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FAIRsharing announces COVID-19 resource collection

Collating coronavirus, clinical trials, public health and patient databases, registries and standards in one place COVID-19 resource website page COVID-19 resource website

Based in the Data Readiness Group at the Oxford e-Research Centre, is a curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to repositories and data policies.

FAIRsharing guides consumers to discover, select and use these resources with confidence, and producers to make their resources more findable, more widely adopted and cited.

"FAIRsharing is a community-driven resource with a growing number of users and adopters, including major scholarly publishers, all working to enable the FAIR Principles set to make data and other digital asset Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable" say Dr Peter McQuilton, FAIRsharing coordinator.

As part of its community service, the FAIRsharing COVID-19 Collection has been launched to collate all the coronavirus, clinical trial, public health and patient data-related databases, registries and standards in one place. "In this way, we will help the community to identify and use the most appropriate resources for their COVID-19 related research" says Professor Susanna-Assunta Sansone, who leads the Data Readiness Group.

The FAIRsharing Collection is being curated in collaboration with the community themselves, which are adding information to these records to help crowd-source the most comprehensive and accurate landscape analysis of COVID-19-related resources. You can also help, either by adding resources to FAIRsharing itself (the curators will then do the rest), or by adding them to the public spreadsheet.