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Zeynep Duygu Tekler MSc PhD

Postdoctoral Researcher


Dr Zeynep Duygu Tekler is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on occupant-centric smart building technologies and machine learning approaches for high-performance buildings. Her postdoctoral work, sponsored by the EPSRC/UKRI grant, involves developing scalable and cost-effective building technologies and implementing data-driven approaches for collecting and analyzing energy data at scale as part of the UK EDOL Programme.

Before joining Oxford, she held a Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in the Department of the Built Environment at the National University of Singapore. She earned her PhD in Engineering Product Development at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) under the SUTD-MIT International Design Center in 2021. Prior to her PhD, she received both her MSc and BSc in Industrial Engineering from Isik University, where she received the honor of Valedictorian.

Dr Tekler’s research has been published in top-tier peer-reviewed journals, and she actively serves as a reviewer for journals including Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, and Applied Energy. She was the recipient of the prestigious SINGA PhD scholarship and was awarded the SUTD Best Research Project Award for her patented work on an innovative occupancy-driven energy management system. She was also the winner of the SUTD 3MT Competition and the Asia-Pacific finalist in 2020.

Research Interests

  • Internet of Things
  • Occupancy Detection
  • Thermal Comfort
  • Smart Energy Management Systems
  • Machine Learning

Current Projects

The EDOL is an £8.7 million UKRI-EPSRC funded program, dedicated to collecting detailed longitudinal data on household energy use and associated socio-technical variables within the UK. This five-year initiative is focused on establishing a national energy data platform, designed to facilitate the country's transition towards net-zero carbon emissions.


Evaluating the sensitivity and robustness of occupancy models for building energy simulation during design

Ono E, Tekler ZD, Lam KP, Jin Y, Yan D et al. (2024), Building and Environment, 261, 111739

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  title={Evaluating the sensitivity and robustness of occupancy models for building energy simulation during design},
  author={Ono E, Tekler ZD, Lam KP, Jin Y, Yan D et al.},
  journal={Building and Environment},
  year = "2024"

Experimental evaluation of thermal adaptation and transient thermal comfort in a tropical mixed-mode ventilation context

Lei Y, Tekler ZD, Zhan S, Miller C & Chong A (2024), Building and Environment, 248, 111043

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  title={Experimental evaluation of thermal adaptation and transient thermal comfort in a tropical mixed-mode ventilation context},
  author={Lei Y, Tekler ZD, Zhan S, Miller C & Chong A},
  journal={Building and Environment},
  year = "2024"

A hybrid active learning framework for personal thermal comfort models

Tekler ZD, Lei Y, Peng Y, Miller C & Chong A (2023), Building and Environment, 234

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  title={A hybrid active learning framework for personal thermal comfort models},
  author={Tekler ZD, Lei Y, Peng Y, Miller C & Chong A},
  journal={Building and Environment},
  year = "2023"

Occupancy prediction using deep learning approaches across multiple space types: A minimum sensing strategy

Tekler ZD & Chong A (2022), Building and Environment, 226, 109689

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  title={Occupancy prediction using deep learning approaches across multiple space types: A minimum sensing strategy},
  author={Tekler ZD & Chong A},
  journal={Building and Environment},
  year = "2022"

ROBOD, room-level occupancy and building operation dataset

Tekler ZD, Ono E, Peng Y, Zhan S, Lasternas B et al. (2022), Building Simulation, 15(12), 2127-2137

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  title={ROBOD, room-level occupancy and building operation dataset},
  author={Tekler ZD, Ono E, Peng Y, Zhan S, Lasternas B et al.},
  journal={Building Simulation},
  publisher={Springer Nature},
  year = "2022"

Hybrid system controls of natural ventilation and HVAC in mixed-mode buildings: A comprehensive review

Peng Y, Lei Y, Tekler ZD, Antanuri N, Lau S-K et al. (2022), Energy and Buildings, 276, 112509

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  title={Hybrid system controls of natural ventilation and HVAC in mixed-mode buildings: A comprehensive review},
  author={Peng Y, Lei Y, Tekler ZD, Antanuri N, Lau S-K et al.},
  journal={Energy and Buildings},
  year = "2022"

Plug-Mate: An IoT-based occupancy-driven plug load management system in smart buildings

Tekler ZD, Low R, Yuen C & Blessing L (2022), Building and Environment, 223, 109472

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  title={Plug-Mate: An IoT-based occupancy-driven plug load management system in smart buildings},
  author={Tekler ZD, Low R, Yuen C & Blessing L},
  journal={Building and Environment},
  year = "2022"

User perceptions on the adoption of smart energy management systems in the workplace: Design and policy implications

Tekler ZD, Low R & Blessing L (2022), Energy Research & Social Science, 88, 102505

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  title={User perceptions on the adoption of smart energy management systems in the workplace: Design and policy implications},
  author={Tekler ZD, Low R & Blessing L},
  journal={Energy Research & Social Science},
  year = "2022"

Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Augmented Reality Game Promoting Environmental Action

Wang K, Tekler ZD, Cheah L, Herremans D & Blessing L (2021), Sustainability, 13(24), 13912

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  title={Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Augmented Reality Game Promoting Environmental Action},
  author={Wang K, Tekler ZD, Cheah L, Herremans D & Blessing L},
  number={ARTN 13912},
  year = "2021"

Near-real-time plug load identification using low-frequency power data in office spaces: Experiments and applications

Tekler ZD, Low R, Zhou Y, Yuen C, Blessing L et al. (2020), Applied Energy, 275, 115391

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  title={Near-real-time plug load identification using low-frequency power data in office spaces: Experiments and applications},
  author={Tekler ZD, Low R, Zhou Y, Yuen C, Blessing L et al.},
  journal={Applied Energy},
  year = "2020"
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