Giles Bergel is Senior Researcher in Digital Humanities in the Visual Geometry Group, and a member of the Oxford e-Research Centre. Trained originally in the humanities as a book historian, his research focuses on the computational analysis of books and other cultural heritage collections. At VGG, he serves as a Research Ambassador for the Visual AI project, in which capacity he engages with digital humanities researchers and teaches computer vision. He is a regular instructor at the Digital Humanities as Oxford Summer School.
Most Recent Publications
Visual analysis of chapbooks printed in Scotland
Visual analysis of chapbooks printed in Scotland
Broadside Ballads Online: RDF metadata
Broadside Ballads Online: RDF metadata
Lines of succession in an English ballad tradition: The publishing history and textual descent of The Wandering Jew???s Chronicle
Lines of succession in an English ballad tradition: The publishing history and textual descent of The Wandering Jew???s Chronicle
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Research Interests
- Book history
- Digital humanities
- Computer vision
- Textual scholarship
Current Projects
EPSRC-funded Visual AI project, aiming to create next-generation multimodal AI systems and to transfer this knowledge to other academic disciplines and to industry.
AHRC-funded Envisioning Dante (c.1472-c.1630): this project is applying computer vision to over a hundred early printed editions of one of the iconic works of European literature, with the goal of creating an actionable machine-learning model of the illustrated European printed page, encoding its meaning embodied in the spatial relationships of page-elements such as the text, commentary, illustrations and annotations.
Research Groups
Related Academics
Most Recent Publications
Visual analysis of chapbooks printed in Scotland
Visual analysis of chapbooks printed in Scotland
Broadside Ballads Online: RDF metadata
Broadside Ballads Online: RDF metadata
Lines of succession in an English ballad tradition: The publishing history and textual descent of The Wandering Jew???s Chronicle
Lines of succession in an English ballad tradition: The publishing history and textual descent of The Wandering Jew???s Chronicle
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Re-presentations of Art Collections
Re-presentations of Art Collections