460
Using broadband infrastructure as a social sensor to detect inequities in unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ritsch N & Armanios DE (2023), Scientific reports, 13(1), 22031
title={Using broadband infrastructure as a social sensor to detect inequities in unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic.},
author={Ritsch N & Armanios DE},
journal={Scientific reports},
publisher={Springer Nature},
year = "2023"
Incorporating Elicited Preferences for Equality into Electricity System Planning Modeling
Sackey CV-H, Nock D, Cao C, Armanios D & Davis A (2023), Sustainability, 15(23), 16351
title={Incorporating Elicited Preferences for Equality into Electricity System Planning Modeling},
author={Sackey CV-H, Nock D, Cao C, Armanios D & Davis A},
number={ARTN 16351},
year = "2023"
Evaluating geospatial accuracy for equity analyses: A case study of the U.S. National Bridge Inventory
Gandy CA, Kang X, Ritsch N & Armanios DE (2023), Transportation Engineering, 13, 100198
title={Evaluating geospatial accuracy for equity analyses: A case study of the U.S. National Bridge Inventory},
author={Gandy CA, Kang X, Ritsch N & Armanios DE},
journal={Transportation Engineering},
year = "2023"
Effects of redesigning the communication of low-income residential energy efficiency programs in the U.S.
Kleeman H, Fischhoff B & Armanios DE (2023), Energy Policy, 178, 113568-113568
title={Effects of redesigning the communication of low-income residential energy efficiency programs in the U.S.},
author={Kleeman H, Fischhoff B & Armanios DE},
journal={Energy Policy},
number={ARTN 113568},
year = "2023"
Social Equity of Bridge Management
Gandy CA, Armanios DE & Samaras C (2023), Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(5), 04023027
Understanding Differences in User Preferences across Water Systems in Rural Alaska
Ritsch N, Tariq M, LaPatin M, Armanios D, Faust K et al. (2023), 509-518
title={Understanding Differences in User Preferences across Water Systems in Rural Alaska},
author={Ritsch N, Tariq M, LaPatin M, Armanios D, Faust K et al.},
booktitle={World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2023},
year = "2023"
Corrigendum: Estimating global demand for land-based transportation services using the shared socioeconomic pathways scenario framework (2022 Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 2 035009)
Nkiriki J, Jaramillo P, Williams N, Davis A & Armanios DE (2022), Environmental Research Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2(4), 049501
title={Corrigendum: Estimating global demand for land-based transportation services using the shared socioeconomic pathways scenario framework (2022 Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain. 2 035009)},
author={Nkiriki J, Jaramillo P, Williams N, Davis A & Armanios DE},
journal={Environmental Research Infrastructure and Sustainability},
publisher={IOP Publishing},
year = "2022"
Estimating global demand for land-based transportation services using the shared socioeconomic pathways scenario framework
Nkiriki J, Jaramillo P, Williams N, Davis A & Armanios DE (2022), Environmental Research Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2(3), 035009
title={Estimating global demand for land-based transportation services using the shared socioeconomic pathways scenario framework},
author={Nkiriki J, Jaramillo P, Williams N, Davis A & Armanios DE},
journal={Environmental Research Infrastructure and Sustainability},
publisher={IOP Publishing},
year = "2022"
Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Global Retreat of Democracy: A Curated Discussion
Adler PS, Adly A, Armanios DE, Battilana J, Bodro??i?? Z et al. (2022), Journal of Management Inquiry, 32(1), 3-20
title={Authoritarianism, Populism, and the Global Retreat of Democracy: A Curated Discussion},
author={Adler PS, Adly A, Armanios DE, Battilana J, Bodro??i?? Z et al.},
journal={Journal of Management Inquiry},
publisher={SAGE Publications},
year = "2022"
Certifying Need: Can Expanding Certification Access Help Ventures in Impoverished Communities?
Armanios DE, Lanahan L, Joshi AM & Hmaddi O (2022), Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1)
title={Certifying Need: Can Expanding Certification Access Help Ventures in Impoverished Communities?},
author={Armanios DE, Lanahan L, Joshi AM & Hmaddi O},
journal={Academy of Management Proceedings},
publisher={Academy of Management},
year = "2022"
Beyond spatial proximity: the impact of enhanced spatial connectedness from new bridges on entrepreneurship
Dutta S, Armanios DE & Desai JD (2021), Organization Science, 33(4), 1620-1644
title={Beyond spatial proximity: the impact of enhanced spatial connectedness from new bridges on entrepreneurship},
author={Dutta S, Armanios DE & Desai JD},
journal={Organization Science},
publisher={INFORMS },
year = "2021"
Inappropriateness penalty, desirability premium: what do more certifications actually signal?
Lanahan L, Armanios DE & Joshi AM (2021), Organization Science, 33(2), 854-871
title={Inappropriateness penalty, desirability premium: what do more certifications actually signal?},
author={Lanahan L, Armanios DE & Joshi AM},
journal={Organization Science},
publisher={Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences},
year = "2021"
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Civil and Environmental Engineering Education: Social Justice in a Changing Climate
Armanios DE, Christian SJ, Rooney AF, McElwee ML, Moore JD et al. (2021), ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings
title={Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Civil and Environmental Engineering Education: Social Justice in a Changing Climate},
author={Armanios DE, Christian SJ, Rooney AF, McElwee ML, Moore JD et al.},
year = "2021"
Certification relics: entrepreneurship amidst discontinued certifications
Eberhart RN & Armanios DE (2021), Organization Science, 33(2), 746-765
Why has China overinvested in coal power?
Ren M, Branstetter LG, Kovak BK, Armanios DE & Yuan J (2021), Energy Journal, 42(2), 113-134
Ann Majchrzak and Arvind Malhotra: Unleashing the Crowd: Collaborative Solutions to Wicked Business and Societal Problems
Armanios D & Zhang H (2021), Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1), np13-np16
title={Ann Majchrzak and Arvind Malhotra: Unleashing the Crowd: Collaborative Solutions to Wicked Business and Societal Problems},
author={Armanios D & Zhang H},
journal={Administrative Science Quarterly},
publisher={SAGE Publications},
year = "2021"
How do institutional carriers alleviate normative and cognitive barriers to regulatory change?
Armanios DE & Eesley CE (2021), Organization Science, 32(6), 1415-1438
Methodological Framework and Feasibility Study to Assess Social Equity Impacts of the Built Environment
Jones SH & Armanios DE (2020), Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(11)
title={Methodological Framework and Feasibility Study to Assess Social Equity Impacts of the Built Environment},
author={Jones SH & Armanios DE},
journal={Journal of Construction Engineering and Management},
publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)},
year = "2020"
Heard it through the Gitvine: an empirical study of tool diffusion across the npm ecosystem
Lamba H, Trockman A, Armanios D, K??stner C, Miller H et al. (2020), 505-517
title={Heard it through the Gitvine: an empirical study of tool diffusion across the npm ecosystem},
author={Lamba H, Trockman A, Armanios D, K??stner C, Miller H et al.},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering},
year = "2020"
Systems Vary, Affordability Should Not: Trends of Water Sector Affordability Based on City Attributes
Spearing L, Osman KK, Faust KM & Armanios DE (2020), 627-635
Varieties of Local Government Experimentation: U.S. State-Led Technology-Based Economic Development Policies, 2000???2015
Armanios DE, Lanahan L & Yu D (2020), Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(2), 266-299
title={Varieties of Local Government Experimentation: U.S. State-Led Technology-Based Economic Development Policies, 2000???2015},
author={Armanios DE, Lanahan L & Yu D},
journal={Academy of Management Discoveries},
publisher={Academy of Management},
year = "2020"
Evidence of gender inequality in energy use from a mixed-methods study in India
Rosenberg M, Armanios DE, Aklin M & Jaramillo P (2020), Nature Sustainability, 3(2), 110-118
Converting existing transmission corridors to HVDC is an overlooked option for increasing transmission capacity.
Reed L, Morgan MG, Vaishnav P & Erian Armanios D (2019), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(28), 13879-13884
title={Converting existing transmission corridors to HVDC is an overlooked option for increasing transmission capacity.},
author={Reed L, Morgan MG, Vaishnav P & Erian Armanios D},
journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America},
year = "2019"
What Cannot Be Cured Must Be Endured: Understanding Bridge Systems as Institutional Relics
Desai JD & Armanios DE (2018), Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 24(4), 04018032
title={What Cannot Be Cured Must Be Endured: Understanding Bridge Systems as Institutional Relics},
author={Desai JD & Armanios DE},
journal={Journal of Infrastructure Systems},
publisher={American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)},
year = "2018"
Does More Certification Always Benefit a Venture?
Lanahan L & Armanios D (2018), Organization Science, 29(5), 931-947
How entrepreneurs leverage institutional intermediaries in emerging economies to acquire public resources
Armanios DE, Eesley CE, Li J & Eisenhardt KM (2017), Strategic Management Journal, 38(7), 1373-1390
title={How entrepreneurs leverage institutional intermediaries in emerging economies to acquire public resources},
author={Armanios DE, Eesley CE, Li J & Eisenhardt KM},
journal={Strategic Management Journal},
year = "2017"
From Foe to Friend
de Lange DE, Armanios D, Delgado-Ceballos J & Sandhu S (2016), Business & Society, 55(8), 1197-1228
Measuring water availability with limited ground data: assessing the feasibility of an entirely remote???sensing???based hydrologic budget of the Rufiji Basin, Tanzania, using TRMM, GRACE, MODIS, SRB, and AIRS
Armanios DE & Fisher JB (2014), Hydrological Processes, 28(3), 853-867
title={Measuring water availability with limited ground data: assessing the feasibility of an entirely remote???sensing???based hydrologic budget of the Rufiji Basin, Tanzania, using TRMM, GRACE, MODIS, SRB, and AIRS},
author={Armanios DE & Fisher JB},
journal={Hydrological Processes},
year = "2014"
Sustainable development as a community of practice: insights from rural water projects in Egypt
Armanios DE (2012), Sustainable Development, 20(1), 42-57
Tullock???s contest with reimbursements
Matros A & Armanios D (2009), Public Choice, 141(1-2), 49-63
Variation of Mechanical Properties with Amino Acid Content in the Silk of Nephila clavipes
Zax DB, Armanios DE, Horak S, Brodowski C & Yang Z (2008), Biomacromolecules, 9(3), 1079-1079
title={Variation of Mechanical Properties with Amino Acid Content in the Silk of Nephila clavipes},
author={Zax DB, Armanios DE, Horak S, Brodowski C & Yang Z},
publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)},
year = "2008"
Parochialism in EU economic policy: case study between the Boeing Company and the Airbus Company
Armanios DE (2006), International Journal of Technology Policy and Management, 6(1), 66
title={Parochialism in EU economic policy: case study between the Boeing Company and the Airbus Company},
author={Armanios DE},
journal={International Journal of Technology Policy and Management},
publisher={Inderscience Publishers},
year = "2006"
Variation of mechanical properties with amino acid content in the silk of Nephila clavipes.
Zax DB, Armanios DE, Horak S, Brodowski C & Yang Z (2004), Biomacromolecules, 5(3), 732-738
Infrastructure decision preferences and the influence of social justice education
Van-Hein Sackey C, Cao C, Nock D, Armanios D & Davis A (0), INFORMS Journal on Computing
title={Infrastructure decision preferences and the influence of social justice education},
author={Van-Hein Sackey C, Cao C, Nock D, Armanios D & Davis A},
journal={INFORMS Journal on Computing},
publisher={Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences}