Dr Kevin Page studies cultural and societal informatics through interdisciplinary collaborations in the digital humanities. His work on the semantic annotation and distribution of data using web architectures has, through participation in numerous UK, EU, and international projects, been applied across a wide variety of domains including sensor networks, music information retrieval, scholarly texts, clinical healthcare, and remote collaboration for space exploration.
Interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues across academic disciplines and cultural heritage institutions are characteristic of Kevin’s research. The ‘Linked Art’ initiative, working to create a standard data profile for linking and exchanging information about art, is a collaboration of over 25 institutions. As part of this wider effort, Dr Page led the US-UK funded ‘Linked Art II’ project and before that the AHRC-funded ‘Linked Art Research Network’. He is currently principal investigator of the ‘Enriching Exhibition Stories’ project, which is adding Linked Art functionality to Getty’s Quire digital publishing platform then trialling this functionality with museum professionals and schools. He was co-investigator of the ‘Enriching Exhibition Scholarship’ project which combined structured data, in the form of Linked Art, with computational analysis of full text sources about art exhibitions, from historical records through to social media. Dr. Page’s work on Linked Data extends into technical standards and other interdisciplinary applications: he has: served on W3C working groups (LDP, SSN) and advisory committees seeking to harmonise the technical standards and approaches to information sharing; and participates as an academic collaborator in the SSHRC Canada ‘Linked Music’ partnership grant.
For many years Dr Page has investigated computational methods for the organisation and analysis of music and musical information, with a particular interest in their use for digital musicology. Much of his recent research includes the ‘Music Encoding and Linked Data’ framework - MELD - developed by Dr Page and colleagues during the EPSRC FAST project, and since deployed and developed through his AHRC ‘Unlocking Musicology’ and ‘Digital Delius’ projects. More recently, Dr Page was principal investigator of ‘Beethoven in the House’, an international collaboration funded by the UK AHRC and Germany's DFG, which expanded MELD into the new areas of musicological information modelling and use, an approach which is now being further developed in Prof. Dan Grimley’s ‘Elgar’s Themes’ Leverhulme project. As co-investigator of the ‘Digital Elgar’ project Dr. Page worked alongside colleagues in the Faculty of Music and the National Trust to explore how information narratives can affect a connective context between physical and digital cultural resources; as Principal Investigator of the ‘Annote’ project he is currently working with the Digital Center of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) to transfer lessons from MELD into the Verovio music engraving software and the Music Encoding Initiative guidelines.
In 2014 Dr Page co-founded the international Digital Libraries for Musicology conference (DLfM), serving in chairing roles for several years, and has edited special issues on this and related topics (International Journal of Digital Libraries; Journal of Web Semantics). He has led the Digital Musicology course at the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School, the first of its kind, since he instigated it in 2015; for the preceding 4 years he coordinated Linked Data provision.
Underlying many of these applications is the development of information seeking strategies for digital libraries, primarily through the use of knowledge graphs to provide contextual assistance to users. Dr Page was Oxford investigator for the Mellon funded ‘Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis and Data Capsules’ (WCSA+DC) where, alongside colleagues at the University of Illinois, he explored how these models can be applied to nearly 16 million volumes held in the HathiTrust Digital Library. Large-scale linking of complex and nuanced datasets also motivated Dr Page’s role as in the ‘Mapping Manuscript Migrations’ project, one of the most recent international ‘Digging into Data’ awards.
Dr. Page teaches the third year project group ‘Designing Intelligent Music Technology’ for the MSc in Engineering Science; and for Humanities Division options papers on ‘Digital Musicology’ and ‘Linked Data’ for the MSc in Digital Scholarship. He supervises MSc and DPhil students, including a doctoral studentship awarded through the AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships programme with colleagues from Oxford and the Victoria & Albert Museum.
Most Recent Publications
A model for annotating musical versions and arrangements across multiple documents and media
A model for annotating musical versions and arrangements across multiple documents and media
Narratives and exploration in a musicology app: Supporting scholarly argument with the Lohengrin TimeMachine
Narratives and exploration in a musicology app: Supporting scholarly argument with the Lohengrin TimeMachine
Harmonizing and publishing heterogeneous premodern manuscript metadata as Linked Open Data
Harmonizing and publishing heterogeneous premodern manuscript metadata as Linked Open Data
Design of a dynamic and self-adapting system, supported with artificial intelligence, machine learning and real-time intelligence for predictive cyber risk analytics in extreme environments – cyber risk in the colonisation of Mars
Design of a dynamic and self-adapting system, supported with artificial intelligence, machine learning and real-time intelligence for predictive cyber risk analytics in extreme environments – cyber risk in the colonisation of Mars
A New Model for Manuscript Provenance Research: The Mapping Manuscript Migrations Project
A New Model for Manuscript Provenance Research: The Mapping Manuscript Migrations Project
Research Interests
- Linked Data, Semantic Web, and Knowledge Graphs
- Cultural and societal applications of informatics
- Digital Musicology
- Digital Humanities
- Music Information Retrieval (applied, metadata, symbolic, multimodal)
- Digital Libraries - theory and practice, Information-seeking behaviours, serendipitous discovery
- Web architecture and standards
- Ontology engineering
- Metadata and web annotation
- Hypertext and hypermedia
- REST and API design
Current Projects
Enriching Exhibition Stories: Adding Voices to Quire (Principal Investigator) - an AHRC funded follow-on project to Enriching Exhibition Stories adding Linked Art ingestion to the Quire digital publishing tool, then applying this extended version of Quire to outreach and engagement trials with museum professionals and schools. Working in collaboration with Dr. Tyler Bonnet, the Quire team at Getty, Cheney School, colleagues at the Ashmolean Museum (Dr. Andrew Shapland, Dr. Aruna Bhaugeerutty), the University of Edinburgh (Dr. Clare LLlewellyn), and Yale University (Dr. Rob Sanderson, Dr. Kayla Shipp, and Emmanuelle Delmas-Glass).
Annote: Digital Notation Annotation for RISM (Principal Investigator) - an AHRC funded follow-on project to Beethoven in the House, working with the Digital Center of the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales (RISM) to transferring insights from MELD into annotation capabilities in their Verovio music engraving software and the Music Encoding Initiative guidelines.
LinkedMusic: Interlinking music resources for enhanced access (academic collaborator) - a seven year project funded by SSHRC Canada linking music databases through metadata schemas.
Elgar’s Themes: New Pathways for Analysis, Interpretation and Engagement - led by Prof. Daniel Grimley at the University of Oxford Music Faculty, this interdisciplinary project is employing cutting-edge digital methods to revitalise the analysis of musical themes via an online thematic catalogue of Edward Elgar’s work. Connecting historical modes of scholarship with the opportunities enabled by a fully digital environment will create a new understanding of theme as a form of linked data.
Past Projects
Enriching Exhibition Scholarship: Reconciling Knowledge Graphs and Social Media from Newspaper Articles to Twitter (Co-Investigator) - an AHRC (UK) and NEH (US) joint funded project to bring the benefits of structured data to analysis of full text records, and vice versa, stretching from historical newspaper records to live social media at the Labyrinth exhibition. Working in collaboration with colleagues at the Ashmolean Museum (Dr. Aruna Bhaugeerutty, Dr. Andrew Shapland), Yale University (Dr. Kayla Shipp, Dr. Rob Sanderson) and led by the University of Edinburgh (Dr. Clare Llewellyn).
Beethoven in the House: Digital Studies of Domestic Music Arrangements (Principal Investigator) - studies of domestic music arrangements of the 19th Century using co-developed digital musicology. A partnership with Paderborn University (Dr Johannes Kepper), the Beethoven Haus Bonn (Prof. Christine Siegert) jointly funded by the AHRC and DFG.
Linked Art II: Developing Community, Practice, and Scholarship (Principal Investigator) - an AHRC funded project to model and implement a common information profile for publishing and linking data about art. In collaboration with Yale University (Co-I Dr Rob Sanderson), the Victoria and Albert Museum, National Gallery (UK), Smithsonian Institution, National Gallery of Art (US), Philadelphia Museum of Art, J. Paul Getty Trust, American Numismatic Society, and the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields.
Digital Elgar: curating sound and place at a composer birthplace (Co-Investigator) - working with the Faculty of Music (Prof. Daniel Grimley, Dr Joanna Bullivant) and the National Trust to connect physical spaces and music manuscripts to virtual spaces in which music may be seen, heard, and understood.
Linked Art: Networking Digital Collections and Scholarship (Principal Investigator)
Unlocking Musicology: Digital Engagement for Digital Research (Principal Investigator)
Mapping Manuscript Migrations: Digging into data for the history and provenance of pre-modern European manuscripts (Co-Investigator)
Digital Delius - Interpretation, Performance, and Analysis (Co-Investigator). Received the British Library Labs Best Project award in 2018; Vice-Chancellor’s Public Engagement with Research Project Award 2019; JCDL Best Demonstration Award 2019
Workset Creation for Scholarly Analysis + Data Capsules (UK Investigator)
ElEPHãT - Early English Print in the Hathi Trust (Principal Investigator)
SLoBR - Semantic Linking of BBC Radio (Principal Investigator)
CALMA - Computational Analysis of the Live Music Archive (Co-Investigator)
OXLOD: Oxford Linked Open Data
FAST: Fusing Audio and Semantic Technologies For Intelligent Music Production and Consumption (Led the Music Flows work package)
Transforming Musicology (Led the Semantic Web Technologies work package)
SmartSociety - Hybrid and Diversity-Aware Collective Adaptive Systems
Workflow4Ever - Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies for Enhanced Science
Research Groups
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A model for annotating musical versions and arrangements across multiple documents and media
A model for annotating musical versions and arrangements across multiple documents and media
Narratives and exploration in a musicology app: Supporting scholarly argument with the Lohengrin TimeMachine
Narratives and exploration in a musicology app: Supporting scholarly argument with the Lohengrin TimeMachine
Harmonizing and publishing heterogeneous premodern manuscript metadata as Linked Open Data
Harmonizing and publishing heterogeneous premodern manuscript metadata as Linked Open Data
Design of a dynamic and self-adapting system, supported with artificial intelligence, machine learning and real-time intelligence for predictive cyber risk analytics in extreme environments – cyber risk in the colonisation of Mars
Design of a dynamic and self-adapting system, supported with artificial intelligence, machine learning and real-time intelligence for predictive cyber risk analytics in extreme environments – cyber risk in the colonisation of Mars
A New Model for Manuscript Provenance Research: The Mapping Manuscript Migrations Project
A New Model for Manuscript Provenance Research: The Mapping Manuscript Migrations Project