Ed is a UKAEA / Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Research Fellow in Materials Modelling for Fusion Energy, an Associate Professor in the Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Group and a Supernumerary Fellow at St Anne's College. He develops computational models of engineering materials specialising in crystal plasticity. Previous awards include an EPSRC early career Fellowship (2015-2021) and Rising Star in Computational Materials Science Prize in 2019. He completed his DPhil in Materials Science and MSc in Mathematical Modelling & Scientific Computing at Oriel College, Oxford.
Most Recent Publications
Direct imaging of hydrogen-driven dislocation and strain field evolution in a stainless steel grain
Direct imaging of hydrogen-driven dislocation and strain field evolution in a stainless steel grain
Restraining geometrically-necessary dislocations to the active slip systems in a crystal plasticity-based finite element framework
Restraining geometrically-necessary dislocations to the active slip systems in a crystal plasticity-based finite element framework
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of???a???-type prismatic loops in zirconium
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of???a???-type prismatic loops in zirconium
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity
Obtaining SiC fibers???PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM Models
Obtaining SiC fibers???PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM Models
Research Interests
- Discrete dislocation plasticity
- Crystal plasticity
- Coupled mechanical/diffusion models
- Cohesive zone modelling
HEms Project
The Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steels (HEMS) project was a consortium funded by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council to study the damage caused to steels by exposure to hydrogen. Upon exposure to hydrogen steels demonstrate a dramatic decrease in their tensile strength and instead of bending and stretching, the steel "cracks" in a brittle fashion. The HEMS consortium was a collaboration between a number of UK universities to study this phenomenon and elucidate the physical mechanisms underpinning it. If steels could be manufactured which are resistant to this effect it would enable a range of new technologies in the fields of energy and transport, and would be an essential step towards transforming to a hydrogen based energy economy.
Most Recent Publications
Direct imaging of hydrogen-driven dislocation and strain field evolution in a stainless steel grain
Direct imaging of hydrogen-driven dislocation and strain field evolution in a stainless steel grain
Restraining geometrically-necessary dislocations to the active slip systems in a crystal plasticity-based finite element framework
Restraining geometrically-necessary dislocations to the active slip systems in a crystal plasticity-based finite element framework
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of???a???-type prismatic loops in zirconium
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of???a???-type prismatic loops in zirconium
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity
Obtaining SiC fibers???PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM Models
Obtaining SiC fibers???PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM Models
DPhil studentship
Please email me to discuss DPhil opportunities.
Most Recent Publications
Direct imaging of hydrogen-driven dislocation and strain field evolution in a stainless steel grain
Direct imaging of hydrogen-driven dislocation and strain field evolution in a stainless steel grain
Restraining geometrically-necessary dislocations to the active slip systems in a crystal plasticity-based finite element framework
Restraining geometrically-necessary dislocations to the active slip systems in a crystal plasticity-based finite element framework
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of???a???-type prismatic loops in zirconium
Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of???a???-type prismatic loops in zirconium
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity
A robust and efficient hybrid solver for crystal plasticity
Obtaining SiC fibers???PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM Models
Obtaining SiC fibers???PyC interfacial properties through push-out FEM Models