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A portrait of Tianning (Tim) Tang, Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow and Course Director, Intelligent Earth CDT


Tianning Tang BEng, DPhil (Oxon)

Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow and Course Director, Intelligent Earth CDT

TEL: 0044(0)7708358272
COLLEGE: Somerville


Tim Tang is currently working as a Course Director of the Intelligent Earth CDT programme and also an Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford. He graduated with a BEng from the University of Nottingham. He moved straight to a DPhil at Oxford publishing 5 journal papers including three JFMs. He won first place in the Osborne Reynolds Day competition for the UK's best DPhil student in fluid mechanics. His thesis covered the analysis of field data, experiments, numerical modelling using two different models and the application of data science methods to ocean engineering problems.

His current research focuses on extreme events in fluid mechanics with an emphasis on machine learning, including data-driven predictions on extreme waves and extreme structural loading, considering leading order physics such as nonlinear wave dynamics and instabilities, breaking waves, and long-short wave interaction. His recent research on Rogue Wave has been showcased in BBC Science Focus.

Personal Website

Research Interests

  1. Rogue waves and statistics
  2. Machine learning-based metocean forecasting
  3. Fluid-structure interaction for offshore renewable energy
  4. Knowledge discovery with Machine learning in Fluid Mechanics

Current Projects

Intelligent characterisation of wave breaking with machine learning.


  1. Tang*, P. Tromans, T. A. A. Adcock, (2019) Field measurement of nonlinear changes to large gravity wave groups. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,873, 1158-1178. 
  2. Tang*, W. Xu, D. Barratt, H.B. Bingham, Y. Li, P.H. Taylor, T. S. van den Bremer, T.A.A. Adcock (2020) Spatial evolution of the kurtosis of steep unidirectional random waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 908, A3.
  3. Tang*, T. A. A. Adcock, (2021) The influence of finite depth on the evolution of extreme wave statistics in wave tanks, Coastal Engineering. 103870. 
  4. Tang*, T. A. A. Adcock, (2021) Data driven analysis on the extreme wave statistics over an area. Applied Ocean Research 115: 102809.
  5. R. Vogel, T. Tang, S. L. Dubon, J. Steynor (2021) Simulations of tidal turbine blade loading in flood and ebb tides, International Marine Energy Journal
  6. Tang*, T. A. A. Adcock, (2022) Estimating space-time wave statistics using a sequential sampling method and Gaussian process regression, Applied Ocean Research. 103127.
  7. Tang*, T. A. A. Adcock, (2022) A reduced order model for space-time wave statistics using probabilistic decomposition-synthesis method, Ocean Engineering. 111860.
  8. Tang*, D. Barratt, H. B. Bingham, T. S. van den Bremer, T. A. A. Adcock (2022) The impact of removing the high-frequency spectral tail on rogue wave statistics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 953, A9.
  9. Liu, X. Feng, T. Tang(2022) A machine learning model for wave prediction based on support vector machine. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 32(04):394-401.
  10. Li, T. Tang, Y. Li, S. Draycott, T. S. van den Bremer, T. A. A. Adcock (2022) Wave loads on ocean infrastructure increase as a result of waves passing over abrupt depth transitions. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. 23:1-9
  11. Wang, K. Ding, B. Zhou, J. Li, S. Liu, T. Tang(2023) Quantitative prediction of the freak wave occurrence probability in co-propagating mixed waves. Ocean Engineering, 271, 113810.
  12. Zhou, K. Ding, J. Wang, L. Wang, P. Jin, T. Tang(2023) Experimental study on the interactions between wave groups in double-wave-group focusing. Physics of Fluids, 35, 037118
  13. Liu, D. Eeltink, T. Tang, D. Barratt, Y. Li, T. A. A. Adcock & T. S. van den Bremer (2023) Comparison of breaking models in envelope-based surface gravity wave evolution equations. Physical Review Fluids.
  14. Monahan, T. Tang,T. A. A. Adcock (2023) A hybrid model for online short-term tidal energy forecasting. Applied Ocean Research. 1;137, 103596.
  15. Tang*, C. Moss, S. Draycott, H.B. Bingham, T. S. van den Bremer, Y. Li, T. A. A. Adcock (2023) The influence of directional spreading on rogue waves triggered by abrupt depth transitions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 972, R2.
  16. Tang*, H. Ding, S. Dai, X. Chen, P. H. Taylor, J. Zang, T. A. A. Adcock (2024) Data Informed Model Test Design With Machine Learning - an Example in Nonlinear Wave Load on a Vertical Cylinder. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. 146(2): 021204.
  17. Tang*, G. Ryan, H. Ding, S. Dai, X. Chen, P. H. Taylor, J. Zang, T. A. A. Adcock (2024) A new Gaussian Process based model for non-linear wave loading on vertical cylinders. Coastal Engineering, 188, 104427.
  18. H. Taylor, T. Tang*, T. A. A. Adcock, J. Zang (2024) Transformed-FNV: wave forces on a vertical cylinder-a free-surface formulation. Coastal Engineering, 189, 104454

    T. Tang, H. Ding*, S. Dai, P. H. Taylor, J. Zang, T. A. A. Adcock (2024) Quasi-impulsive reverse wave force on a vertical cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, accepted
  1. T. Tang, M. J. Yelland, T. A. A. Adcock (2019) The average shape of large waves in the Norwegian sea -- is non-linear physics important? 38th ASME International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  2. T. A. A. Adcock, X. Feng, T. Tang, T. S. van den Bremer, A.H. Day, S. Dai, Y. Li, Z. Lin, W. Xu, P.H. Taylor (2019) Application of 4-phase decomposition to the analysis of random time series from wave basin tests, 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  3. T. Tang, Y. Li, H.B Bingham, T. A. A. Adcock (2020) Comparison of two versions of the MNLS with the full water wave equations, 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  4. T. Tang, T. A. A. Adcock, (2022) A reduced order parameterization of random wave fields with deterministic wave groups, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  5. Z. Li, T. Tang, S. Draycott, Y. Li, T. S. van den Bremer, T. A. A. Adcock (2022) On rogue waves generated by abrupt depth transitions, 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering

  6. T. Tang, H. Ding, S. Dai, P. H.  Taylor, J. Zang, T. A. A. Adcock (2023) An experimental investigation of nonlinear wave loading on a vertical cylinder - Stokes type expansion and secondary load cycle, The 2023 International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies

  7. T. Tang, H. Ding, S. Dai, X. Chen, P. H. Taylor, J. Zang, T. A. A. Adcock (2023) Data Informed Model Test Design With Machine Learning - an Example in Nonlinear Wave Load on a Vertical Cylinder, 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering 

  8. T. Tang, Y. Chen, P. H. Taylor, T. A. A. Adcock (2024) Discovering equations that govern wave breaking evolution using scientific machine learning. EGU2024

Google Scholar


  • Robert and Maude Gledden Short Stay Visiting Fellowship (2023)
    University of Western Australia  
  • Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship (2023) 
    Reuben College, University of Oxford
  • Vice-Chancellor's Education Award (2022)
    University of Oxford, as Tutor in Opportunity Oxford program
  • First place in Osborne Reynolds Day competition (2022)
    UK best DPhil. in fluid mechanics
  • OMAE Outreach program Scholarship (2019)
  • The Institution Best Student (2017) 
  • The Institution Best Project (2017)
  • The Best Final Year Project in BEng Mechanical Engineering (2017)
  • IMechE Frederic Barnes Waldron Prize (2017)
  • The Best Student in BEng Mechanical Engineering (2017) 
  • High Flyer Award for academic excellence in Engineering Department 
  • President's Scholarship for academic year excellence (2015)
  • The Best Student of the Year Scholarship (2014)