1st Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop
Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, St Anne’s College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HS
Neil AshtonDate & Time
Wednesday 11 Dec 2019 - Thursday 12 Dec 2019
The main objective of the 1st Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop is to assess the predictive capability of CFD codes for road-cars geometries. Through mandatory geometry, boundary conditions and computational grids the aim is to provide practical modelling guidelines to the automotive community e.g best-practice turbulence modelling, meshing, numerical schemes.
This first workshop will be held on the 11th-12th December 2019 in Oxford at St Anne's College. Computing the test-cases is not required to attend the workshop but we encourage everyone to consider submitting results. Three test-cases will be studied; SAE Notchback geometry, DrivAer Fastback and DrivAer Estate vehicle which are described fully in the test-cases section.
Partipicants who submit results will be automatically allocated a 15 minute presentation slot however those who wish to present relevant material without computing the test-cases should send a 500 word abstract to neil.ashton@eng.ox.ac.uk by Monday 16th September 2019
The workshop fee is £250 (£200 for PhD students) for the two-day event including tea/coffee breaks and a three course meal on the 11th in the Randolph hotel. Accommodation is available at St Anne's for £82 per night (including breakfast) and due to space limitations there is a maximum limit of 100 people to attend the workshop.