25 Jul 2023
Winners announced for the MPLS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awards
We are proud to celebrate the award winners from The Department; Wendy Poole for Outstanding ED&I Champion for staff, and Misha Patel for the student category.

The MPLS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award winners.
MPLS have announced the winners for the MPLS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awards. Every other year, alternating with the University-wide VC’s Diversity Awards, they recognise staff and students in MPLS who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to advance ED&I within our communities, celebrating individuals and teams that have accomplished amazing things to make our workplaces a better place for all of us.
The awards are an important way to showcase the incredible work that MPLS colleagues and students undertake, which may otherwise go unnoticed. At the same time, the awards aim to foster and raise awareness of impactful and innovative activities in all areas of equality, diversity and inclusion (including disability, LGBTQ+, race/ethnicity, gender, mental health and wellbeing, and more!).
This year there were four categories for nominations:
- Best Initiative
- Best Team Effort
- Outstanding ED&I Champion – Staff (this includes academics, researchers, and professional services)
- Outstanding ED&I Champion – Student (this includes undergraduates and postgraduates)
The Department would like to congratulate Wendy Poole and Misha Patel for the following categories:
Outstanding ED&I Champion – Staff
An award made to an academic, researcher or professional services member of staff who has shown outstanding dedication, sustained commitment, and effective leadership or impact in advancing equality, diversity and inclusion.
Winner Professional Service Staff: Wendy Poole, Engineering Science CDT Centre Administrator (AIMS)
Commendee PSS Ginger Jansen
WINNER aca Laura Cunningham
Commendee aca James Sparks
Outstanding ED&I Champion – Student
An award made to a postgraduate or undergraduate student who has shown outstanding dedication, sustained commitment, and effective leadership or impact in advancing equality, diversity and inclusion.
Winner: Misha Patel, Engineering Science DPhil student
Commendee Charlie Simms
Visit the main MPLS news page for more on the rest of this year's winners.