Showing 50 publications by John Coull
Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips
Vieira JAC, Coull J & Ireland P (2024), Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 8, 421-435
title={Implementation of cooling slots at the pressure side rims of squealer tips},
author={Vieira JAC, Coull J & Ireland P},
journal={Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society},
publisher={Global Power and Propulsion Society},
year = "2024"
High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots
Mutekwa M, Vieira J, Farfaras MG, Coull JD, Bacic M et al. (2024)
title={High Effectiveness Tip Cooling Using Inclined Slots},
author={Mutekwa M, Vieira J, Farfaras MG, Coull JD, Bacic M et al.},
booktitle={Volume 12B: Turbomachinery — Axial Flow Turbine Aerodynamics; Deposition, Erosion, Fouling, and Icing},
year = "2024"
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds
Hulhoven B, Coull JD, Jackson D & Atkins NR (2024)
title={The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on the Aerothermal Performance of High-Pressure Turbine Blade Shrouds},
author={Hulhoven B, Coull JD, Jackson D & Atkins NR},
booktitle={Volume 13: Heat Transfer: General Interest / Additive Manufacturing Impacts on Heat Transfer; Wind Energy},
year = "2024"
Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles
Coull JD, Ng HC-H, Dickens T, Serna J & Cengiz K (2023), AIAA Journal, 61(7), 2922-2931
title={Pneumatic-probe measurement errors caused by fluctuating flow angles},
author={Coull JD, Ng HC-H, Dickens T, Serna J & Cengiz K},
journal={AIAA Journal},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2023"
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Ananth SM, Subhathra S, Vadlamani NR & Coull J (2023), 12
title={Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition},
author={Ananth SM, Subhathra S, Vadlamani NR & Coull J},
booktitle={Proceeding of 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23, Rome, Italy, 11-15 September 2023},
year = "2023"
Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition
Ananth SM, Subhathra S, Vadlamani NR & Coull J (2023), 12
title={Numerical Investigation of Real Roughness Scales on Boundary Layer Transition},
author={Ananth SM, Subhathra S, Vadlamani NR & Coull J},
booktitle={Proceeding of 10th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, THMT-23, Rome, Italy, 11-15 September 2023},
year = "2023"
Pneumatic-Probe Measurement Errors Caused by Fluctuating Flow Angles
Coull JD, Ng HC-H, Dickens T, Serna J & Cengiz K (2023), AIAA JOURNAL
Inclined slot cooling of the pressure side rims of squealer tips
Vieira JAC, Coull J & Ireland P (2022), Proceedings of the Global Power and Propulsion Society Conference (GPPS Chania 2022)
The effect of inlet conditions on turbine endwall loss
Coull JD & Clark CJ (2022), Journal of Turbomachinery, 144(10)
Five hole probe errors caused by fluctuating incidence
Coull JD, Dickens T, Ng H & Serna J (2022), XXV Biennial Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery (MTT 2020), 345
Aerothermal effect of cavity welding beads on a transonic squealer tip
Vieira J, Coull J, Ireland P & Romero E (2021), Journal of Turbomachinery, 143(11)
title={Aerothermal effect of cavity welding beads on a transonic squealer tip},
author={Vieira J, Coull J, Ireland P & Romero E},
journal={Journal of Turbomachinery},
publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers },
year = "2021"
The Effect of Inlet Conditions on Turbine Endwall Loss
Coull JD & Clark CJ (2021)
The required aerodynamic simulation fidelity to usefully support a gas turbine digital twin for manufacturing
Lee WY, Dawes WN & Coull J (2021), Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 5, 15-27
title={The required aerodynamic simulation fidelity to usefully support a gas turbine digital twin for manufacturing},
author={Lee WY, Dawes WN & Coull J},
journal={Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society},
publisher={Global Power and Propulsion Society},
year = "2021"
Physics-Based Part Orientation and Sentencing: A Solution to Manufacturing Variability
Lee WY, Dawes WN & Coull JD (2020), Journal of Turbomachinery, 142(10)
Aerothermal Effect of Cavity Welding Beads on a Transonic Squealer Tip
Vieira J, Coull J, Ireland P & Romero E (2020)
The Impact of Combustor Turbulence on Turbine Loss Mechanisms
Folk M, Miller RJ & Coull JD (2020), Journal of Turbomachinery, 142(9)
The Required Aerodynamic Simulation Fidelity to Usefully Support a Gas Turbine Digital Twin for Manufacturing
Lee WY, Dawes WN & Coull JD (2020)
A Novel MEMS-Based Probe for Unsteady Aerodynamic Measurements: A Proof-of-Concept Study
Morris W, Coull J, Dickens T, de Luca A & Udrea F (2020), Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 4, 145-160
title={A Novel MEMS-Based Probe for Unsteady Aerodynamic Measurements: A Proof-of-Concept Study},
author={Morris W, Coull J, Dickens T, de Luca A & Udrea F},
journal={Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society},
publisher={Global Power and Propulsion Society},
year = "2020"
The Impact of Combustor Turbulence on Turbine Loss Mechanisms
Folk M, Miller RJ & Coull JD (2019)
Physics-Based Part Orientation and Sentencing: A Solution to Manufacturing Variability
Lee WY, Dawes WN & Coull JD (2019)
An experimental investigation of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient on a transonic squealer tip
Saul A, Ireland PT, Wong TH, Li H, Coull J et al. (2019), Journal of Turbomachinery, 141(9)
title={An experimental investigation of adiabatic film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient on a transonic squealer tip},
author={Saul A, Ireland PT, Wong TH, Li H, Coull J et al.},
journal={Journal of Turbomachinery},
publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers},
year = "2019"
The sensitivity of turbine cascade endwall loss to inlet boundary layer thickness
Coull J, Clark C & Vazquez R (2019), Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society, 3, oeymde
title={The sensitivity of turbine cascade endwall loss to inlet boundary layer thickness},
author={Coull J, Clark C & Vazquez R},
journal={Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society},
publisher={Global Power and Propulsion Society},
year = "2019"
MEMS Thermal Flow Sensors— An Accuracy Investigation
Gardner ELW, Vincent TA, Jones RG, Gardner JW, Coull J et al. (2019), IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(8), 2991-2998
title={MEMS Thermal Flow Sensors— An Accuracy Investigation},
author={Gardner ELW, Vincent TA, Jones RG, Gardner JW, Coull J et al.},
journal={IEEE Sensors Journal},
publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)},
year = "2019"
The Impact of Manufacturing Variability on Multi-Passage High Pressure Turbine Aerodynamics
Lee WY, Dawes WN, Coull JD & Goenaga F (2019)
A maskless etching technique for fabrication of 3D MEMS structures in SOI CMOS devices
Mansoor M, Haneef I, De Luca A, Coull J & Udrea F (2018), Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 28(8), 085013
title={A maskless etching technique for fabrication of 3D MEMS structures in SOI CMOS devices},
author={Mansoor M, Haneef I, De Luca A, Coull J & Udrea F},
journal={Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering},
publisher={IOP Publishing},
year = "2018"
An Experimental Investigation of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient on a Transonic Squealer Tip
Saul AJ, Ireland PT, Coull JD, Wong TH, Li H et al. (2018), v05ct19a023-v05ct19a023
title={An Experimental Investigation of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness and Heat Transfer Coefficient on a Transonic Squealer Tip},
author={Saul AJ, Ireland PT, Coull JD, Wong TH, Li H et al.},
booktitle={Volume 5C: Heat Transfer},
year = "2018"
The Impact of Manufacturing Variability on High Pressure Turbine Profile Loss
Lee WY, Dawes WN, Coull JD & Goenaga F (2018)
Constant Temperature Operation of a CMOS MEMS Thermoelectronic Multidirectional Flow Sensor
De Luca A, Coull JD & Udrea F (2017), 1-3
Diode-Based CMOS MEMS Thermal Flow Sensors
De Luca A, Falco C, Gardner ELW, Coull JD & Udrea F (2017), 2211-2214
title={Diode-Based CMOS MEMS Thermal Flow Sensors},
author={De Luca A, Falco C, Gardner ELW, Coull JD & Udrea F},
booktitle={2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS)},
year = "2017"
Endwall Loss in Turbine Cascades
Parasitic Loss Due to Leading Edge Instrumentation on a Low-Pressure Turbine Blade
Constant Temperature Operation of a CMOS MEMS Thermoelectronic Multidirectional Flow Sensor
De Luca A, Coull JD & Udrea F (2017), 2017 IEEE SENSORS, 346-348
title={Constant Temperature Operation of a CMOS MEMS Thermoelectronic Multidirectional Flow Sensor},
author={De Luca A, Coull JD & Udrea F},
year = "2017"
Numerical investigations of different tip designs for shroudless turbine blades
Caloni S, Shahpar S & Coull JD (2016), Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A Journal of Power and Energy, 230(7), 709-720
Numerical investigations of different tip designs for shroudless turbine blades
Caloni S, Shahpar S & Coull JD (2016), Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 230(7), 709-720
title={Numerical investigations of different tip designs for shroudless turbine blades},
author={Caloni S, Shahpar S & Coull JD},
journal={Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy},
year = "2016"
Parasitic Loss due to Leading Edge Instrumentation on a Low Pressure Turbine Blade
Ng HC-H & Coull JD (2016), v02bt38a042-v02bt38a042
Parasitic loss due to leading edge instrumentation on a low pressure turbine blade
Ng HCH & Coull JD (2016), Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 2B-2016
The Influence of Boundary Conditions on Tip Leakage Flow
Coull JD & Atkins NR (2015), Journal of Turbomachinery, 137(6), 061005
3D Modelling of a Thermopile-Based SOI CMOS Thermal Wall Shear Stress Sensor
Falco C, De Luca A, Sarfraz S, Haneef I, Coull J et al. (2014), 277-280
Winglets for Improved Aerothermal Performance of High Pressure Turbines
Coull JD, Atkins NR & Hodson HP (2014), Journal of Turbomachinery, 136(9), 091007
High Efficiency Cavity Winglets for High Pressure Turbines
Coull JD, Atkins NR & Hodson HP (2014), v02ct38a005-v02ct38a005
Winglets for Improved Aerothermal Performance of High Pressure Turbines
3D Multiphysics Modelling of an SOI CMOS MEMS Thermal Wall Shear Stress Sensor
Falco C, De Luca A, Sarfraz S, Haneef I, Coull J et al. (2014), Procedia Engineering, 87, 628-631
Large eddy simulations in low-pressure turbines: Effect of wakes at elevated free-stream turbulence
Rao VN, Tucker PG, Jefferson-Loveday RJ & Coull JD (2013), International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 43, 85-95
A Thermopile Based SOI CMOS MEMS Wall Shear Stress Sensor
De Luca A, Haneef I, Coull J, Ali SZ, Falco C et al. (2013), 1, 59-62
The Influence of Boundary Conditions on Tip Leakage Flow
Coull JD & Atkins NR (2013), v001t01a004-v001t01a004
Investigation of Wake Induced Transition in Low-Pressure Turbines Using Large Eddy Simulation
Rao VN, Tucker PG, Jefferson-Loveday RJ & Coull JD (2013), v06ct42a008-v06ct42a008
Winglets for Improved Aerothermal Performance of High Pressure Turbines
Coull JD, Atkins NR & Hodson HP (2013), v06at36a011-v06at36a011
Blade Loading and Its Application in the Mean-Line Design of Low Pressure Turbines
Coull JD & Hodson HP (2013), Journal of Turbomachinery, 135(2), 021032