Showing 50 publications by Matthew McGilvray
Modelling Particulate Deposition in Gas Turbines Part II: Prediction and Validation of Deposition Distributions
Gaskell J, Vadgama N, Villain F, Beal S, McGilvray M et al. (2025), Journal of Turbomachinery, 1-19
title={Modelling Particulate Deposition in Gas Turbines Part II: Prediction and Validation of Deposition Distributions},
author={Gaskell J, Vadgama N, Villain F, Beal S, McGilvray M et al.},
journal={Journal of Turbomachinery},
publisher={ASME International},
year = "2025"
Correction: Effect of Non-Uniform Shock Speed on Expansion Tube Flows
Steer J, Clarke J, Collen PL, Satchell M, Di Mare L et al. (2025)
Surrogate Thermochemical Kinetics for Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Flows
Rapisarda C, Clarke J, McGilvray M & Di Mare L (2025)
Withdrawn: Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy in Shock Tube Flows
Buquet MT, Glenn A, Williams B, Ewart P, Le Page L et al. (2025)
Effect of Non-Uniform Shock Speed on Expansion Tube Flows
Steer J, Clarke J, Collen PL, Satchell M, Di Mare L et al. (2025)
Observations of Boundary Layer Transition Reversal on a Blunt Cone in Hypersonic Flow
Ceruzzi A, Le Page L, McQuellin LP, Condren WJ & McGilvray M (2025)
Particle Bounce Stick Behavior in the Rotating Frame of Reference
Gaskell JG, McGilvray M, Gillespie DRH & Irving J (2024), Journal of Turbomachinery, 146(10)
Reconstruction of Mars 2020 Backshell Radiative Heating via Infrared Emission Spectroscopy of CO 2 /N 2 /Ar Shockwaves
Tibere-Inglesse AC, West TK, Jelloian CC, Minesi NQ, Spearrin RM et al. (2024), Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 38(4), 568-585
title={Reconstruction of Mars 2020 Backshell Radiative Heating via Infrared Emission Spectroscopy of CO 2 /N 2 /Ar Shockwaves},
author={Tibere-Inglesse AC, West TK, Jelloian CC, Minesi NQ, Spearrin RM et al.},
journal={Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)},
year = "2024"
Effect of non-equilibrium thermochemistry on Pitot pressure measurements in shock tunnels (or: Is 0.92 really the magic number?)
Sopek T, Jacobs P, Subiah S-D, Collen P & McGilvray M (2024), Acta Astronautica, 223, 249-261
title={Effect of non-equilibrium thermochemistry on Pitot pressure measurements in shock tunnels (or: Is 0.92 really the magic number?)},
author={Sopek T, Jacobs P, Subiah S-D, Collen P & McGilvray M},
journal={Acta Astronautica},
year = "2024"
Quasi One-Dimensional Non-Equilibrium Method for Shock Tube and Stagnation Line Flows
Clarke J, Brody S, Steer J, McGilvray M & Di Mare L (2024), Physics of Fluids
Experimental Assessment of Hypersonic Convective Heat Transfer Augmentation due to Surface Roughness
Forsyth PR, Hambidge C & McGilvray M (2024), Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 38(3), 350-359
Wall heat transfer measurements in a turbomachinery environment subject to ice crystal icing
Zawadzki N, Cross T, Parker L, Farmborough J, McGilvray M et al. (2024), AIAA Aviation Forum and ASCEND co-located Conference Proceedings
A finite element-based fracture model for the prediction of shedding in ice crystal icing
Cross TJS, Zawadzki N, McGilvray M & Gillespie D (2024), AIAA Aviation Forum and ASCEND co-located Conference Proceedings
Transient Three-Dimensional Measurement of Ice Crystal Accretion Using a Plenoptic Camera
Eberhart M, Loehle S, Grigat F, Connolly J, McGilvray M et al. (2024), AIAA Journal, 1-12
title={Transient Three-Dimensional Measurement of Ice Crystal Accretion Using a Plenoptic Camera},
author={Eberhart M, Loehle S, Grigat F, Connolly J, McGilvray M et al.},
journal={AIAA Journal},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)},
year = "2024"
Radiance Measurements Through Unsteady Expansion Waves in Relaxing Air and H 2 -He Mixtures
Steer J, Collen P & McGilvray M (2024)
Ice Crystal Transport and Accretion in a Rotating Test Environment
Zawadzki N, Connoly J, Yang X, McGilvray M & Gillespie D (2024)
Shock-Tube Measurements of Radiation for Titan Atmospheric Entry
McGilvray M, McIntyre TJ, Glenn A & Morgan RG (2024), Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 38(3), 438-445
title={Shock-Tube Measurements of Radiation for Titan Atmospheric Entry},
author={McGilvray M, McIntyre TJ, Glenn A & Morgan RG},
journal={Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)},
year = "2024"
Numerical Simulations of Ice Particle Transport at Representative Turbofan Compressor Conditions
Parker L, McGilvray M, Gillespie DRH & Jones G (2024)
title={Numerical Simulations of Ice Particle Transport at Representative Turbofan Compressor Conditions},
author={Parker L, McGilvray M, Gillespie DRH & Jones G},
booktitle={Volume 12B: Turbomachinery — Axial Flow Turbine Aerodynamics; Deposition, Erosion, Fouling, and Icing},
year = "2024"
Radiative heat transfer measurements of Titan atmospheric entry in a shock tube
Sopek T, Glenn A, Clarke J, di Mare L, Collen P et al. (2024), Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 39(1), 79-101
title={Radiative heat transfer measurements of Titan atmospheric entry in a shock tube},
author={Sopek T, Glenn A, Clarke J, di Mare L, Collen P et al.},
journal={Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2024"
Commissioning of upgrades to T6 to study giant planet entry
Steer J, Collen P, Glenn A, Hambidge C, Doherty LJ et al. (2024), Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 1-18
title={Commissioning of upgrades to T6 to study giant planet entry},
author={Steer J, Collen P, Glenn A, Hambidge C, Doherty LJ et al.},
journal={Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2024"
The combined effects of large-scale roughness and mass injection in hypersonic flow
Condren WJ, Ravichandran R, Finnerty A, Hambidge C & McGilvray M (2024), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Speed Vehicle Science and Technology
title={The combined effects of large-scale roughness and mass injection in hypersonic flow},
author={Condren WJ, Ravichandran R, Finnerty A, Hambidge C & McGilvray M},
booktitle={3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology (HiSST 2024)},
year = "2024"
Heat flux augmentation caused by surface imperfections in turbulent boundary layers
Ivison W, Hambidge CJ, McGilvray M, Flinton A, Merrifield J et al. (2024), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Speed Vehicle Science and Technology
title={Heat flux augmentation caused by surface imperfections in turbulent boundary layers},
author={Ivison W, Hambidge CJ, McGilvray M, Flinton A, Merrifield J et al.},
booktitle={3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology (HiSST 2024)},
year = "2024"
Effects of ultrafast laser energy deposition on a hypervelocity boundary layer
Le Page L, Ceruzzi A, Brain TLJ, Rieley AJ, Crumpton TJ et al. (2024), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Speed Vehicle Science and Technology
title={Effects of ultrafast laser energy deposition on a hypervelocity boundary layer},
author={Le Page L, Ceruzzi A, Brain TLJ, Rieley AJ, Crumpton TJ et al.},
booktitle={3rd International Conference on High-Speed Vehicle Science and Technology (HiSST 2024)},
year = "2024"
Effect of non-equilibrium thermochemistry on Pitot pressure measurements in shock tunnels (or: Is 0.92 really the magic number?)
Sopek T, Jacobs P, Subiah S-D, Collen P & McGilvray M (2024)
Displacement of hypersonic boundary layer instability and turbulence through transpiration cooling
Kerth P, Le Page LM, Wylie S, Ravichandran R, Ceruzzi A et al. (2024), Physics of Fluids, 36(3)
title={Displacement of hypersonic boundary layer instability and turbulence through transpiration cooling },
author={Kerth P, Le Page LM, Wylie S, Ravichandran R, Ceruzzi A et al.},
journal={Physics of Fluids},
publisher={AIP Publishing},
year = "2024"
The effect of leading edge bluntness on scramjet performance
Vanyai T, Gibbons NN, Curran DR, McGilvray M & Wheatley V (2024), Aerospace Science and Technology, 146
Comparison of force measurement techniques in a short duration hypersonic facility
Hyslop A, Doherty L & McGilvray M (2024), Experiments in Fluids, 65(2)
Commissioning Ludwieg mode with isentropic compression heating for the Oxford High Density Tunnel
Ivison W, Hambidge C, Doherty L & McGilvray M (2024), AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum
title={Commissioning Ludwieg mode with isentropic compression heating for the Oxford High Density Tunnel},
author={Ivison W, Hambidge C, Doherty L & McGilvray M},
booktitle={2024 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum)},
year = "2024"
Enhancing the test time performance of Ludwieg tunnels
Hillyer J, Doherty L, Hambidge C & McGilvray M (2024)
Radiation measurements of shockwaves in synthetic air and pure nitrogen
Glenn AB, Varley O, Collen PL & McGilvray M (2024), AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2024, 1-32
Numerical simulation of transpiration cooling on stagnation line in thermochemical non-equilibrium
Brody S, Lau KS, Clarke J, McGilvray M & Di Mare L (2024)
title={Numerical simulation of transpiration cooling on stagnation line in thermochemical non-equilibrium},
author={Brody S, Lau KS, Clarke J, McGilvray M & Di Mare L},
booktitle={AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (AIAA SciTech Forum 2024)},
year = "2024"
Numerical simulations of carbon contaminants in T6 shock tube tests
Clarke J, Glenn AB, Varley O, Di Mare L & McGilvray M (2024), AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2024, 1-22
LASTA 2.0: validation of a reverse time integration method
Steer J, Clarke J, McGilvray M & Di Mare L (2024), AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum
Experimental investigation of boundary layer instabilities and transition on sharp and blunt cones in Oxford’s High-Density Tunnel
Ceruzzi AP, Le Page LM, Kerth P, Williams BAO & McGilvray M (2024), AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2024, 1-22
title={Experimental investigation of boundary layer instabilities and transition on sharp and blunt cones in Oxford’s High-Density Tunnel},
author={Ceruzzi AP, Le Page LM, Kerth P, Williams BAO & McGilvray M},
booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum},
year = "2024"
Simulation of a low enthalpy ablator into a hypersonic boundary-layer
Condren WJ, Hermann T & McGilvray M (2024), AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 2024
Roughness Induced Heat Transfer and Shear Stress Augmentation Measurements of the HEEET Thermal Protection System
Hambidge C, Steuer DC, Condren WJ & McGilvray M (2024)
Analysis of Mars Entry Shock Wave Radiance in the T6 Stalker Hypersonic Wind Tunnel
Crumpton TJ (2024)
Correction: Simultaneous measurements of freestream disturbances, boundary layer instabilities, and transition location on sharp and blunt cones in hypersonic flow
Ceruzzi A, Le Page LM, Kerth P, Williams BA & McGilvray M (2024)
title={Correction: Simultaneous measurements of freestream disturbances, boundary layer instabilities, and transition location on sharp and blunt cones in hypersonic flow},
author={Ceruzzi A, Le Page LM, Kerth P, Williams BA & McGilvray M},
booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum},
year = "2024"
Gel-casting for manufacturing porous alumina ceramics with complex shapes for transpiration cooling
Belrhiti Y, Kerth P, McGilvray M & Vandeperre L (2023), Advances in Applied Ceramics, 122(5-8), 375-380
title={Gel-casting for manufacturing porous alumina ceramics with complex shapes for transpiration cooling},
author={Belrhiti Y, Kerth P, McGilvray M & Vandeperre L},
journal={Advances in Applied Ceramics},
publisher={Taylor & Francis},
year = "2023"
Sticking–erosion model for ice crystal icing using particle size distribution
Yang X, McGilvray M & Gillespie D (2023), AIAA Journal, 61(11), 4976-4989
title={Sticking–erosion model for ice crystal icing using particle size distribution},
author={Yang X, McGilvray M & Gillespie D},
journal={AIAA Journal},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2023"
Spatial transformations for reacting gas shock tube experiments
Clarke J, Di Mare L & McGilvray M (2023), AIAA Journal
Analytical model of transpired-coolant concentration at downstream wall in high-speed laminar flow
Ifti HS, Hermann T & McGilvray M (2023), AIAA Journal, 61(8), 3541-3550
title={Analytical model of transpired-coolant concentration at downstream wall in high-speed laminar flow},
author={Ifti HS, Hermann T & McGilvray M},
journal={AIAA Journal},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2023"
Investigation of fluidic thrust vectoring for scramjets
Hambidge C, Ivison W, Steuer D, Neely A & McGilvray M (2023), Experiments in Fluids, 64(4)
Absolute measurements of air shock-layer radiation in the T6 Aluminium Shock Tube
Collen PL, Glenn AB, Doherty LJ & McGilvray M (2023), Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 37(3), 618-631
title={Absolute measurements of air shock-layer radiation in the T6 Aluminium Shock Tube},
author={Collen PL, Glenn AB, Doherty LJ & McGilvray M},
journal={Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2023"
Analysis of Shock Deceleration Effects in the NASA Electric Arc Shock Tube
Collen PL, Di Mare L, McGilvray M & Satchell M (2023), JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER
Numerical simulation of a shock tube in thermochemical non-equilibrium
Clarke J, Glenn A, McGilvray M & Di Mare L (2023), Proceedings of the AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
Measurements of hypersonic double cone flows with shock wave/boundary layer interactions in the X3 expansion tunnel
Kennedy A, McGilvray M, James CM, Morgan RG & Zander F (2023), AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
Experimental studies of hypersonic shock impingement on a transpiration-cooled flat plate
Naved I, Hermann T, Hambidge C & McGilvray M (2023), Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 60(3), 873-883
title={Experimental studies of hypersonic shock impingement on a transpiration-cooled flat plate},
author={Naved I, Hermann T, Hambidge C & McGilvray M},
journal={Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets},
publisher={American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics},
year = "2023"
Aerodynamic effects and heat flux augmentation of a transpiration cooled hypersonic sharp leading edge
Ravichandran R, Doherty LJ, McGilvray M, Damm K & Gollan R (2023), AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum
A method for IR measurement of large scale roughened surfaces in hypersonic flow
Condren W, Hambidge C, Steuer D, Naved I & McGilvray M (2023), Proceedings of the AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum