01 Nov 2024
Department Teaching Awards 2024
Twelve academics receive Departmental Teaching Awards for excellence in teaching based on nominations from students and faculty

The annual Departmental Teaching Awards were presented at the Engineering Science Faculty Away Day in September. Awards were based on nominations from students and faculty and decided by a committee of students and academics. Awards were made in three categories: Gold, Silver and Bronze.
The following awards were presented:
Martin Davy (Lectures and UG Admissions)
Emma Edwards (Lectures, Tutorials, and Pastoral Support)
Kostas Margellos (Lectures and Tutorials)
Wes Armour (Lectures)
Perla Maiolino (Lectures and Tutorials)
Chris Vogel (Lectures and Tutorials)
Ryan Walker (Project Supervision and Formula Student)
Alfonso Castrejon-Pita (Panel Secretary)
Antonis Papachristodoulou (Tutorials and Pastoral Support)
Paul Stavrinou (Lectures)
Jin-Chong Tan (Lectures, Tutorials, and Prelims)
Ben Williams (Lectures)