21 Jan 2022
New Deputy Director of Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance (OMI) appointed
Dr Stefan Zohren,a leading academic in the field of machine learning in finance, has recently been appointed as the OMI’s new Deputy Director
Dr Stefan Zohren has recently been appointed as the new Deputy Director of the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance (OMI), a world-leading academic research institute at the University of Oxford that specialises in machine learning and data analytics within quantitative finance.
Stefan is a leading academic in the field of machine learning in finance and is expected to add valuable leadership in this area.
He is currently a Faculty Member at the Department of Engineering Science and has been at the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance since 2018. He is also an Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute, a Mentor in the FinTech stream at the Creative Destruction Lab at Saïd Business School, and a member of Worcester College, all at the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for AI and data science, and a member of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems. Outside of academia, he works with Man Group on commercial research projects.
Stefan is a frequent speaker on AI in finance representing the Oxford-Man Institute at academic conferences, as well as industry panels and corporate events. His work has been covered in the financial news such as Bloomberg News and Risk.
The University of Oxford and Man Group have worked in collaboration since 2007 when Man Group provided cornerstone funding for the OMI and simultaneously opened its co-located commercial research laboratory. Together, the OMI and Man Group’s lab have provided new educational and commercial employment opportunities for quantitative finance researchers, developing and implementing cutting-edge advances in machine learning within systematic investment management.