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Showing 12 publications by Qi Hu

Universal adaptive optics for microscopy through embedded neural network control

Hu Q, Hailstone M, Wang J, Wincott M, Stoychev D et al. (2023), Light: Science and Applications, 12(1)

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  title={Universal adaptive optics for microscopy through embedded neural network control},
  author={Hu Q, Hailstone M, Wang J, Wincott M, Stoychev D et al.},
  journal={Light: Science and Applications},
  publisher={Springer Nature},
  year = "2023"

Universal adaptive optics for microscopy through embedded neural network control

Booth M, Hu Q, Hailstone M, Wang J, Wincott M et al. (2023)

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  title={Universal adaptive optics for microscopy through embedded neural network control},
  author={Booth M, Hu Q, Hailstone M, Wang J, Wincott M et al.},
  year = "2023"

Asymptotic behaviour of the Strehl ratio in the presence of Zernike polynomial aberrations

Booth M & Hu Q (2022), Asian Journal of Physics, 30(8-9), 1377-1386

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  title={Asymptotic behaviour of the Strehl ratio in the presence of Zernike polynomial aberrations},
  author={Booth M & Hu Q},
  journal={Asian Journal of Physics},
  publisher={Anita Publications},
  year = "2022"

The lattice geometry of Walsh-function-based adaptive optics

Hu Q, Xiao Y, Cui J, Turcotte R & Booth MJ (2022), Photonics, 9(8)

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  title={The lattice geometry of Walsh-function-based adaptive optics},
  author={Hu Q, Xiao Y, Cui J, Turcotte R & Booth MJ},
  year = "2022"

Efficient and versatile aberration correction through sensorless adaptive optics

Hu Q, Hailstone M & Booth M (2022), Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXIX

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  title={Efficient and versatile aberration correction through sensorless adaptive optics},
  author={Hu Q, Hailstone M & Booth M},
  booktitle={SPIE BiOS 2022},
  year = "2022"

Arbitrary complex retarders using a sequence of spatial light modulatorsas the basis for adaptive polarisation compensation

Hu Q, He C & Booth M (2021), Journal of Optics, 23(6)

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  title={Arbitrary complex retarders using a sequence of spatial light modulatorsas the basis for adaptive polarisation compensation},
  author={Hu Q, He C & Booth M},
  journal={Journal of Optics},
  publisher={IOP Publishing},
  year = "2021"

A universal framework for microscope sensorless adaptive optics: Generalized aberration representations

Booth M, Hu Q, Wang J, Antonello J, Hailstone M et al. (2020), APL Photonics, 5(10)

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  title={A universal framework for microscope sensorless adaptive optics: Generalized aberration representations},
  author={Booth M, Hu Q, Wang J, Antonello J, Hailstone M et al.},
  journal={APL Photonics},
  publisher={American Institute of Physics},
  year = "2020"

Practical sensorless aberration estimation for 3D microscopy with deep learning

Saha D, Schmidt U, Zhang Q, Barbotin A, Hu Q et al. (2020), Optics Express, 28(10), 29044-29053

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  title={Practical sensorless aberration estimation for 3D microscopy with deep learning},
  author={Saha D, Schmidt U, Zhang Q, Barbotin A, Hu Q et al.},
  journal={Optics Express},
  publisher={Optical Society of America},
  year = "2020"

Vectorial adaptive optics: correction of polarization and phase

He C, Wang J, Hu Q, Antonello J & Booth MJ (2020), Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging, 11248, 1124808-1124808-4

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  title={Vectorial adaptive optics: correction of polarization and phase},
  author={He C, Wang J, Hu Q, Antonello J & Booth MJ},
  booktitle={Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems VI},
  year = "2020"

Active compensation of extrinsic polarization errors using adaptive optics

Dai Y, He C, Wang J, Turcotte R, Fish L et al. (2019), Optics Express, 27(24), 35797-35810

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  title={Active compensation of extrinsic polarization errors using adaptive optics},
  author={Dai Y, He C, Wang J, Turcotte R, Fish L et al.},
  journal={Optics Express},
  publisher={Optical Society of America},
  year = "2019"

Arbitrary vectorial state conversion using liquid crystal spatial light modulators

Hu Q, Dai Y, He C & Booth MJ (2019), Optics Communications, 459

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  title={Arbitrary vectorial state conversion using liquid crystal spatial light modulators},
  author={Hu Q, Dai Y, He C & Booth MJ},
  journal={Optics Communications},
  year = "2019"

Complex vectorial optics through gradient index lens cascades

He C, Chang J, Hu Q, Wang J, Antonello J et al. (2019), Nature Communications, 10(1)

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  title={Complex vectorial optics through gradient index lens cascades},
  author={He C, Chang J, Hu Q, Wang J, Antonello J et al.},
  journal={Nature Communications},
  publisher={Nature Research},
  year = "2019"