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Professor Perla Maiolino


Perla Maiolino BEng DPhil MEng

Associate Professor of Engineering Science

Tutorial Fellow at Brasenose College

Oxford Robotics Institute

TEL: 01865 283301


Professor Perla Maiolino completed BEng, MEng and PhD in the department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering at University of Genova (Italy), where she worked primarily on Technological aspect of tactile sensing and development of Large Area Tactile Sensors for robots. She worked as PostDoc at University of Cambridge where she investigated aspects related to soft sensing and soft robotics.

Perla moved to Oxford in September 2018 as Associate Professor at the Engineering Science Department and member of Oxford Robotics Institute.

Research Interests

Dr Perla Maiolino is interested in providing robots with the sense of touch. It is an essential modality that allows humans to interact with environment and people. it is used in manipulation and grasping of objects, whole body interaction, in exploration and in reactive behaviour (reflexes). Furthermore it is important for assessing contact parameters such as shape, texture, stiffness and temperature of the touched surface, for developing awareness of the body and for automatic responses (grasp force regulation). Sense of touch is also crucial for guiding motor behaviour (e.g, from controlling the body to perceiving the environment, as well as learning about and interacting with it).

New generations of robots are expected to operate in the dynamic and unstructured environment even more in collaboration with humans. Robots operating in these conditions must exhibit advanced forms of interaction with objects and humans requiring novel solutions in human-robot interaction processes. In this respect soft robotic devices are of particular interest to the robotics community because they have advantageous properties such as easy fabrication, low-cost, light weight, high flexibility, etc., but characterising and predicting their behaviour is challenging due to the non-linear nature of the hyper-elastic
material and their internal pressure. In order to control them it is necessary to monitor their kinematics, their interaction forces with objects in the environment and their internal pressure.

For these reasons, Perla's research is focused on the design of new technological solutions for tactile sensors to be integrated on soft robots. These soft tactile sensors will improve tactile based control of soft robots and will allow to investigate aspects such as sensory-motor coordination and how action and perception are coupled in a soft embodiment which are at the base of the effective utilisation of touch sensing for improving cognitive skills of robots.

Recent Publications

Exploring kinematic bifurcations and hinge compliance for in-hand manipulation: how could thick-panel origami contribute?

Liu C, He L, Wang S, Williams A, You Z et al. (2024), Advanced Intelligent Systems

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  title={Exploring kinematic bifurcations and hinge compliance for in-hand manipulation: how could thick-panel origami contribute?},
  author={Liu C, He L, Wang S, Williams A, You Z et al.},
  journal={Advanced Intelligent Systems},
  year = "2024"

SPADA: a toolbox of designing soft pneumatic actuators for shape matching based on surrogate modeling

Yao Y, He L & Maiolino P (2024), Robotics Reports, 2(1)

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  title={SPADA: a toolbox of designing soft pneumatic actuators for shape matching based on surrogate modeling},
  author={Yao Y, He L & Maiolino P},
  journal={Robotics Reports},
  publisher={Mary Ann Liebert},
  year = "2024"

Embodied active tactile perception

He L & Maiolino P (2023), IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, 1292(1)

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  title={Embodied active tactile perception},
  author={He L & Maiolino P},
  journal={IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering},
  publisher={IOP Publishing},
  year = "2023"

A toolbox for designing 3D-printing-ready pneumatic circuits for controlling soft robots

Wang S, He L, Yao Y, Liu C & Maiolino P (2023), Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(12)

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  title={A toolbox for designing 3D-printing-ready pneumatic circuits for controlling soft robots},
  author={Wang S, He L, Yao Y, Liu C & Maiolino P},
  journal={Advanced Intelligent Systems},
  year = "2023"

Touch Technology in Affective Human–, Robot–, and Virtual–Human Interactions: A Survey

Olugbade T, He L, Maiolino P, Heylen D & Bianchi-Berthouze N (2023), Proceedings of the IEEE, 111(10), 1333-1354

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  title={Touch Technology in Affective Human–, Robot–, and Virtual–Human Interactions: A Survey},
  author={Olugbade T, He L, Maiolino P, Heylen D & Bianchi-Berthouze N},
  journal={Proceedings of the IEEE},
  publisher={Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)},
  year = "2023"

Linkage-based three-dimensional kinematic metamaterials with programmable constant Poisson’s ratio

Yang Y, Zhang X, Maiolino P, Chen Y & You Z (2023), Materials & Design, 233, 112249

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  title={Linkage-based three-dimensional kinematic metamaterials with programmable constant Poisson’s ratio},
  author={Yang Y, Zhang X, Maiolino P, Chen Y & You Z},
  journal={Materials & Design},
  year = "2023"

Mathematical model and experimental characterization of vertically stacked capacitive tactile sensors

Baldini G, Staiano M, Grella F, Frascio M, Maiolino P et al. (2023), IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(18), 21341-21354

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  title={Mathematical model and experimental characterization of vertically stacked capacitive tactile sensors},
  author={Baldini G, Staiano M, Grella F, Frascio M, Maiolino P et al.},
  journal={IEEE Sensors Journal},
  year = "2023"

A tactile feedback insertion strategy for peg-in-hole tasks

Gibbons O, Albini A & Maiolino P (2023), Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023), 10415-10421

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  title={A tactile feedback insertion strategy for peg-in-hole tasks},
  author={Gibbons O, Albini A & Maiolino P},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023)},
  year = "2023"

Rubber-like soft lattice structure for anti-ballooning in fluidic elastic soft robots

He L, Wang S & Maiolino P (2023), Advanced Engineering Materials, 25(16)

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  title={Rubber-like soft lattice structure for anti-ballooning in fluidic elastic soft robots},
  author={He L, Wang S & Maiolino P},
  journal={Advanced Engineering Materials},
  year = "2023"

EDAMS: an Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Multi-grasp Soft sensing object recognition

Shorthose O, Albini A, Scimeca L, He L & Maiolino P (2023), Proceedings of the 6th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2023) , 00, 1-7

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  title={EDAMS: an Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Multi-grasp Soft sensing object recognition},
  author={Shorthose O, Albini A, Scimeca L, He L & Maiolino P},
  booktitle={6th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2023) },
  year = "2023"
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