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Olivia Deuschle BSc MPhil MSc

DPhil Student


Olivia is a Doctoral Researcher in Management at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. She has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, a Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and a Master of Philosophy in Management.


Research Interests

Olivia's research interests include entrepreneurial ecosystems and communities. Her work revolves around experimentation with nascent technologies in the context of change. Her interest explores how individuals or firms enact micro-level practices to mobilise macro-level change.

Research Projects

Entrepreneurial ecosystem formation in Bhutan

This project explores how a state actor mobilises and legitimises a nascent regional entrepreneurial ecosystem through experimentation.

Enacting futures as pockets of freedom in hacking communities

This project looks at how biohackers and hackathon hackers organise and mobilise to enact snippets of alternative futures next to their day-to-day practices.

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