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Showing 50 publications by Janet B. Pierrehumbert

Time machine GPT

Drinkall F, Rahimikia E, Pierrehumbert J & Zohren S (2024)

  title={Time machine GPT},
  author={Drinkall F, Rahimikia E, Pierrehumbert J & Zohren S},
  booktitle={2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year = "2024"

Geographic adaptation of pretrained language models

Hofmann V, Glavaš G, Ljubešić N, Pierrehumbert JB & Schütze H (2024), Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 12, 411-431

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  title={Geographic adaptation of pretrained language models},
  author={Hofmann V, Glavaš G, Ljubešić N, Pierrehumbert JB & Schütze H},
  journal={Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  publisher={Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press},
  year = "2024"

Not wacky vs. definitely wacky: a study of scalar adverbs in pretrained language models

Lorge I & Pierrehumbert JB (2023), Proceedings of the 6th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP, 296-316

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  title={Not wacky vs. definitely wacky: a study of scalar adverbs in pretrained language models},
  author={Lorge I & Pierrehumbert JB},
  booktitle={6th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP},
  year = "2023"

Unsupervised detection of contextualized embedding bias with application to ideology

Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert J & Schütze H (2022), Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), 162, 8796-8810

  title={Unsupervised detection of contextualized embedding bias with application to ideology},
  author={Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert J & Schütze H},
  booktitle={39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Modeling ideological salience and framing in polarized online groups with graph neural networks and structured sparsity

Hofmann V, Dong X, Pierrehumbert J & Schuetze H (2022), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022, 536-550

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  title={Modeling ideological salience and framing in polarized online groups with graph neural networks and structured sparsity},
  author={Hofmann V, Dong X, Pierrehumbert J & Schuetze H},
  booktitle={2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Two contrasting data annotation paradigms for subjective NLP tasks

Röttger P, Vidgen B, Hovy D & Pierrehumbert JB (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 175-184

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  title={Two contrasting data annotation paradigms for subjective NLP tasks},
  author={Röttger P, Vidgen B, Hovy D & Pierrehumbert JB},
  booktitle={2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Forecasting COVID-19 caseloads using unsupervised embedding clusters of social media posts

Drinkall F, Zohren S & Pierrehumbert JB (2022), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 1471-1484

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  title={Forecasting COVID-19 caseloads using unsupervised embedding clusters of social media posts},
  author={Drinkall F, Zohren S & Pierrehumbert JB},
  booktitle={ 2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2022)},
  year = "2022"

An embarrassingly simple method to mitigate undesirable properties of pretrained language model tokenizers

Hofmann V, Schuetze H & Pierrehumbert J (2022), Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022)

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  title={An embarrassingly simple method to mitigate undesirable properties of pretrained language model tokenizers},
  author={Hofmann V, Schuetze H & Pierrehumbert J},
  booktitle={60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022)},
  year = "2022"

Phonotactic and morphological effects in the acceptability of pseudowords

Needle JM, Pierrehumbert JB & Hay JB (2022), 79-112

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  title={Phonotactic and morphological effects in the acceptability of pseudowords},
  author={Needle JM, Pierrehumbert JB & Hay JB},
  year = "2022"

The Reddit Politosphere: a large-scale text and network resource of online political discourse

Hofmann V, Schütze H & Pierrehumbert J (2022), Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 16(1), 1259-1267

  title={The Reddit Politosphere: a large-scale text and network resource of online political discourse},
  author={Hofmann V, Schütze H & Pierrehumbert J},
  booktitle={International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media},
  year = "2022"

Forecasting COVID-19 Caseloads Using Unsupervised Embedding Clusters of Social Media Posts

Drinkall F, Zohren S & Pierrehumbert JB (2022)

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  title={Forecasting COVID-19 Caseloads Using Unsupervised Embedding Clusters of Social Media Posts},
  author={Drinkall F, Zohren S & Pierrehumbert JB},
  year = "2022"

Commentary on Chapter 11: Comparing the PENTA model to autosegmental-metrical phonology

Pierrehumbert J (2022), 408-424

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  title={Commentary on Chapter 11: Comparing the PENTA model
to autosegmental-metrical phonology},
  author={Pierrehumbert J},
  year = "2022"

Temporal adaptation of BERT and performance on downstream document classification: insights from social media

Röttger P & Pierrehumbert JB (2021), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 2400-2412

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  title={Temporal adaptation of BERT and performance on downstream document classification: insights from social media},
  author={Röttger P & Pierrehumbert JB},
  booktitle={2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2021)},
  year = "2021"

Predicting COVID-19 cases using Reddit posts and other online resources

Drinkall F & Pierrehumbert JB (2021), Proceedings of the Swiss Text Analytics Conference 2021

  title={Predicting COVID-19 cases using Reddit posts and other online resources},
  author={Drinkall F & Pierrehumbert JB},
  booktitle={Swiss Text Analytics Conference 2021},
  year = "2021"

Superbizarre is not superb: derivational morphology improves BERT’s interpretation of complex words

Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert JB & Schuetze H (2021), Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), 3594-3608

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  title={Superbizarre is not superb: derivational morphology improves BERT’s interpretation of complex words},
  author={Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert JB & Schuetze H},
  booktitle={59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing},
  year = "2021"

Dynamic contextualized word embeddings

Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert JB & Schütze H (2021), Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), 6970-6984

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  title={Dynamic contextualized word embeddings},
  author={Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert JB & Schütze H},
  booktitle={ Joint Conference of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021)},
  year = "2021"

Familiarity, consistency, and systematizing in morphology.

Schumacher RA & Pierrehumbert JB (2021), Cognition, 212, 104512

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  title={Familiarity, consistency, and systematizing in morphology.},
  author={Schumacher RA & Pierrehumbert JB},
  number={ARTN 104512},
  year = "2021"

HateCheck: functional tests for hate speech detection models

Röttger P, Vidgen B, Dong N, Waseem Z, Margetts H et al. (2021), Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), 41-58

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  title={HateCheck: functional tests for hate speech detection models},
  author={Röttger P, Vidgen B, Dong N, Waseem Z, Margetts H et al.},
  booktitle={59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2021)},
  year = "2021"

Familiarity, consistency, and systematizing in morphology

Schumacher RA & Pierrehumbert J (2021), Cognition, 212

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  title={Familiarity, consistency, and systematizing in morphology},
  author={Schumacher RA & Pierrehumbert J},
  year = "2021"

Morphological convergence as on-line lexical analogy

PIERREHUMBERT J, Racz P, Beckner C & Hay JB (2020), Language (Washington), 96(4), 735-770

  title={Morphological convergence as on-line lexical analogy},
  author={PIERREHUMBERT J, Racz P, Beckner C & Hay JB},
  journal={Language (Washington)},
  publisher={Linguistic Society of America},
  year = "2020"

DagoBERT: generating derivational morphology with a pretrained language model

Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert J & Schütze H (2020), Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (and forerunners) (EMNLP), 3848-3861

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  title={DagoBERT: generating derivational morphology with a pretrained language model},
  author={Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert J & Schütze H},
  booktitle={The 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  year = "2020"

Not All Indexical Cues Are Equal: Differential Sensitivity to Dimensions of Indexical Meaning in an Artificial Language

Rácz P, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB (2020), Language Learning, 70(3), 848-885

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  title={Not All Indexical Cues Are Equal: Differential Sensitivity to Dimensions of Indexical Meaning in an Artificial Language},
  author={Rácz P, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB},
  journal={Language Learning},
  year = "2020"

Predicting the growth of morphological families from social and linguistic factors

Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert J & Schütze H (2020), Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics(2020), 7273-7283

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  title={Predicting the growth of morphological families from social and linguistic factors},
  author={Hofmann V, Pierrehumbert J & Schütze H},
  booktitle={2020 Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year = "2020"

A graph auto-encoder model of derivational morphology

Hofmann V, Schütze H & Pierrehumbert JB (2020), Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1127-1138

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  title={A graph auto-encoder model of derivational morphology},
  author={Hofmann V, Schütze H & Pierrehumbert JB},
  booktitle={2020 Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
  year = "2020"

Morphological convergence as on-line lexical analogy

Rácz P, Beckner C, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB (2020), Language, 96(4), 735-770

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  title={Morphological convergence as on-line lexical analogy},
  author={Rácz P, Beckner C, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB},
  publisher={Johns Hopkins University Press},
  year = "2020"

Word frequency effects in sound change as a consequence of perceptual asymmetries: An exemplar-based model.

Todd S, Pierrehumbert JB & Hay J (2019), Cognition, 185, 1-20

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  title={Word frequency effects in sound change as a consequence of perceptual asymmetries: An exemplar-based model.},
  author={Todd S, Pierrehumbert JB & Hay J},
  year = "2019"

On hapax legomena and morphological productivity

Pierrehumbert J & Granell R (2018), Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology, 125-130

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  title={On hapax legomena and morphological productivity},
  author={Pierrehumbert J & Granell R},
  year = "2018"

Gendered Associations of English Morphology

Needle JM & Pierrehumbert JB (2018), LABORATORY PHONOLOGY, 9(1)

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  title={Gendered Associations of English Morphology},
  author={Needle JM & Pierrehumbert JB},
  number={ARTN 14},
  year = "2018"

The emergence of linguistic structure in an online iterated learning task

Beckner C, Pierrehumbert JB & Hay JB (2017), Journal of Language Evolution, 2(2), 160-176

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  title={The emergence of linguistic structure in an online iterated learning task },
  author={Beckner C, Pierrehumbert JB & Hay JB},
  journal={Journal of Language Evolution},
  publisher={Oxford University Press},
  year = "2017"

Prior expectations in linguistic learning: a stochastic model of individual differences

Schumacher RA & Pierrehumbert JB (2017), Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

  title={Prior expectations in linguistic learning: a stochastic model of individual differences},
  author={Schumacher RA & Pierrehumbert JB},
  year = "2017"

Social salience discriminates learnability of contextual cues in an artificial language

Rácz P, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB (2017), Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 51

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  title={Social salience discriminates learnability of contextual cues in an artificial language},
  author={Rácz P, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB},
  journal={Frontiers in Psychology},
  publisher={Frontiers Media},
  year = "2017"

Gradient Maori phonotactics

Rácz P, Hay JB, Needle J, King J & Pierrehumbert JB (2016), Te Reo, 59, 3-21

  title={Gradient Maori phonotactics},
  author={Rácz P, Hay JB, Needle J, King J & Pierrehumbert JB},
  journal={Te Reo},
  publisher={Linguistic Society of New Zealand},
  year = "2016"

Variation in the strength of lexical encoding across dialects

Clopper CG, Tamati TN & Pierrehumbert JB (2016), Journal of Phonetics, 58, 87-103

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  title={Variation in the strength of lexical encoding across dialects},
  author={Clopper CG, Tamati TN & Pierrehumbert JB},
  journal={Journal of Phonetics},
  year = "2016"

Phonological representation: beyond abstract versus episodic

Pierrehumbert J (2016), Annual Review of Linguistics, 2(1), 33-52

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  title={Phonological representation: beyond abstract versus episodic},
  author={Pierrehumbert J},
  journal={Annual Review of Linguistics},
  publisher={Annual Reviews},
  year = "2016"

Using pronunciation-based morphological subword units to improve OOV handling in keyword search

He Y, Baumann P, Fang H, Hutchinson B, Jaech A et al. (2015), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 24(1), 79-92

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  title={Using pronunciation-based morphological subword units to improve OOV handling in keyword search},
  author={He Y, Baumann P, Fang H, Hutchinson B, Jaech A et al.},
  journal={IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing},
  publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
  year = "2015"

Exponential language modeling using morphological features and multi-task learning

Fang H, Ostendorf M, Baumann P & Pierrehumbert J (2015), IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing , 23(12), 2410-2421

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  title={Exponential language modeling using morphological features and multi-task learning},
  author={Fang H, Ostendorf M, Baumann P & Pierrehumbert J},
  journal={IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing },
  publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
  year = "2015"

Gender typicality in children's speech: a comparison of boys with and without gender identity disorder

Munson B, Crocker L, Pierrehumbert JB, Owen-Anderson A & Zucker KJ (2015), Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4), 1995-2003

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  title={Gender typicality in children's speech: a comparison of boys with and without gender identity disorder},
  author={Munson B, Crocker L, Pierrehumbert JB, Owen-Anderson A & Zucker KJ},
  journal={Journal of the Acoustical Society of America},
  publisher={AIP Publishing},
  year = "2015"

Tracking word frequency effects through 130 years of sound change.

Hay JB, Pierrehumbert JB, Walker AJ & LaShell P (2015), Cognition, 139, 83-91

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  title={Tracking word frequency effects through 130 years of sound change.},
  author={Hay JB, Pierrehumbert JB, Walker AJ & LaShell P},
  year = "2015"

Reconciling inconsistency in encoded morphological distinctions in an artificial language

Pierrehumbert J, Schumacher RA & LaShell P (2014), Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2014), Quebec City, Canada: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society

  title={Reconciling inconsistency in encoded morphological distinctions in an artificial language},
  author={Pierrehumbert J, Schumacher RA & LaShell P},
  year = "2014"

Learnability and generalisation of Arabic broken plural nouns.

Dawdy-Hesterberg LG & Pierrehumbert JB (2014), Language, cognition and neuroscience, 29(10), 1268-1282

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  title={Learnability and generalisation of Arabic broken plural nouns.},
  author={Dawdy-Hesterberg LG & Pierrehumbert JB},
  journal={Language, cognition and neuroscience},
  year = "2014"

Subword-based modeling for handling OOV words inkeyword spotting

Yanzhang H, Hutchinson B, Baumann P, Ostendorf M, Fosler-Lussier E et al. (2014), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 7864-7868

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  title={Subword-based modeling for handling OOV words inkeyword spotting},
  author={Yanzhang H, Hutchinson B, Baumann P, Ostendorf M, Fosler-Lussier E et al.},
  year = "2014"

Using resource-rich languages to improve morphological analysis of under-resourced languages

Baumann P & Pierrehumbert J (2014), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, 3355-3359

  title={Using resource-rich languages to improve morphological analysis of under-resourced languages},
  author={Baumann P & Pierrehumbert J},
  year = "2014"

Rules, analogy, and social factors codetermine past-tense formation patterns in English

Rácz P, Beckner C, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB (2014), 2014 Joint Meeting of SIGMORPHON and SIGFSM MORPHFSM 2014, Proceedings, 55-63

  title={Rules, analogy, and social factors codetermine past-tense formation patterns in English},
  author={Rácz P, Beckner C, Hay JB & Pierrehumbert JB},
  year = "2014"

Real Words, Possible Words, and New Words

Pierrehumbert JB (2014), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2014, 1866-1867

  title={Real Words, Possible Words, and New Words},
  author={Pierrehumbert JB},
  year = "2014"

Reassignment of consonant allophones in rapid dialect acquisition

German JS, Carlson K & Pierrehumbert JB (2013), Journal of Phonetics, 41(3-4), 228-248

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  title={Reassignment of consonant allophones in rapid dialect acquisition},
  author={German JS, Carlson K & Pierrehumbert JB},
  journal={Journal of Phonetics},
  year = "2013"

Conceptual Foundations of Phonology as a Laboratory Science (reprint)

Pierrehumbert JB, Beckman ME & Robert Ladd D (2012)

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  title={Conceptual Foundations of Phonology as a Laboratory Science (reprint)},
  author={Pierrehumbert JB, Beckman ME & Robert Ladd D},
  year = "2012"

Burstiness of Verbs and Derived Nouns

Pierrehumbert JB (2012), 99-115

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  title={Burstiness of Verbs and Derived Nouns},
  author={Pierrehumbert JB},
  year = "2012"

Lexical Representations

Albright A, Lahiri A, Hawkins S & Pierrehumbert JB (2011)

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  title={Lexical Representations},
  author={Albright A, Lahiri A, Hawkins S & Pierrehumbert JB},
  year = "2011"

Conceptual Foundations of Phonology as a Laboratory Science (reprint)

Pierrehumbert JB, Beckman ME & Ladd DR (2011)

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  title={Conceptual Foundations of Phonology as a Laboratory Science (reprint)},
  author={Pierrehumbert JB, Beckman ME & Ladd DR},
  year = "2011"

Niche as a determinant of word fate in online groups.

Altmann EG, Pierrehumbert JB & Motter AE (2011), PloS one, 6(5), e19009

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  title={Niche as a determinant of word fate in online groups.},
  author={Altmann EG, Pierrehumbert JB & Motter AE},
  journal={PloS one},
  year = "2011"